Ask a homeless Taco Bell employee anything
Taco Bell
What's the smallest amount of money you'd suck a dick for?
About tree fiddy
Rate their retirement package
That's not a serious response. Fuck you and fuck your thread.
Where do you sleep and shower at?
do you consider taco bell ur home
A gym
And the retirement is paid in nachos
Well nobody is gonna lowball their offer they'll always want to leave a bit of wiggle room for negotiation.
Is the food as bad as I assume it really is?
whos the ass that fucks up my burritos
Nobody wants to fucking bite into a mouth full of guac yknow
how old are you? what area do you live in? how do you deal with suicidal thoughts?
If they have homeless fuck ups working there then it's not a stretch that they have all sorts of other retards who can't manage to make a borrito
No, the hash browns are amazing!
I like black beans and guac
Almost 30, east coast, I manage them best as I can
How did you manage to get in your predicament?
Do you have a car and do you think life is going to get better for you?
you sleep at a gym?
No, I take the bus
Probably will be okay,? This is my first official day of homelessness
What happened for you to become homeless?
Do you have any plans to get a new home
Whoa, Rosebot is homeless? How did that happen?
I've worked with 2 homeless people at Taco Bell before. One still works here and is a massive asshole who throws temper tantrums and and the other no longer works here. The GM of my store allowed the latter to sleep by the dumpster. He smelled like shit and was an idiot.
Do you think just because you have to sleep under a tarp after a hard days work I should have to pay you 15$ an hour?
sorry to bust ur bubble but you can't be homeless and have a job anywhere. they require ID/address/phone numbers/ etc so piss off. Also you don't have internet if you are homeless.
Not unless you started out with an address, I've been there, man. You can swing it.
Shit, dude. Without a car to keep your shit (relatively) safe... Don't say where you keep it, but I'd worry the fuck outta my shit.
I was lucky enough to live where there's beach parks w/ showers in roofless yet enclosed space.
Being homeless w/ a car is doable while still working, but unless you have extremely solid homies to watch your shit, it's hard as fuck w/o a ride. I mean... where do you stash ur weed while on the clock?
I've got a spare room if you need somewhere to stay op.