What's the opposite of REEE?
Because these are on sale today!!!
Time to Rev up that microwave
What's the opposite of REEE?
Because these are on sale today!!!
Time to Rev up that microwave
>chicken breast strips
they're tendies miss Perdue. don't try to hide it, just rock it with pride
at least use the oven
I'm not allowed to use the oven by myself
>What's the opposite of REEE?
>Because these are on sale today!!!
Do people seriously get excited about this shit? Crap-tier chicken that's microwaved?
Fucking christ, even if you're a manchild who only eats tendies at least make them yourself and fucking fry them so they have a nice crispy texture.
you're more likely to hurt yourself browsing Veeky Forums by yourself than using the oven
A tender is a specific part of the chicken, strips of breast aren't necessarily tendies.
Oh fug!
the vast majority of "tendies" are in fact made with breast meat rather than the muscle you mention. This ought to be obvious by shape alone.
Then they aren't tendies, they're chicken strips.
Or maybe chicken fingers.
It's all the same thing user. call 'em tendies, strips, fingers, whatever makes you happy.
As was previously established, a tender is a specific part of the bird.
You can't call generic chicken strips "tendies" any more than you can call them "gizzards" or "hearts"
>Because these are on sale today!!!
what store?
king kullen, the king of grocery stores
>As was previously established, a tender is a specific part of the bird.
to some people, like autists, it could be. But the point is that it's not a recognized term in the meat trade or the actual name of a muscle in a biological sense, it's just a marketing buzzword. This ought to be obvious by simple observation. You might want to believe that a "tendie" is a specific muscle, but the fact is that it's not.
>>You can't call generic chicken strips "tendies"
You can, and people do. 95% of what you see labeled as a "chicken tender" is actually made from breast meat.
haha laugh at him and his POOR Mummy.
mummy doesn't love you like my mummy!
Those tendies suck ass. I recommend Pilgrims chiky tendies
hey, cage free and no antibiotics is still better than most chicken out there
>tfw 2lb bag of nuggies goes on sale for $4
They ain't no tendies but they sho is good
Lol. "no antibiotics" applies to any and all chicken raised in the US. It's a federal law that antibiotics cannot be used in poultry, period.
When you see "no antibiotics" on the package it's totally meaningless because that applies to all chicken.
I'm on my way
Wrong, false fact peddler. The rule is that there is a specified withdrawal time before the chicken fed antibiotics can be slaughtered. In reality, there will be a great variance on how fast an individual chicken eliminates the antibiotic from their system. Secondly, I'm sure factory farms really follow that time period.
"Raised without antibiotics" means they were never fed antibiotics, numbnuts. Go see what other rhetoric methods Kellyanne uses and try those.
I checked, and you are correct. I was thinking hormones, not antibiotics. I stand corrected.
are you going to be this butthurt for the next 8 years that your candidate lost? fuck
No butthurt here, and I didn't support or vote for Shillary. Just gloating that the imbeciles that supported him are getting reamed the most by his policies.