Is drinking domestic beer the ultimate blue pill?
Is drinking domestic beer the ultimate blue pill?
Yes, but don't be that guy. You know the one.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Also, macro lagers a shit.
If by 'blue pill' you mean the equivalent of thinking Olive Garden and McDonalds are the best restaurants, and Big Bang Theory and Greys Anatomy the best TV shows, and super hero movies the best films, and rap and country are the best music, and Trump and Hillary were deserving presidential candidates, and a bunch of other dumb shit
Hello CTR
I don't know what that means
... This is an anonymous imageboard. Why the hell does everyone here give so much of a shit about others' opinions? That's normie think, Holmes.
If you only drink domestic lagers, and you're drinking a domestic lager, yeah, nothing changes, blue pill.
If you only drink domestic lagers and suddenly you change your mind to a Victoria BC brewed Gose with star anise, himalayan sea salt and lightly charred serrano chillies... if only physically, it will open your eyes. Instant red pill, whether you like your new reality or not.
Would you rather be Flea, or left to wonder if behind narrow doors in all of your favourite bars, men in woolen coats are getting kicks from things you could never comprehend?
>... This is an anonymous imageboard. Why the hell does everyone here give so much of a shit about others' opinions? That's normie think, Holmes.
People need to stop giving such a massive shit about the opinions of others.
And I don't mean they should start intentionally doing shocking shit. That's just a teenager whining for attention.
Do the shit you like to do. If someone loves it, fine. If someone hates it, fine.
The blue pill is constantly talking about red and blue pills.
Thank you for correcting it
> I care what other people think instead of doing what makes me happy: the post
Beer snobs should be culled.
My favorite beer is Rochefort 8, but sometimes instead of a $6 12oz bottle of beer, I want two 40s for $5, or 4 tallboys of domestic shit.
Kill yourself.
>favorite beer is a meme euro beer
>also is super fucking poor so
Just stop man
Domestic beers are the best in the world... as long as you don't buy macro garbage like bud.
There was a group called Correcting The Record that posted pro Hillary memes on Reddit and Facebook, and somehow that evolved into /pol/ deciding that there's a massive conspiracy of paid shills and they all get paid to post pro Hillary things on Veeky Forums.
Ironically it was Reddit that popularized the idea of this being true, and evidence consisting of Veeky Forums posts was used as proof that it was all a big conspiracy.
/pol/ is without a doubt the most cancerous board.
>IPA after IPA after IPA
I would rather drink Bud desu.
well thats dumb. Drinking bud is basically just drinking straight carbonated water
More like dirty dish water. I couldn't choke the stuff down fast enough to get a buzz.
Malt liquor is the thinking man's beverage. Preferably Natty Daddies or Steel Reserve.
budweiser you cant barely call "domestic" anymore
The best thing to do is drink what you enjoy regardless of origin or the opinions of others.
What are you, a faggot?
OP here, I'm glad I caused such a shit storm.
No, reddit is.
I don't give a fuck
if its got alcohol, gimme
I realize this is the alcoholics answer
but if you claim to drink alcohol for "taste" or "brand" you're lying to yourself
>OP here, I'm glad I caused such a shit storm.
>images saved to your desktop
There's a lot to talk about in this image but the fucking crayon in your pen cup is killing me, jesus christ.