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I've accidentally made it an entire week without getting shitfaced.
I went through two handles of tequila last week, finished it up on sunday, then have only had about 10 beers since then, and never more than enough to get a very light buzz.
Not sure what caused this but hooray?
Sounds gay. Shouldn't have had those beers.
I think the beers are what have tided me over. Otherwise I would've gone through at least a fifth and a half by now, especially after last night.
Why are these threads so recurrent on Veeky Forums? Is it the industry or something? I mean, I'm drunk right now, motherfuckers, but....I don't see these threads as much on other boards I visit...shed some light, please....
coming off aanother week long bender... the withdrawal is getting worse and worse everytime. Someone tell me i'm not going to die this time.
>chest pain
>"the fear"
burning up for days... I've ended up in the er twice this year, but they just check my vitals and send me home. ugh. I just want it to stop.
6 750's in three days
it's a food, it has cals
at least i'm not puking in the floor from blackout buying 4lokos this time I guess
Misery loves company dumbass
I used to love 4lokos. I'd get drunk but I'd also be sort of energetic. I loved that feeling.
Well, my man...this I get. But What is it about Veeky Forums in particular? What, is the food industry that bad?
VOKKA, I know...
/b/ moves too fast to write posts with the shakes the thread would be gone
Understood, but still...c'mon Veeky Forums this pops up too often...industry is full of drunks, eh?
It's a beverage. It's relevant.
I know...I just did a shot. But I'm feeling great and listening to some music while browsing Veeky Forums...who here has a cast iron wok by the way? My bro gave me one and this shit is large and in charge...just seasoned it...
I'm out of booze now except for a currently fermenting half gallon of wine. I was drinking 2-3 drinks a night for the past two weeks. What do you think is going to happen to me in the few nights lads?
I've been seeing a steady increase in my alcohol consumption over the last year since my last girlfriend dumped me. Stuck in an emotional rut ever since. I don't think I'm going to get over her for a good long time. Tips on avoiding totally giving in to alcoholism? I'd rather be able to still socially drink or get plastered at parties once I stop being a depressed hermit.
You ever have one of those nights where it seems you can't get drunk? And then it hits you like a fucking train in the course of a half an hour? Whats up with that?
You al/ck/oholics feel like giving some advice?
I'm looking to get into beer, but I'm having trouble finding one I actually like. I'm partial to sweet alcohols and mixed drinks (my go-to has been honey Jack since I could drink legally), and I hear people talking up the bitter beers like it's good shit.
Anyone know any good sweet beers I could try?
Trying to go sober for a month after drinking for about a month or 2 straight. Done it before. Hopefully I can again. Gonna lose my beer gut and workout hard, save the money I use for beer for my bst or something else and figure out what I want in life. Not in the best spot right now but I guess I'm surrounded by the right people. Pic related
Assuming you can find it in your area, it, and beers like it, you might like.
Happened to me a few nights ago and I fucked up my shoulder at a skate park and when I got home I blacked out. Feel like I need to cut back so I lower my tolerance.
Try some mikes hard. Cheap at my 711. 2 for $3.50 or try some reds. All i can think off the top of my head
I'm really glad I just tried to eat half a piece of bread... the puking has returned friendos, and right after puking the dopamine release actually makes me feel better.
puking isnt good for you breh
Don't drop hoppy beers, drink malty beers. I recommend Blue Moon Belgian White or Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse. Both are light on the bitter hops flavor and have a hint of fruitiness to them.
