Why haven't you gone keto yet? This is a healthy meal if you are on keto.
Why haven't you gone keto yet? This is a healthy meal if you are on keto
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I like good bread, grits, pasta, and rice.
I don't have epilepsy.
I'm addicted to sugar
because I'm in shape without having to mind my diet due to working out regularly.
What the fuck was the point of that video?
i'm not a tremendous faggot who defines muh masculinity by how many meat products consumed per hour like the ron swanson wannabes you are inside
Not an office dwelling nerd who is insecure about my masculinity and don't need to cut down on shit whilst eating a meme diet filled with pseudoscience and "bros" saying it's amazing.
I make some of my meals paleo meaning meat, vegetables, fungi and no grain. But I like bread (make my own from unadulterated grains), rice and pasta; so often my meals contain those. I'm not going to follow some shilled fad broscience diet. I don't use processed sugars in my food or drink, I'm not overweight, so forget about converting me to your tribe. I eat sensibly, move around a good deal and don't need some late night show shiller telling me to buy his book and get thin.
Sugar tastes good faggot. Brush your teeth more.
I'm still trying to figure out where does people get energy from this diet.
people that are secure in their masculinity generally don't need to go around telling people how secure they feel in a food thread
And how can you get "gains" if you burn alla your fat for energy?
Show us your gains you fat fuck.
I couldn't take eating only veg&meat. Need some rice/potatoes/etc.
consume more fats
the imitation foods like sweet potato noodles or using stuff like almond flour is pretty good
Stupid question here, i apologise. .. what is keto?
Fad diet like atkins and paleo. Just ignore it.
Really good movies. Basically the opposite of a flick.
low carb, high fat diet
your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat for energy
Its like 60% fat, 30% protein, and 10% everything else
It's amazing even with the beard he still looks like a middle aged dyke
So.. like that paleo stuff?
No, it's not "like paleo." Way to show how much you've NOT been paying attention!
probably a similar outcome but my understanding is that paleo is no foods that humans didn't eat while keto is just avoiding carbs
so paleo can eat fruit, keto can't, while keto can eat pepperoni while paleo can't
Explain the difference, then.. enligthen me. Oh wise one
It's not my job to educate you you fucking brainlet, why don't you leaf through some nutritional literature.
*humans didn't eat in prehistoric times
i just eat
The idea is that your body starts burning fat instead of carbs. From what I can tell its fairly legit. I'm gonna give it a try starting next payday.
on paleo you are allowed to eat fruit and aren't allowed to eat dairy.
So. basically you cant, thats cool.
Duh, goolge it. Imma not gonna explain.
Are you sure? I know this tough paleo-goy who put butter in his coffee!
Let's be honest here, the difference between paleo and keto are minor. All these low-carb, high-protein diets are just copies of each other playing on people's desire to eat tons of fatty meats.
But I only eat about 850 calories a day and I don't loose weight.
I've done keto for two years. No more skinnyfat with hardly any exercise. Still an OCD 'sperg though.
It's easy once you get into the groove. When I want something sweet I just make some tea sweetened with stevia and erythritol. Erythritol is good because it prevents tooth decay.
Brace yourself for the smug edgelords who glibly dismiss everything popular as a "meme".
I avoid the non-paleo stuff like cheese too though because I'm a speshul snowflake.
Then you need to get off the couch and move around on occasion.
What's an average day for you, or what did you eat today?
I tried keto for a month and it completely fucked my digestive system
I've been on keto (low-carb) for almost three months now. Down 50 lbs. Works good.
I mean I only walk around my neighborhood for a couple of hours each night. Maybe I should run instead?
You do know the average male human between 5'6" and 5'10" burns about 1200-1400 calories/day just by existing, right?
Today I ate a big plate of hamburger and eggs with low-carb bbq sauce, with coleslaw. Then later I had a low-carb protein shake with coconut cream added. Then I ate an avocado with some raspberries.
Most days I fill up on rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, but I ran out.
I'm lazy and hate cooking, usually a meal is just pre-cooked meat + microwaved veggies covered in butter/salt/lemon/any low-carb sauce. Plus i try to eat an avocado every day.
How is sweet potato, the sweetest, starchiest shit, allowed in a keto diet?.... it's as sugary as a can of fucking soda
A celebration of bread and an examination how we determine the value of certain foods.
lol wut?
Is he Paul Joseph Watson's lesbian aunt?
The internet says 1 cup of sweet potato is like 110 calories and 27 g carbs. That's like half or less of a full size sweet potato or garnet yam. How the fuck are sweet potato noodles keto lol. A coke is 140 cals and 39g carbs...
I've never heard of sweet potato noodles... maybe he's thinking of spagehtti squash. I prefer zucchini noodles the best.
