Im gonna miss you Veeky Forums you guys were great
Im gonna miss you Veeky Forums you guys were great
Other urls found in this thread:
For me, it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
I know right?
feel free to return whenever you want
>mfw I crossboard /co/ and Veeky Forums anyhow
You can still post on the merged boards as of now
Mods are truly weird this year
Sadly, /cock/ was better. That or we need to do boardwide themes more regularly.
It would be sweet if they just left the merged boards as hidden boards.
I dunno if the mods are that weird though.
They are....
For now
I only know these characters from exhentai.
same here
/co/ and Veeky Forums are pretty much my only boards, /cock/ was literally perfect
these characters are not to be sexualized
well the most popular hentai comic does sexualize them but holy hell does it put any romantic fanfic/fanart to utter shame
>TFW I've been doing this since both boards existed.
Fuck off
I think I'm gonna start coming to Veeky Forums now. That was really fun.
We're not normally that fun. We mostly argue about the McChicken, Jack, and meta bullshit.
How bout you don't!
Hey Veeky Forums, sorry any discussion you wanted to have was drowned out by screeching Samurai Jack fags.
Not true!
Haha commmito suicido!
What happened?
April fools day and Hiroshima Nagasaki merged some boards as a joke recommended on /qa/. Several boards got merged, creating boards.
We had:
and a few others I don't recall right now.
Honestly, they were all pretty neat to lurk though.
why would hiroshima do this? /out/ is the most pure and innocent boards out there and you pair it with /soc/
and apparently the reason why nagasaki didnt merge /r9k/ was that he was afraid there might be a violent incident afterwards
You first bud
Reminds me of that time /pol/ got /po/ into trouble.
Such a slow, innocent board who loves paper crafts, only to be labeled as nazis and shit.
I'm sure not gonna miss that sticky. Newnipponmoot really got me. Respect.
>steven transsexual universe
You won't be missed, please go back to your containment board.
Also had
same and also those gifs of the girl as a futa and the guy as a trap
I deliberately avoid this show because I know I'd want to bone that girl and I'm not ready for this kind of degeneracy
>Americans will actually believe this
Your "cereal" is just milk soup.
she's 14 you sick fuck
that's perfectly legal in many places and only one year off where I'm at
can't fault me for being attracted to innocence, r-right?
fortunately she's 2d anyway
In what way is real cereal different, then?
I wonder what the /r9k/ and /soc/ overlap is, they seem like exact opposites but the few times I've gone to check them out they both sounded the same, and a lot of the threads (and anyone in them) could be in either one - that sounds like the combination that would be the most likely to cause physical violence though
I'm curious how long those are going to exist
Any of you Veeky Forums guys (who weren't already also /co/) going to be coming around to post on /co/ a bit from now on? Any new comic and cartoon fans now?
I think I'll be posting a bit on Veeky Forums because it sounds good.
Goodnight Starcu/ck/s
I think I'll start going to /co/ you guys seem alright.
>well the most popular hentai comic does sexualize them but holy hell does it put any romantic fanfic/fanart to utter shame
>Take McChicken sandwich.
>put slice of pepper-jack cheese on it.
>Call it the Samurai Pepperjack.
Somebody should be apologizing for that to /co/ like every day.
>tfw /co/ and Veeky Forums have been my main boards for the past three years
I am a /cock/sucker at heart.
Between Friends by area, it's currently on its 63rd page still ongiong and it drags on forever so patience is key to reading this
Just for April 1st.
Worst board
I'm a co/ck/, not a /co/ck, and I was one of the screeching Samurai Jack fags.
>tfw I didn't get to watch it with those guys as /cock/
Great, now I've handedly bound the components of at least one of the fused boards together.
Thanks, hiroshima.
Holy shit I've never felt so cockblocked by a comic before.
/soc/ is mostly made up of autistic thirsty faggots and attention whores so it makes sense they'd post on /r9k/ too. Same content, different package.