What food do you guys eat when you have an upset tummy?
What food do you guys eat when you have an upset tummy?
I had food poisoning a few months ago and after my spewing had trouble eating for the next couple of days. Luckily my gf sat by my bedside and watched movies with me, fed me crackers and toast and kissed me on the forehead and rubbed my tummy so I felt better.
cottage cheese, yogurt, ricotta
chicken noodle soup with a side of soft, slow blowjob from my cute girlfriend
When I had stomach flu my wife took a few day soff work to just played videogames with me and she gave me toast and bananas to eat. Had my appetite back completely by a few days.
do gfs really do this or are you meming me?
Lots and lots of water, soup broth, plain crackers and brown rice in bed with netflix and my girlfriend to keep me company.
You complete and utter retard.
Fuck off back to Facebook.
my gf is a nurse so she would make sure I was super comfortable and gave me lots of lemonade or ginger ale and toast as well as cuddles
I also go with dairy here.
Usually just rice with salt or tea with my girlfriend next to me watching 90s simpsons on the laptop
dairy is ESPECIALLY bad for a upset stomach
salt water, baking soda water, epsom salt water
anything to induce shitting.
>he doesn't know about probiotics
holy shit what a fucking LOSER
ginger and honey are both good for an upset stomach, I would have honey on toast with some ginger tea.
I sit on the toilet and violently finger my ass until I spew liquid shit from it, into the bowl.
Or take a sal-picot with wawa. Whichever is easier. Depends on the situation.
Saltines and gatorade
ginger is the best
thats good man.
I don't know what I've got, but whenever I eat something kind of heavy I barf/feel like barfing. This only started happening recently. Last week I ate a frozen lasagna and 20 minutes later I barfed it up. Yesterday I ate a couple slices of frozen pizza and I got the same feeling as when I ate the lasagna but took an alka seltzer before it was too late. Why am I getting sick from stuff I used to be able to eat? Do I have a bug?
patrick bateman
>Lots and lots of water, soup broth, plain crackers and brown rice in bed with netflix and my girlfriend to keep me company.
fine, very good ;)
I have a horrible stomach flu, all I want is to drink gallons of water, but I just puke it out and dry heave for a while if I do.
Someone lend.me their gf
>can't keep anything down/just threw up
I don't eat anything except for ice chips and ginger ale for a day. Then I carefully try juice and other light meals
>feeling queasy
ginger ale and nothing heavy
After throwing up, the first 12 hours should be nothing but sipping ice water. Stagger it, a sip every ten minutes. See how you feel. If you throw up again, sip less. If you make it through half the day, you can graduate to sipping Sprite. If you make it another twelve hours doing that, try a saltine cracker. After an hour, if you're okay, try another. Eventually, you'll level up to toast, then bananas and/or applesauce, then chicken noodle soup. Keep it up after three days, and assuming you haven't barfed at all, you should be ready to start easing into your normal diet. Give it a full week before you return to 100% intensity. That's what I've always done, and it always worked great for me.
Baking soda