If I can survive until Sunday I'll be a week sober, but tomorrow I'm going to be around the most perfect woman I've ever met and I don't know if I have the skill to charm her without the juice
But then what if I overdo it and become a disgusting slob
better than the seizure I could have
i always laugh about this story
in AA once, this 50 year old woman started talking about how she didnt date, she "took hostages" and everyone started laughing
she glared at the audience indicating she was entirely serious
that's something I realized too. I clung on to multiple girls who had the misery of trying to fix me. they all left, sooner or later.
things like coming home to me half dead in the floor qualifies I think.
hello. question for you experienced al/ck/s
i've been drinking on and off for several years, but i recently lost my job and fucked up. i've been drinking about a fifth of vodka a day, (sometimes a bit more) for about 7 months now. about 3 months in, my heart would start beating really fast and felt like it was fucking up if i'd go more then like 12 hours without drinking, so i just kept at it.
i just recently tried to stop since my gf said she'd leave me if i didn't
this time the heart thing started about 8 hours after my last drink. here are some other symptoms. i'm about 14 hours in now and i'm wondering if i'll need medical help or what i should do, because i'm feeling extremely paranoid right now and nothing is helping, but its 1 am where i am and liquor stores are closed.
>bouts where heart is beating so fast i feel like its literally going to explode, but then it'll slow down again
>very shaky hands, sometimes they will cramp up and i can't move hands or arms for several minutes
>had episode about 2 hours ago where whole body started to shake, but managed to calm myself down
>very jumpy. small sounds make me literally jump like a jump scene from a horror movie
>get very sweaty, then it goes away. then get cold, then sweaty again
>very dizzy, sometimes feel like i'll faint, but food sounds awful, i know i'll throw up if i eat
>very paranoid and anxious, and because of this i can't sleep
>every time i'm on brink of sleep, start to feel weird like i am delusional, and beginning to dream, but not fully asleep, then i jump awake
>feel like i absolutely need to drink
i'm guessing it might get worse after reading up a little on this. not sure if i'm at risk for DT's. what should i do? just tough it out?
You're withdrawing you dumbass lmao
Drink some water, try to eat something light I'd recommend a piece of buttered toast or maybe some scrambled eggs, put on something to keep your mind off it so you don't get paranoid you'll fall asleep soon enough
"The fear" currently shaking with a little control... I've been trying to sleep since yesterday when I drank last but way too sick and jumpy. I killed 6 750's in three days so it's a little differnt, I've called 911 twice in the last year trying to quit. The biggest issue with withdrawal is risk for seizures. if you can keep from hitting your head on something maybe it's alright... girl being helpful? if you seize out maybe she can call for them at that point. what they'll do there is give you vallium and watch you for awhile. I dunno. I didn't think it was a great help. safe(r) though. You absolutely can die if your body gives out.
pic related it's what I feel like right now.
Don't ever go booze cold turkey. You can have a seizure, and end up paralyzed or die.
Not after only 8 hours, though.
Reduce your booze intake little by little. If you get the shakes, have ounce. And cut the vodka. Move to less brutal stuff, like Jack, or even brandy, and little by little move to more faggy shit, like lagers and whatnot. Or if you really want to quit, hit the hospital and go through detox so you don't die from withdrawal.
Show this to your gf:
Also, this guy is right. It's too soon for it to be dangerous. Get some chocolate or sweet cereal or something, and try to sleep. Just, make sure to drink just a little bit tomorrow when you get the shakes.
all the old AA guys did it that way... honey and OJ(if you're not puking stuff up) honey is good though. I've stopped after much longer binges and suffered through it but I don't really recommend it either.
Just curious, why would Jack be less brutal than vodka if they are both 80 proof?
I'm just riffing.
i drink to much
also, if you think you can, try fapping/sex. the amount of sensation from cumming is like 1000% stronger it's insane.
while in withdrawal*
Its a good thing that our bodies can only handle so much because everyone in this thread would be constantly drunk 25/8
You know whats fun? Getting really drunk and listening to sad music. Brings up a lot of shit that you thought you forgot about
If you want a song for how withdrawal feels, watch the video for "Hey Jealousy" by the Gin Blossoms. the guy that wrote it shot himself after drinking himself out of the band.
not a bad song. has a 90s feel to it
Fun fact: the part of the song where he says "You can trust me not to think" was originally written "drink"
idiot, use the catalog and ctrl+F. It's on page 8
link it you cunt
That's a hardcore amount of booze. Be careful bruh, I was on that dose up until early 2015, then found myself sobering up a few hours before collapsing so I'd slam another 70cl before bed. Drinking that much every day got me into fuckloads of debt, lost me my license (again), had me in hospital 3 times, had me calling 3 ambulances, had me stabbed, robbed and beaten up, threatened by my Doc that she'd section me if I didn't stop drinking and jailed 3 times. I managed to stop just over a week ago.
