now that were back to normal lets start a good ol fashioned alck thread
Theres a lot of silhouette images to keep these going, post your favorites
I'm bored so I'm drinking a shit ton. Not really an alcoholic though since I don't like buying alcohol.
How do you guys do it?
you buy alcohol and then drink it
I'm not made of money, buddy. Addiction is expensive.
make some yourself then
I'm sober and I really wish I wasn't.
malt liquor and bottom shelf vodka, my friend
I'm alive and I really wish I wasn't so I guess we're in the same boat
nigga I can get a liter or vodka for just under 10 dollars. You underestimate my drinkin skills miyagi
True, but alcohol is just about the cheapest addiction there is. Cheaper than a food addiction and pretty much any prohibited drug.
Nah, I can get an oz. of weed in Coloardo for $120. That lasts a month and a half smoking daily. If I wanted to drink daily, it'd put me in the $200 range.
Those are nowhere near equivalent amounts of alcohol and weed.
Alright hotshot, tell me what alcohol you drink each week and how much it approximately costs you.
Better start the boiling process if you wanna become a true mooshiner.
If I wanted to drink myself to sleep every night for 6 weeks, it would cost around $200. It would probably take two ounces of weed, so just over a gram a day, to do the same. No way 0.6 grams would do it after the first couple of days.
still fucked from last night, have have some vodka left
just realized im down to my last $19 instead of $9. I guess I wasn't seeing straight when I checked my account
waiting till noon for the store to open so I can have more vodka
may pawn shit tomorrow for money
You got any cool stuff?
I have lots of tools as I was working as a mechanic before the booze took over
that or my guitar amp/distortion pedal
wont pawn guitar tho
>9 beers a day
>Get surgeries to remove unrelated cysts
>Keep off the booze for 3 days as per doctors instructions
>Felt no different
>Just really bored
>Had a couple last night
>Everything is fun again
What did he mean by this?
I'm in for a rough day. Slept like garbage last night thanks to withdrawals and I have to work a 9 hour shift at a job where I'm on my feet all day. I hate alcohol.
Kill me.
save me
Haven't drank since Wednesday. Had half of my babies momma Smirnoff yesterday and feel like shit cause I could have gone longer
fuck i feel so happy now, my neighbours was social enough to share weed and vodka, still got 6 pack beer for wrestlemania
life is good
>Manipulating people to get free alcohol and drugs
At least someone here shares my views, to not be a complete retard, and take advantage of actual retards
>Can't tell if tremors in hands are from hands or early onset of parkinson's
Sober six months after being sent to ER and psych ward
Last time that happened I got a year under my belt then fucked up big
I don't think it's the alcohol I think it's an underlying psychological issue I hate myself and the entire world when I'm sober
Is there any going back after u start getting beer/liquor delivered to the house? kind of feel like ordering beer delivery is crossing a line that cannot be uncrossed
I can buy a handle of vodka for like 10 bucks. It's way cheaper than smoking.
Same here, you can put yourself in the hospital for 20 bucks, you can drink to blackout every night of the month for 100
The tremors and cognitive symptoms of long term alcoholism can be alleviated by taking vitamin b, you should buy some b-complex supplements, or eat some marmite, that has lots of b vitamins in it. If you guys do one thing to look after yourselves this week, take some vitamin b.
Scientific source here if needed:
t. Neuroscience nut
>Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
Is that why I frequently have problems with eyes being able to focus?
Blurry vision, something double vision (though I've had that common for a long time with sleep deprivation)
2 weeks off the hooch. Been drinking 10+ drinks a day for 13 years, with a few breaks... this is the first time I've ever "quit" and have noticed my body feeling better.
But I'm fucking bored. Not sure what I'm gonna do when I "go back" to drinking. This shit is killing me, so I should really stop permanently, but I know I'm not going to.
Yeah I take vit b daily, thiamin is fairly crucial too. Pic is my binge survival kit, and probably the only reason I'm still alive.
Fuck, my diet is super poor, I'm gonna go to the pharmacy tomorrow and get some shit
What are you getting and why?
I'm done smoking outside of parties, I hope.
So my refrigerator is broken.
What's a good way to cool my beer without a fridge?
Right now they're soaking in a bowl of ice water.
Got any N-type and P-type bismuth telluride? Add some wires and ceramic plates and a spare DC power supply, and you're in business.
Gonna probably cook me some steak and taters for wastlemania. No drinks though, I'm cutting back. Hoping for the return of hardys and angle
I feel the same. I can tolerate some people sober but most I can't. Its more me acting out from being in a controlling relationship.
The b1 tablets, thiamine
I miss /co/
dringken yuengling
>tfw texting everyone but no one wants to talk to you because they know you're drunk
Listening to this right now. It's not helping.
>Live in Canada
>Malt liquor is actually more expensive than regular ass macro brews
>Bottom shelf vodka is only $2 cheaper than decent stuff
It's not fucking fair.
Alright I put this on now, that's better. Glory to mankind!
[spoiler]No one wants to talk to me here either[/spoiler]
>need alcohol to fix my anxiety
>anxiety too bad to go to the store
I know this feel, my friend. Good thing they have drive through beer stores here and I can just have my sunglasses on.
Enjoy it my friend, i dont keep my hope to high for the return of hardys or angle, but it would be fucking awesome anyway
Day drinking. I got really fucking high too
What a story, Mark.
Dinner is served
You're holding your hand the wrong way.
