Tell me Veeky Forums, in what ways will Silk help me bloom?
Tell me Veeky Forums, in what ways will Silk help me bloom?
cashew milk > almond milk
But what about the estrogen user
Its cheaper than HRT :P
>estrogen in cashew milk
IS there estrogen in cashew milk?! I thought it was one of the safe ones!
All milk is basically liquid estrogen. Ranchers and Farmers use artificial hormones that produce 100000x more estrogen from bovines in their milk lactation. Big Dairy has suppressed the evidence but independent testing has verified the harmful effects of the estrogens, xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens, and other hormones that have had a marked effect on its consumer base.
>tfw drank a shitload of silk in college
Sissy traps should be required to drink it.
captcha: Trap
they're taunting me now
cashew ranchers?
Despite only making up 0.15% of the US population transwomen and transmen make up 38% of Silk's consumer base according to a 2016 study.
They mix estrogen with the water and plant feed to control and subject the male population according to MSNBC.
Can you give me a link to that?
I'm a delusional mentally ill tranny myself, and that would be an interesting read. I imagine because desperate people think it'll have an impact on them, when any from the soy would be minor at best.
Can I still drink almond milk?
Silk soymilk is shit, it has something in it that makes it feel like there's a slimy texture in my mouth. I'm assuming that it's to mimic the thickness of milk but it is pig disgusting. Also:
Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk best.
t. big dairy shill
Nutmilk isn't dairy, you dip.
It's still basically estrogen in pure liquid form.
>Farmers are allowed to add hormones to their animals
lmaoing at your shitty country
I'm talking about the United States idiot, the objectively best country to live in on Earth.
I'm a little skeptical of plants producing an animal hormone user.
They're called xeno and phyto hormones you fucking insipid piece of shit. You need to kill yourself today ASAP, nobody wants or needs your retarded ass dragging humanity down you fucking cowardly faggot. I suggest slitting your wrists but chugging any fluids under mommy's sink will work too.
Calm down user.