wondering what meats taste like beef so my indian friend can have a proper burger
Wondering what meats taste like beef so my indian friend can have a proper burger
Beef tastes like beef. Maybe buffalo?
You know what to do.
Buffalo or bison. Bison burgers are fucking amazing.
Make a black bean burger. Season the fuck out of it with Woostah sauce. Then hand it over to him.
lamb is close enough. if you season it heaps, it will taste pretty similar
Lamb burgers are p. tasty.
Do this.
Just give him beef and tell him its something else. Unless you think angry imaginary sky cow is gonna hit you with lightning.
but that would be dishonest
Ostrich. Seriously.
Venison, bison
>angry imaginary sky cow is gonna hit you with lightning.
They don't do that, they drop a load of bullshit on you.
why dont they just drop it in the l- oh.. I understand..
Ostrich is pretty similar. Horse also.
human flesh taste more on dogmeat/alligatormeat than beef as long as you dont get in the inguinal or underarm area
Lamb burgers are called kebabs.
he might be allergic . has he developed antibodys to meat? ... yah i'd suggest seitan? its a gluten based food.(wheat protein) said to have a meaty texture... season it well. experiment
Why can't he eat beef?
Ostrich and Kangaroo but they're not quite beef like maybe combine with some boar meat.
Observant Hindus don't eat beef because the cow is a sacred animal.
The answer is ostrich.
so he can, he just won't.
you could use a stock or even an animal-fat to cook the seitan with so to give it that taste.. its not it's meat but may just be the way to do it. let your friend know.
Deus Vult that mother fucker and make him a proper meal.
Civilzation with proper sanitation doesnt come with a dot on your forehead.
>Civilzation with proper sanitation doesnt come with a dot on your forehead.
Doesn't come with a 300. lb overweight, diabetic gut waddling through Walmart and shitting it's pants either.
What's your point?
HAHA!! dumbass. I shop at Meijer's.
Looks like the Poo in the Loo brigade has arrived in full force.
Quick! To the designated shitting streets!
What's going on in this pic?
Mix 2/3 bison to 1/3 lamb.
Moose is pretty much dead on.