>unironically cooking with cast iron instead of carbon steel
Unironically cooking with cast iron instead of carbon steel
how do i upvote
>Unironically cooking
Masaokis is my spirit animal, I cook with an clothes iron
>not copper lined with aluminum
top pleb
>his pans aren't folded 1000 times
I honestly think cast iron is a troll that got out of hand, who the fuck actually uses that thing othr than to sear>
>cast iron gets food crust
>no way to scrub it out because you cant scrub cast iron
yeah nah
the only pans you should own are coated ceramics
The people who unironically use cast irons, are the same people who unironically use double edge razors, field notes, and red wings boots. They're neo hipsters
You're alright
I think you might actually believe that. I cook in cast iron, have since I was a kid. What the fuck are field notes and red wing boots?
leave red wings alone
they're just a good workwear boot brand that got memed to hell by redditors
>tfw I use cast iron unironically
>tfw I use DE razors because my facial hair is coarse as shit and just gets ripped out by normal razors
>tfw I use field notes because I work construction and don't want wet concrete to get all over my phone
I only wear Brahma boots though because I wear them out in a year no matter how expensive or cheap they are. They crack through in the center where it bends and creases when I squat.
your great-great-grandparents slaves did
and if it was good enough for mammy then it's good enough for you, because I bet that nigger could cook fucking CIRCLES around your dumb ass
i cant find a carbon steel anywhere in my normal shopping areas. might have to go online.
literally the worst post on 6gag
>he dosnt live in the city that made griswolds
Treat your feet, user.
Also, cheaper is more expensive in the long run with work shoes.
>double edge razors,
Oh yeah because paying top dollar for Gillette to sell you razors that dull after 3 shaves is so much better than something that simply works and costs cents per blade
Get raped.
This, branded razors are shit and expensive.
>Using a razor at all.
No idea what field notes is supposed to be, or what's up with the old shoe store by my former apartment that was having a closing sale for the last 3 years.
Have both a carbon steel and cast iron pan.
I treat my feet in my regular shoes.
I wear nice insoles in my work boots if that's any consolation? I'm not spending $150 on something I'm going to get concrete and asphalt all over.
Unless you're a woman or have some MAJESTIC facial hair you probably look like shit.
They just replaced family dollar disposable razors with closed back hair collectors so that hair adds up and the blades stop working after 1/2 beard.
They got sharper and moustache shaving got piss easy, but otherwise this was an ass backwards move.
I'm pretty pissed. Why is this industry always backpedaling?
To sell you more razors of course.
I am so thankful for discovering how stupidly simple Double Edged Razors are. They clean easily and a blade tends to last 2-3 weeks.
Schick Razors were easily the worst Shaving experience I ever had. Gillette is good but once your hairs eniviatbly clog the "LMAO 3 Blade design" they're junk.
Also you need good Shaving Cream, stuff in cans is lousy.
I wouldn't say majestic, but I have a well kept wavy beard, about 6 inches in length.
Well at that point you're using scissors, but what about your cheeks?
Trimmers do well enough. They only ever get scruffy above the beardline if I ignore them for a good few weeks.
C'mon, man.
$150 for three years in one pair
Or $80 every year for a pair.
Do the math.
And they're work shoes, don't make.me.insult you for having a problem getting them messy.