Why don't non-Americans drink milk?
Why don't non-Americans drink milk?
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We do.
They do all of the time, unless you go to Asia in which case it's due to lactose intolerance.
And to be honest, even Asians don't give a fuck these days. There was stacks of milk on the supermarket shelves last time I was in Beijing and Singapore. None of it lactose-free.
You know that saying "In Canada, milk comes in bags?" Yeah, they drink milk outside of America. Fuck off, OP.
Canada is in America though.
>implying Canada is outside of America
u wot m8?
Being sandwiched between the upper boarder and Alaska doesn't make Canada "inside" America, dum dum.
canada is in north america
therefore canada is in america, the northern half
checkm8 tiny weenis atheist libcuck YEET
Canada is to the north of America, retard.
>yuropoor education
>tripfagging on fucking Veeky Forums
I'm American and I can't drink milk or eat anything with dairy in it.
My parents had me drink three 16oz glasses of whole milk each meal for years because they knew nothing about dietary needs and memed themselves into thinking I'd have bones of steel. I'd get bloated, stomach cramps, chest would tighten up, etc. Wasn't until High School I realized I got fucked out of enjoying 90% of the food we've got here in America.
Are you dense or something? What's your point?
ITT: Not knowing the difference between America and the United States.
Since cooking is the act of manipulating molecular structure of certain things all fir thr goal of a better taste, isn't Veeky Forums technically chemists? How are you all so dumb?
"America" only ever refers to the United States. There is no difference.
I always just say U.S. Am I the only one that does this?
No. People say America, US, USA, United States, etc... The point is that "America" only ever refers to the county. There is no continent or pair of continents called "America".
Canada is in North America, which is part of the Americas, but Canada is not in America.
Interestingly enough, the government helping the dairy industry in the past is why americans drink so much milk.
>The point is that "America" only ever refers to the county.
>implying a county is a country
the leaf strikes again
Funland here, we drink unnecessary amount of milk. in small fastfood places its standard that even a big tough biker orders milk with his burger. Cafeterias allways offer milk. Family dinner has milk. Milk is everywhere.
My best friend drinks milk for thirst.
OP should check facts before posting
>south sudan
somehow I doubt that
America is the only place where you can go up to a girl and freely ask for her milk, that's why.
US government created milk culture through propaganda with Big Dairy and Big Agra.
I'm an American. "White" as hell (race is legitimately a social construct but for this it needs context). I am lactose intolerant. It's pretty fucked up that I can't even eat cheese anymore without shitting out a chocolate shake.
Sometimes I just eat dairy products and then take the shit. I wasn't lactose intolerant before 2010 either. Really weird.
Korean here. I am the only non-lactose intolerant in my entire extended family (except for one uncle and two cousins). I'm not even kidding. Everyone has a huge diarrhea/stomach ache when they drink my milk.
When my parents got a jug of lactose-free milk, they fell in love with milk, showing that taste was not a factor.
Sorry, not "lactose-free" milk, meant to say those special milks made for lactose intolerants. You know what I'm talking about.
you know the official title of america is U.S.A. right? its slang to call the U.S. "america"
>be bong
>get called 'European'
>this is fine
>be leaf
>get called 'American'
>autistic screeching
>this is fine
You're no bong. No bong I've met in the 23 years living here has called themselves European.
Are you retarded? I drink fucking 2 qaurts a day.
Master eurorace 6', 199 lbs.
Iq 166. I love milk....
I don't drink milk because I was weaned decades ago.
I don't like the taste.
t. lactose tolerant yuro
I drink kefir tho.