>average male human between 5'6" and 5'10"
Planet of the Manlets
There's sweet potato flour, but that also hardly seems keto. You probably could make sweet potato noodles by hand but i dont think theyd hold together well?
Also yeah, love me some zoodles
I meant shirataki noodles
that's impossible, you're eating 2500 or so and lying to yourself
Can someone help me with keto? I hate meat. If I try to sit down and just eat a rib or a steak I want to kill myself. If I try to cook ground beef and eat it I'll vomit.
I can only eat meat when its taste is heavily disguised by butter, cheese, bread, sauces, seasoning, etc.
What is it, OP? Recipe?
Tofu is keto and tastes like nothing.
>I can only eat meat when its taste is heavily disguised by butter, cheese, bread, sauces, seasoning, etc.
If you make some kind of low carb bread, like with almond or coconut flour, this is fine too.
Why force yourself to eat keto in such a situation, that's just asinine. You can substitute meat for some vega shit, or fish or chicken, whey powder. You have some option but it will likely not last.
Never mind, found it:
Honestly if I could survive entirely off of only dairy products I would, they are the only foods that I both enjoy and which don't give me digestion issues. But then I'll get anemia and die.
Why the fuck haven't low-test nu males like you been shot yet? Day of the rope when?
Can anyone recommend a good book that explains keto, how to figure out everything, and maybe some good recipes for it?
yah thats the point of keto, to replace carbs/sugar, with fats/oils as the bodys primary fuel source. . on the presumption that it makes the mind more effecient. (anecdotal evidence)
live a lil' (;
the body was used to it's previous diet. where you eating ok before?
You don't need a book, Wikipedia is just fine:
>> how to figure out everything
There's really nothing to figure out. Just eliminate carbs from your diet.
what has epilepsy to do with keto?
it was originally used to treat epilepsy
(the hundreds of thousands of calories stored on the body as fat)
And the hundreds of thousands more you eat while on it.
Because diets are for low iq, insecure, and anxiety ridden fatties with no self control. Count some calories instead.
> I'm under 40
it seemed good until cream cheese and mayo, maybe blue cheese and something else could replace?
sure, if you eat over your TDEE. most people don't, because fat is so satiating.
Sour cream, if you must replace it?
>> I'm under 40
>I'm over 40
Whats your excuse for fucking up?
>Just eliminate carbs from your diet.
And yet OP's recipe uses cream cheese, which is a milk product, which has lactose, which is a sugar, which is a form of carbohydrate. . . .
because you atkins bros gas out after about 5 minutes of cardio and cant catch us or hold your aim steady
Can you drink beer on keto? I could totally do this diet, but not without beer.
It's suffering, I'll warn you
I've never wanted a nice slice of toast so badly in my life
Best diet is 100% protein.
Alcohol has more calories per gram than fat and beer is full of carbs.
I didn't see you say no
I am on keto. I've lost 70 pounds.
>two clementines per day max
no thanks.
You can't really drink good beer.
You're limited to mich ultra, bud select, etc
Fuck that then. I spend most nights hanging out at breweries
Probably why you're fat desu
Carbs aren't 100% eliminated, just mostly. It's like 5% of your intake or something.
Fat has 9 calorie/g, alcohol has 7.
you can drink vodka, kind of. on an empty stomach only. if you're not empty enough to be hungry, your body will store whatever it has in order to process alcohol. alcohol is like crack for your metabolism.
ecks dee
It's EXTREMELY hard to eat even moderately healthy avoiding carbs. Enjoy losing weight a little faster but don't be surprised if you get health problems in your 30s.
>implying bread and sugar are healthy
>>implying bread and sugar are healthy
You realise there's more to carbs than processed grains and sugar right? Generalising like that is like saying fat is bad because bacon and fried chicken is bad. Eat some vegetables, fruits and legumes. Good bread is also healthy.
I've done so for a while. What started to annoy me was preparing breakfast and lunch each day. It's can be really time consuming.
Bread is certainly healthy, except for the sodium. Wheat has a bunch of significant antioxidants as well as short-chain fructans, a prebiotic bifidogenic fiber.
Also there is an interesting study where all they did was force-feed American fatties 10 slices of bread a day, plain. Of course they all lost weight (carbs keep you slim)
too poor for an avocado a day?
I'm raising some avocado saplings right now for this very reason, $1.50/hass avocado is ridiculous even though I love them so much
>Evolve for million of years ,
>Become super efficient at using fat , can only get carbs from berries and wild fruit ( less than 2g of sugar per 100 gram )
>Introduce agriculture
>Tooth decay , cancer , cold , flue , cough , diabetes , obesity , anorexia .
>Can life of off dead animals and wild berries and nut for millions of years
>Suddenly scientist* start telling us that grain is essential and animals are bad for you .
* Big pharma and agro