And relapse yesterday.
Don't they have alcohol threads on Veeky Forums? Writers are filthy druggies.
is the second dui as bad as everyone says? i have one and its been hell, people tell me that the second one will wreck you
I'm 8 months into a 3 year ban, paying off a huge fine and still recovering from thinking I was going to prison. Yes. Yes it's fucking horrible. I don't think I even want my license back after this shit.
> I don't think I even want my license back after this shit.
I don't want you to get it back either you fucking scumbag
Been sober for 10 days now. Appetites back and I feel great but the cravings are intense. Just hope I could go back to drinking moderately.
buy 2 beers. drink them hour each. your cravings will be gone
i would suggest not even trying to go back to drinking moderately if you are an alcoholic. you will inevitably get out of control again, quit, start again, quit, etc.. until you fuck up your life in some way and finally quit for good. either that or die early.
me everytime.
I don't I'll think ever be able to control how much I drink in a sitting again but I should be able to control how often I do it in time. A few months of sobriety should be enough if I can make it that long.
if you say so, but be careful. its very easy to wake up with a hang over and decide to drink, then do it again the day after, and the day after until you are addicted again. good luck
kys yourself m'man
>hitting your head on something maybe it's alright... girl being helpful?
Hit your head on a girl
>Ethanol is a poison, NOT a food.
So is potassium, and you're not ranting about bananas.
I have seven days today. Grateful to be sober after all the shit I've been putting myself and everyone around me through.
Go shit up another thread or make your own fucking wok thread. Let us have our alcohol abuse thread and fuck off.
like any drug go cold turkey and deal with it
or tone it down bro and force yourself restriction bit by bit.
That's a dangerous amount of alcohol though you aren't going to live long man if you keep this habit.
Seek professional treatment if you can't quit alone man it isn't beautiful what happens to alcoholics had them in the family.
my prayers your way.
don't cold turkey it man tone it down step by step and seek treatment. The amount you consume makes it too risky for you to just cut it out instantly.
Gordon's Vodka? Why!
I'm drunk, but I have no more internet and I want to watch some shows(Trailer Park Boys) and listen to some tunes, what do?
posting from my phone's hotspot, btw
aircrack-ng/reaver and rape a neighbor's wifi.
can't catch any other wi-fi's here, guess just gonna use my phone and then pay when I get over 2gb
Mobdro has a TPB stream for reference (in Shows) when you get it.
But it will literally not stop connecting to Bluetooth and draining the shit out of your battery.
I deleted it after 6 days. Not recommended unless you are always attached to a wall or can deal with 1% battery drain every 45 seconds.
I really thought this said wife and was so confused for like 3 minutes man this hurts
go to sleep man, I can recognize that stage
Last 7 years I've been secret drinking because my family know I'm an alcohol
So I would buy strong beers on the way home and drink them in bathrooms then a couple more in the evening
This was almost every day and I put a lot of weight on and sometimes my family would be suspicious
Anyway after a company party I got wrecked at I was able to go sober for almost 3 months and have been working out and dieting, the progress there helped make me not buy beer
Just recently though I got more responsibility at work and just like that something drove me to pick up a pint of vodka which I drank that evening.
