my bf made me breakfast in bed, rate it Veeky Forums
My bf made me breakfast in bed, rate it Veeky Forums
Bacon looks good, everything else is shit. Are those pancakes but cut up? Why even?
It's a waffle the eggs is nasty too
Good intentions/10
I've seen dog food that looked more appetizing.
Damn fine meal
No he didn't.
I don't like this.
I think maybe she wants something expensive and didn't know how to tell you so you got this shit.
Oh, you guys sure have fun. Enjoy your cosy morning.
From looks alone it's a bit sad... the bacon looks okay. The eggs are an abortion the moment that cheese touched them, whatever is to the far left looks like trash and that waffle is a fuckin' mess.
2/10 only because the bacon looks redeemable.
Bacon, crispy fluffy.
Waffles, syruped.
Eggs, salted to perfection.
What's not to love?
well i like that he overcooked the meat but i dislike that he overcooked the eggs
>hubby material :D
>eggs are overcooked
>bacon is o v e r c o o k e d
>waffle is drowned in what is probably fancy-packaged corn syrup flavoured with maple-approximating industrial runoff
>cheese sauce on eggs is the only thing approaching good
>didn't make a cheese omelette instead
i make better breakfast drunk off my ass
>i'm drunk during breakfast
get help
Not him but I usually only shoot up after I wake up, I rarely eat breakfast.
i'll get help when you get the ability to cook eggs
Gross eggo
Overcooked bacon
Probably shit cheese on the eggs
Who dat nigga?
hubby material
I wouldn't eat those eggs to be honest, but it's the intention that counts.
be nice to your hubfu
shit/10 Dump that fucker right the fuck now you stupid cunt
What did he do wrong?
> soggy waffle-mush
> eggs covered in plastic-cheese
> burnt bacon
Does he hate you?
That was nice of him but them shits don't look right.
Wtf is on those eggs?
Why does all home-cooked American food always look so awful?
Its not
burnt bacon is best bacon.
That isn't burnt.
It is the though that counts/10