Wendy's twitter guy is great
frozen is more hygienic
I'd much rather the beef be frozen then "fresh". Them promising not to freeze the meat means they're gonna have to use chemicals, preservatives and other shit to keep it from rotting. Frozen meat is much better.
Not really, most bacteria simply goes dormant when frozen
Got any more of him? This is good stuff.
Thuggy-D? That you?
refrigerated trucks man
>not mummifying your meat for multi-year storage
You're never going to be a cook at Noma with that attitude
Or you know keep it in a refrigerator.
I don't give a fuck if it's frozen or not.
This isn't the fucking french laundry we're talking about here. It's ground beef in a fast food restaurant.
McLets, will they ever learn?
Goddamn, that hot little redhead is fucking SAVAGE.
theres no way thats real.
>Asking for a friend.
Why does this make it so funny?
It's 100% real. Wendy's twitter has been on a fucking tear for a while now.
fucking savage
y'all already forget bout this lil' beauty
>not mummifying your meat for multi-year storage
where's your dry-aged meat now?
I think this is one of those things where they say they will do something, and they might not even get around to doing it. it's just a publicity stunt.
They apologized for that and removed it because Pepe is racist. Fucking pathetic.
turns out the thought police have their work cut out for them
Wendy's twitter guy confirmed Veeky Forums user.
Pepe and the Rare Pepe Market are mainstream at this point. If the Wendy's guy doesn't browse Reddit (the more likely answer), then he probably just read about Pepe on KYM or some shit.
>They apologized for that and removed it because the main stream media declared Pepe is racist. Fucking pathetic.
one of us
one of us
one of us
>They apologized for that and removed it because the main stream media is a bunch of hooting primates and convinced Ma and Pa America that Pepe is racist, which could've led to Wendy's being boycotted. Fucking pathetic.
Yes, that's fucking pathetic.
>ma and pa america reading clickbait feminism news
hmmm yes sounds correct
Not if you follow basic food service procedures such as tracking grocery dates and avoiding cross contamination
>I have never worked in food service but my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge
*laughs in ebonics*
I'm not surprised PePe and our culture was co-opted. Coastal southerners have been co-opting the mountain men's culture for around a century, and hollywood has been co-opting LGBTXYZ culture. It was just a matter of time.
Well Wendy's burgers across the board are superior to McDonald's. So there's that.
You can't taste the difference between frozen and fresh hamburgers.
Jesus. Another stab at the alt-right and Trump. Take it to /pol/, homie.
Did you reply to the wrong post or are you just insane?
>Well Wendy's burgers across the board are superior to McDonald's.
I don't know why people think this. They're both equally shite.
It's still going to be made with cow's asshole and tongue regardless. No fast food joint will ever advertise "100% ground chuck" or "100% ground sirloin".
Well, you're right about them both being shit but they're not equal.
There's literally nothing wrong with cow asshole and tongue, stop being a clueless suburban housewife.
you're not even british
why the fuck do people say this?
shut the fuck up peon
Mcdonalds Burger Rotation Specialist here.
First of all Mcdonald's will probably not stop freezing beef as long as half its employees are mentally-challenged/druggies/teenagers.
Every job there is dumbed down to the lowest threshhold and idiots still fuckup everything.
>They forget to wash their hands
>they forget to put on gloves to handle the raw frozen "beef"
>they forget to take the disposable gloves off after handling the beef, then proceed to touch every clean surface
>can't even flip a burger right, proceeds to shred it apart
>they put the wrong soap in the soap dispenser
>despite then dispensers and soap being colored, shaped blocks of hard soap that fit in to the machine like sorting cubes
>literally hammered the shaped soap through the hole and destroyed the block
This is just back in the grill area, EVERYONE knows the type of fuck ups the service people do.
Mcdonalds are also the biggest fast food commercial shysters around. Do not trust a word they say on anything, theres always a catch.
>liberal meme image
didn't bother reading, don't give away your objectively terrible political opinions so early next time
they spelled Adolf wrong, fucking liberal reddit fags
Calm down you stupid fucking cuck. Not even liberal but the image is funny.
everyone's so mad
God DAMN. I kind of want to talk shit to them just to see how far I can get them to go with the burns.
wow, you got me
lol this fighting over young redneck fast food money
retarded image
>implying one has to be either SJW or "anti-SJW"
I belong to neither side and see where both are wrong and right. I can make fun of SJWs/liberals because they're pussies and won't do anything but call me ignorant, and I can make fun of conservatives because they're too dumb to formulate a response other than call me a cuck. Also, they're pussies and won't do anything unless they have a gun.
How silly to fight over tens of millions of dollars, amirite?
oh shit, an overposted ms paint comic!
i'm... i'm sorry, will you please take it down! I'm really sorry I have a different opinion from you, an mspaint comic all of us have seen a billion times is too far!
I thought it was billions
wow bro cool strawman you sure showed that SJW cuck who was the boss hahaha XD
Figured I'd lowball it to insult that user's excuse for intelligence even more.
damn bruh have you no mercy? he's shittin' all over himself now
>implying I don't support a candidate out of fear of being disagreed with
>implying I think "we're fucked"
>implying I think I'm smarter than and above everyone
Nope, just you and people like you. So desperate you have to post images made by someone else to speak for you because you're incapable of independent thought.
You'll post again because you're too desperate to get the last word in. But I'm not. Buh bye.
That image applies to you more than anything else since rather than defending yourself you're opting to post strawman images so vauge that they can apply to just about anything.
Stop posting on the shortbus, you're bothering everyone else.
>You'll post again because you're too desperate to get the last word in. But I'm not. Buh bye.
just bazinga my shit up penny
I'm not , the context that you used wew3.jpng just bugged me.
>being so desparate to get the last word in that you have to get the last word in after user says they left anyway
you ok bro? you need some water?
Fucking got em
im ok
lmao I guess we need to start counting your autism replies? that's one!
We look for love, no time for tears
Wasted water's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow
Good things might come to those who wait
Not for those who wait too late
We gotta go for all we know
Are you calling McDonalds a liar?
Stfu fag
If the soap is hard how does it get dispensed?
Not that user I work in a hotel kitchen but what he describes is accurate. The soap is a hard oval shaped block thats dumped into a dispenser that fucking beeps constantly at you when it's empty. It works by pumping hot water across the soap itself, mixing a solution and then coming out of a tube. Similar to a dish washing tab.
Ok thanks for responding, I always thought it was just liquid soap inside.
Yeah and you do nit mux and match the dergent bricks. We did it once when low on the dishwasher bricks and used the potwashing solution and there was an epic snafu
the election really killed every board didnt it
And we killed half of American politics, while turning the other half into clueless clowns.
I think we can do it again after we recover. You in?
Kek, roasted
i think when a thread about mcdonalds burgers turns into political arguments we have reached the point of no return. literally all it takes is one bait drumpf comment and a whole thread is gone
There's a big difference if you cook your own burgers. I don't know about fast food burgers.
Mods need to step up their game and keep /pol/ in /pol/
The constant conserviturd shitposting on this site is the only thing I don't like about it. It was funny for a while but it's old now. Shit stopped being funny a while back.
And by a while back did you mean "since November 8th 2016"?