Cobra > Colt 45 double the malt > oe > Coors > shit > Steele > pbr
Nice, got myself some vitamins
Pharmacist told me there are shit loads of multi vitamins with b1 so I asked him what he recommended for an alcoholic, and I got those, it has B1 in it
Let me extend that list for you
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale > Bell's Two Hearted Ale > Bluemoon > Any Sour Beer > Sam Adam's > Shitty "Craft beers" > Budweiser > Cobra > Colt 45 double the malt > oe > Coors > shit > Steele > pbr
The merged boards still exist they're just hidden.
Oh shit! Nice. No one will ever post there though.
What do you guys mix with your tequila? I usually just drink it straight or add cheap off-brand energy drinks.
Where do you live? In Canada alcohol is expensive as fuck because excise taxes. I can easily drink $60 worth of beer in one day of hard drinking. That's more than I spend on groceries per week, and I eat a lot.
Tequila is the only shit I won't drink. If I had to choose between top shelf tequila or bottom shelf vodka/rum/whiskey, I would choose the bottom shelf every time.
You and me both, man
Margarita mix is the only answer.
Keep forgetting where I am. Takes me like 20 mins sometimes to remember whet my bathroom is, what room I'm in and what my street looks like. I've lived here ten years. Am a little scared. Fug.
>blow friends up on steam because the only time I'm chatty is when I'm drunk
>they don't respond because they know
shitted black today
not long left hopefully
Holy hell man. Well on the plus side, you don't need to remember what your street looks like to make it to the fridge xD
>never talk to anyone
>want to talk to everyone
>they know i'm drinking because I wouldn't be talking to them otherwise
It's a vicious circle.
I think it's an acquired taste. I also drink it for the nostalgia, when I was in highschool there was a dive bar that rarely carded anyone and they sold cheap tequila errynight.
>can't smoke weed because of mr shekelstein
>drinking self to fatness and death
god bless burgerstan
>tfw addicted to alcohol and valium
What a ride.
Seriously though, you might consider seeing a doctor.
>drinking self to fatness
Looks like you've never realised you can stop eating and maintain alcoholism
Already have. Averaging 3 new irreparable brain lesions every 6 months. Going blind. Still drinking. Fucking unstoppable.
working on it
i feel really weak and awful if I don't eat
I got dumped two years ago and went months without really eating anything and I was just drunk 24/7
lost a ton of weight, shit was cash
You should aim for lower calorie hangover food then. Of course it can be difficult.
>tfw 6ft2
>tfw 150lb
>tfw drink every day of my life
Hello darkness my old friend.
That's a harsh mistress. I'm addicted to vodka and lorazepam right now, and I shit you not, coming off weed, heroin, gent, codeine and crack were EASY AS FUCK compared with what you and I face when we need to quit these hyper-addictive fucks.
Autocorrect pls. Typing is hard enough as it is.
Tell me, my dude. I have been struggling with it for a couple of years. Sometimes I can come off it for about 1 week, at a push. But I always end up back on it. Giving out the usual excuses of stress etc. I don't really care though. Weirdly I can work and socialise without it affecting my life too much. I just need to timetable my drug use, well, heavy drug use. I go to work every day but try to keep my usage low. Then I go home and I spend the rest of the day fucked up that y-you?
Do you mix drugs and drink? Since pic related I've been in hosp... I think 3 times, heart has stopped twice. Feelsprecariousman.
Certainly not
>tfw from UK and of Italian descent
Tim sounds like a good guy though.
How much do you two drink?
Yeah, man. My favourite is 50mg of Valium, 2 bottles of red wine and a few joints.
Sometimes I can get greedy and that can vary, but it's my go to dosage.
Depends. At least 2 bottles of 14% red wine, sometimes some spirits or beer along with it too. Depends on my drug intake that day.
Holy fucking shit man. RIP. And it's definitely caused by alcohol? Or is there something else at play?
2-3 x 70cl bottles of Smirnoff daily is the norm. 1 is enough to stop withdrawal but I've been known on occasion to drink up to 5. Every time I drink >5 though I wake on a ward or in jail.
Nah, it's the inevitable consequence of being drunk and high for 23 years.
At what point do we need to start worrying about things like cirrhosis? I am 30 and have been drinking heavily for 10 years, and I'm thinking it's time to give it up. I hate to be the guy who says "I can stop anytime I want," but honestly two days of recovery after a serious binge is all I need to feel normal and healthy.
Well at least I know my psychiatrist was just blowing smoke up my ass with the "danger of acute withdrawl" bullshit
Differs. My liver function is so good that my docs have spoken about detailing my experiences in med journals. Something I put down almost exclusively to 15 years of total adherence to the 'specific carbohydrate diet'.
My spleen and brain are rekt though. And not gonna be getting transplants for those precious fucks. Worse than a ruined liver.
find a way to stay busy. even if its walking dogs at the local animal shelther. the longer you are busy in your day the less time you are sitting there obsessing about alcohol.
thats what i did when i was too poor to pay my electric bill
luckily my uncle had a solar generator and we went up on the roof
Eat shit yuppie hopps fag
Go vote for Hillary
Tim is pretty cool. Similar 6'2" scrawny lawyer. But the cracker can DRINK. All his best case stories come out after a couple beers.
My rampant alcoholism encouraged me to get a job to fund my addiction and actually hold the job for 4 years. Working isn't even bad when you're drunk. I've even saved up a bunch of money.
Goodnight sweet prince q_q
Bruh that new trailer park boys though.