How can red licorice even compete?
How can red licorice even compete?
Look at me, duda. This is none of my business what colors you choose of your dildo ropes.
care for a wheel instead?
Cant. Cause the rednstuff isnt licorice.
t. Connoiseur.
finns need to GTFO
I don't like to eat it but i do admit i like looking at it, it's quite aesthetic.
Who the fuck eats licorice?
I am serious, who the fuck....eats licorice?
How is there a market?
I hate licorice, but I can kind of see why some people might like it.
I do like anise and fennel, but I wouldn't want to eat candy with those flavors.
Good black licorice causes more cavities than bad non-black licorice.
>Black licorice with salt
Is there anything better?
Northern Europe loves licorice.
Intriguing. I mean, I can do black sambuca....but thats only because it gets me pissed.
>northern europe
>good food
choose one
>Noma is a two-Michelin-star restaurant run by chef René Redzepi in Copenhagen, Denmark
>In 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014, it was ranked as the Best Restaurant in the World by Restaurant magazine.
That's because they serve meme food, come on now
Oh come on, you can't expect anyone to believe that an overreaction restaurant means scandi food is somehow appealing to anyone except bland scandis who get diarrhea if they eat anything less bland than a slice of untoasted bread topped with boiled potatoes, cream, and dill.
The whole "fancy scandi food" movement is akin to America's overhopped, overboozed "craft beer" movement. It's the extreme overreaction by people who live a food desert that proves the existence of the food desert. Like Republicans raving about child molesters everywhere, and then getting arrested every 2 weeks for child molestation.
Yes and America's "over hopped and over boozed" craft beer is now considered some of the best in the world, up there with the trappist ales of europe.
And yet, fully one third of all beer consumed in America is a single beer from a single brand: Bud Light. Let me break that down for you again. Not a single style. Not a single manufacturer. A specific, terrible beer represents ONE THIRD of all beer consumed at all times
And likewise, Scandi food is largely grey and beige slurry with the occasional sprig of dill for decoration. Sometimes if they are feeling exceptionally daring and celebratory, a thin slice of lemon will be placed upon the plate, "for effect" (it would never be added to food because the scandi might get violent explosive shits)
But like butt blasted americans, whose drinking culture was obliterated a century ago causing them to flail about desperately for validation using IBU scores, americans bleating about muh DIPA DIPA IBU while desparately hoping nobody notices the dumpster full of bud light empties, the butthurt scandi raves about MUH NOMA MUH FAVIKEN while popping anti-diarrheals and gingerly pushing that lemon slice away from the open-face herring in cream sauce sandwich, lest the open-face herring sandwich accidentally come into contact with it, trigger flavor sensations heretofore never experienced, and cause the vulcan facade of emotional control to break down completely
Yes whats popular isn't always good.
I think the people who rated noma best in the world knew what they were doing though. I have a feeling they know more about food than you.
holy shit
you're fucking obsessed
I like how you've moved the goalposts from defending the notion that scandis have good food, to "well, the 3 people who sat on the michelin board of judging I bet know more than a guy I'm arguing with on Veeky Forums"
But at least we've agreed that scandi food ''''culture'''' is shit and that is the important part
>waah waah can we please make this thread about the WIDF?
No, sorry. Make your own thread, it was just a parenthetical remark to further illustrate the point about scandis
I never said scandi food was good. I've never had it so I can't form an opinion on the stuff, but pickled herring is delicious.
Just because you don't like a country's cuisine doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to figure out why it gets the praise that it does.
There are a lot of great video games I dislike, but I can see why they get the praise that they do. Same goes for music.
Where did the Scandinavians touch you?
I always thought black licorice was disgusting, still do in fact, but my friend from Sweden brought me some salted black licorice that was really good. Haven't had any since but that batch was ace.
You didn't? Then why did you bring up Noma as a refutation to that guy making a crack at northern europe food?
>just because you don't like a country's cuisine
I like scandi food. Subjectively. I pretty much like most traditional foods even if, objectively speaking, they have no merit. Like, I fucking love ecuadorian food, and yet, objectively speaking it's pretty shit wouldn't you agree? Fucking greasy rice with a side of french fries topped with mayo? So if the EIDF comes onto Veeky Forums raving about how la comida andina es #1 he's going to get his shit pushed in, by me. And so it was with scandi food.
I'm glad we've reached an agreement on this, now carry on about the licorice.
Holy fuck man calm down.
I'm not the same poster as the noma guy.
Your rant about scandi food didn't really prove anything, except that you're not fond of scandi food.
If the best restaurant in the world, for multiple years, is serving one style of food, then I think it's safe to say that style of food is good. That's how I see it. The dishes I have seen look delicious as well.
But he's not scandi barbarian he's from Eastern Europe and he doesn't make barbarian food, he makes hipster garbage with locally sourced weeds. It doesn't matter he's in Mexico now and will never return because he's finally tasted real food.
>If the best restaurant in the world, for multiple years, is serving one style of food, then I think it's safe to say that style of food is good
Pretending noma actually resembles whatever grey goo uncle sven eats every day in hammerfest is like pretending that eleven madison park is serving exactly the same thing that uncle cleetus eats every day in west porntruckstopville, wisconsin. They are not "one style of food" unless you define "style" strictly as "anything that has ever been served within a specific geographic region" in which case, cannibalism is part of every country's cuisine because it probably happened once
northern european cuisine is sh-
>red licorice
Do Americans really do this?
that looks like chunky vomit, i don't know what point you're trying to prove.
Sir, there's soap on my plate. Can I get a side of ranch?
Yeah this looks terrible
-tty french cuisine