mud, nice and hot
Mud, nice and hot
Yeah not funny. You just eat it and shit it out. Lets keep this to /b bros
do they really eat that? how is that edible?
This is my first time on Veeky Forums and I find it so fucking weird, it's like every single thread on this board is a shitpost. Do you guys actually talk about anything substantial here?
>hey HEY man NOT cool okay!!1!
>we are NOT mean on this board that the LORD our G*d (YWHY) has given to us
IIRC its special mud that contains a mix of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. It comes from under some kind of tree that changes the soil content near its roots.
I doubt that it's a good substitute for actual food but isn't a determent to your health.
they can swallow it. it's not really good for them and can be made with water from sewage. tfw nothing else to eat
Lurk moar newfaggot
Occasionally. Avoid fast food threads unless that's really your thing through.
it's mostly ironic
I think
I... hope?
>tripfagging on a food and cooking board
>I... hope?
Instead of planting seeds in the highly enriched dirt, they eat the fucking dirt....
we wuz kingz an shiiit tho
Every board on Veeky Forums is the same. Nobody posts board content, it's just thematic shitposting.
Well, there is this thread going on:
>thematic shitposting.
Well said.
i made attached pic from scratch night before last:
It's "Pizza Rolls w/ a ketchup sauce and alfredo drizzle sprinkled with dill"
the dry dill really makes it enticing
He's either extremely lonly or just autistic
at least the mud has spices, unlike white people "food"
You misspelled "retarded" you fucking moron.
Just leave.
there is a containment board for severe alcoholics
>He's either extremely lonly or just autistic
Hey now, Chef Lightning w/ the Kool Katz here. Nothing wrong with using a trip code.
Yes huh.
Fuck off.
You seem to have been triggered, better go take your autism meds
There is no medicine for autism.
Perhaps you could use google to not sound asinine in every post you make, user.
>There is no medicine for autism.
I beg to differ.
When there is literally no food... NO FOOD and you are starving, anything that fills your stomach will do. The saddest part is the villages actually have to buy/sell this.
It isn't really digestible. They eat it because they literally have no food, and at least it keeps your stomach full so you don't feel hungry all the time.
Ayyyyyyy Lmao
This is nonsense fake news. The CNN report that popularized this myth is a perfect example of fake news. The debunks are all over the internet and YouTube. Bottom line, these people don't eat mud because they lack food but because it's a local tradition.
Nice and african
And to think we voluntarily brought them into our country.
Is that McDonald's in Chicago?
Sand, smoking.
This is /juniormcchicken/ actually
Gave me an inner kek
>do they really eat that?
Good thing they kicked out whitey back in the day, right?
>special mud
Go back to Å•eddit faggot
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
gotta be both, user
ok real talk why did africa kick out all itss white farmers (100% of farmers) and sell its farmland to china?
because fuck white people, whitey is just keepin real niggas down.
then they found out whitey was actually keeping them alive and healthy and the chinese only want them for labor
It's mostly just shitposting but if you ask a question that isn't stupid, you'll usually get an answer.
love baked mud pies
god niggers are pathetic.
back to r/food with you m8
I have three months worth of risperdol that say otherwise.
Risperidone only makes autists lethargic. Not a cure
it is used to treat sympotms of autisim, therefore it is "autisim medicine." It doesn't have to cure autisim as autisim is a condition that needs no cure, or are you a shill for those frauds at Autisim Speaks?
Just because it's fine to eat, doesn't mean it's good for plants. Just like having good soil for plants, doesn't mean you have something to eat, lol, ask Ukraine.
Retarded commies that cause their own starvation