Now I'm doing that about twice a week and spending the next day tired
2 pints a week ain't that bad but of course it will escalate so I'm trying to think of ways to distract myself so I stop the habit
Never had family, wife/gf I mean, I have parents though. But if you have children doesn't that motivate you to cut down. I always though it would me, but I'm starting to doubt it now, anyways, 7 years to keep it under control is pretty good, the shitty thing about alcohol is once you increase you never go back. My drinking has only been up since starting to drink, slowly and with plateaus, but never down. Good luck, but you're a grown ass man now and can decide for yourself what to do
i completely forgot to post this last night despite having great concern for alcoholics more far-gone than myself:
reminder to buy some 5-HTP over the counter and take some after a night of drinking, it will help balance your serotonin levels and can help stave off or reduce withdrawal symptoms (but you should still taper and never ever ever go cold turkey, that just makes everything worse in the long run and makes subsequent withdrawal worse than the last)
hobbies are immensely helpful, and as much as the "other fish in the sea" meme doesn't help, if your girl left you have to get over it one way or another because a relationship is cooperative and if one person chose to left that is their choice to make and it's not coming back
watch a twitch stream, try a new recipe, go for a walk, pick an anime/tv series to binge, click your way through wikipedia, main a board for a day or two, play a new vidya... just give your body a rest for a few days, the alcohol is always better after a break
it's maybe a long shot but try to find some La Fin Du Monde from the Unibroue brewery in Quebec
i'm not sure if it gets exported en masse to the states but it's my favourite beer, it's strong and has a strange citrus/spicy tastiness to it
A little time ago people were talking on here about a certain roguelike game that was supposed to be good.
What was it's name again?
I'm getting tired of the grinding mechanichs though
>getting more drunk than i should from the same amount ive been drinking
Tales of Maj'Eyal
thank my browser history
>Tales of Maj'Eyal
thanks man! Cheers!
If you like it, Elona is similar but much better.
>Relapse hard, back on vodka and lorazepam
>Wake this morning to find Paypal receipts for a new laptop, pc chair and desk, 12gb of corsair, a £300 GPU and 22 new steam games
FUCK. I mean, I know I need something to do other than get drunk, but I just absolutely raped my credit card, how the hell am I gonna pay for all this shit? I don't even fucking like gaming ffs
Wait, Katy Perry is an alcohol?
Not gonna lie I said that a few times ive gotten shit faced.. Green text time
>>buy $5 bottle of some dry shit and a bottle of jager
>>finish dry shit start pounding jager
>>go out with friend to drive around
>>blacked out picking her up
>>wake up next day at home don't remember how I got there
>>mom calls me freaking out
>>parked my car facing wrong way at end of the street
>>move it and shower
>>friend text me calling me an asshole says I made her get out of my car and I drove home
I've been trying to handle it easier so I just drink a 40 or 2 mikes hard or a loko and reds. Haven't drank in two days and I feel fine. Haven't had any cravings. Just been occupying my time playing vidya, work, and fixing my computer. You can do it. Just occupy your time and try to ignore those cravings and if you do just get something to give you a buzz and chill
Question was already answered
Got fucked over by some incompetent faggot in another department at work today who fucked up a project then tried to pass the blame onto me. Flat out lied to his director who sent my director an email saying the fuckup was my fault. Had an email from her when i got in telling me to explain. Spent 1/2 day getting backup and email evidence from another manager who knows the whole story. So fucking livid about the whole thing i know I'm going binge drink all weekend. Can't wait until monday when my boss is back so i can burn that fat motherfucker that tried to fuck me over.
Does 5-htp actually help? Obviously I know it wouldn't be a miracle cure but any thing to help would be good
gayest thread lmao
i dont drink and thats why im better than you
Man time always passes so much slower when you're waiting to drink. Why can't the sun just go down
I drink because the sun is up. And I'm allergic to it by some cruel twist of fate.
I feel weak. Thus I drink from 6am-9pm.
>Doing sudokus, drinking, and listening to beethoven again
>implying that drinking in excess constantly is enjoyable or desirable
I couldn't afford good bourbon if I did that
oh that is classy
>like any drug go cold turkey and deal with it
DT can kill you dead
>15min until cornerstore closes