What is the best soda to pair with a pepperoni and cheese pizza?
What is the best soda to pair with a pepperoni and cheese pizza?
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Root beer. Sprite is a close second.
Faygo. Faygo Orange.
Coke from a fountain with lots of ice
Stewarts black cherry is my ish
No u
>is my ish
get out
A delicious root beer, something like Mug or A and W
If you like Barq then you're of an inferior gene.
Light beer is the only acceptable beverage with pizza, you ignorant fuck.
>drinks light beer
>calls someone else ignorant
Pot, kettle, black, Cletus.
I bet you have a glass of red wine or an IPA with your pizza, like the poseur trash you are. No one is fucking impressed.
When you get a pepperoni peetzer, you have made a life choice, and that life choice includes a light, domestic beer.
For me it is milk, the best 'za beverage pairing.
My nigga
Class coke
>Cletus meme
okay Aiden
As to OP's question, anything carbonated is a start
Stop cheating
...and why is it root beer?
>older brother used to take me to the local pizza point for a slice of pizza and a Dr. Pepper
>he'd tell stupid jokes while we ate
>he made Dr. Pepper come out of my nose on a few occasions
>he and my mother had a falling out
>she kicked him out of the house
>my brother and I haven't talked in probably 10 years
>sometimes I get a slice of pizza and a Dr. Pepper and eat it in my empty house
Fucking obeseposters
The answer is root beer.
creme soda if you must be sober else 40 oz malt liquor
yes bust out the memebrew for delivery pie
Pibb xtra
>she kicked him out of the house
Because Dr. Pepper is for fags. Drink Coke.
Barq's is objectively better than either of those, and A&W is the worst of the three.
Root beer, obviously.
More like 18+ stone
Pale Ale seems like it goes with everything.
>40 oz malt liquo
this so much. coming home from work after a long day and eating a pizza and drinking a 40 is so fucking comfy
is the next episode out yet?
>Fags Drink Coke.
>tfw the only thing canada has going for it anymore
the trannys and mudslimes cant take you away...not yet
>pepperoni and cheese pizza
everyone getting their panties in knots over drink choices and no ones getting mad about the pleb choice pizza, huh, welcome to the nu-Veeky Forums i guess
>drinking anything but water
>Peach Bellini of course
I'm a tranny btw
this thread is actually a meme from my 600 pound life you fucking redditfrog
This Wednesday