//foodgore general//
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/struggle plate/
where's the steak?
A tribute to the threads i like the most @pleasedontbanmeagain
Right under the cheese bro
This bae can cook for me any time she likes!
then what's that ... thing ... on the right?
I think this one would look good with a decent camera, that shredded pork/beef looks like shit because of the color.
Boxing glove with hummus, served with a moat of green watery salsa.
It's a cancer
You forgot to garnish with a McChicken
this one just looks like leftovers from thanksgiving. 6/10 would eat
Bone apple teeth
Yeah, that one might not be too bad. This one tho?
I would feel so out of place f if I was ever served a Styrofoam lunch tray at someone's dinner.
if they were struggling they'd eat a spoon of peanut butter. there wouldn't be six fucking courses.
This prolapse chicken might taste good.. but you eat with your eyes too bro
>Turkey Dogs
Great unintentional pun.
what made someone think to add frozen vegetables to stuffing... god...
Are those hotdog buns with syrup
Or gravy?
I think poor turkey dinners make up for the best of the worst
I mean.. what's not to like here?
Just looks like chicken soup
>them puffy toes
Find a flaw
>flambeed a casserole
>that image is fixable
I'm sort of afraid to ask.. wtf is this thing?
i think thats haggis
And they say that white people can't cook
That IS fukken healthy tho! Have an old favourite!
Oh look, it's "Food presentation is the only thing that matters, fuck flavor; I'd eat a well plated pile of dog shit and be pretentious about it" the thread.
i'd smash that okra desu
Gotta have some aspic up in this bitch
Presentation DOES make a big difference when youre, you know, PRESENTING IT TO THE FUCKING INTERNET?
Who the fuck would eat this-
>gwyneth paltrow
Of course
Lol. Family's fucked
One more before I hit the sack. Please bump with shit eat fellas. Night
Is that crab in the witness protection program?
I'm sorry you aren't as educated and healthy as her.
That best not be fucking truffle
Steak and Lincolnshire sausages because fuck it, I need the protein after cutting wood all morning.
How are you going to have a 29$ budget and spend it on 5 fucking limes and fresh cilantro you need to get your shit together.
she bought 7 limes, and thats' like 3 euro 50 if they are on sale. that cilantro is like less 1 euro. I wonder how she managed to that much money for that little food. did she buy all this stuff in hawaii?
Why always on a styrofoam plate?
I'd eat that
Because cleaning dishes is hard
Looks good to me
It was good but it's a bit slobbish.
I was hungry.
Mah niggah, fellow wood cutter, greetings. Cut a bit this past week, pic related.
Comedy gold!
Reminds me of none pizza with left beef
Looks like some good work, brother but I don't have a chainsaw. I do it all with my Gransfors.
It's a good workout, really burns up the calories.
that looks good as hell
>cutting a tree into logs with an axe
My hats off to you, bro. I cut the tree into manageable logs with a chainsaw, but when I chop I use an axe, maul and wedge. The chopping is a better workout, but cutting up a tree, even with a chainsaw, and hauling the logs out through the woods is no day at the beach.
looks like a potato and chicken in salsa verde
the nastier the stuffing looks the more stupid delicious it is
The funny part is you'd think that the ability to do dishes would be part of what could be considered "wifey material"
I need to get a splitting maul really.
I use wood wedges at the moment, it's a pain.
>hauling the logs out through the woods is no day at the beach
No shit, you're in the god damn forest you dumb fuck
Ive seen plenty of these videos of street vendors selling crisps with a bunch of stuff and sauce loaded on. Wtf is this. Why pay someone to pour pre made food in a box for you?
That looks passable for one person for a week. You'd be low on calories, particularly if you are active, but you wouldn't starve.
With all those beans, rice, tortillas, and peas you shouldn't even be low on calories if it feeds one.
Might be stretching it for two though.
>Seven limes
You can cut the lime and save 8 bucks and buy yourself 10 lbs of pastas and a shitload of onions, tomatoes and have youself a decent meal
why the fuck would you have a family if you can't afford to feed them? are niggers and spics really this stupid?
Looks like someone scraped pond scum and put it on top of a bowl of Shrek themed spaghetti-ohs.
shit laod of fresh produce, random shit load of limes, no frozen veggies, brown rice instead of bulk white rice, tortillas??
Whites are even dumber for allowing and encouraging it to happen desu.
Is that... black tuffle...? In that piss pot?
>you know im fuckin mad
>all those fucking truffles
Celebrities truly aren't like the rest of us.
There has been an increase of teenagers doing stupid shit for memes, #wifeymaterial one of them with purposely bad food.
Ruins the fun, basically.
religion says you can't abort and society doesn't want to pitch in to rid the world of over-population
only socialist atheists are smart
ive been using paper plates and plastic cups for years now.
This actually would probably look pretty good when it was finished and plated, I'd imagine. It's still clearly in the process of cooking, and there's peas and some other veg (potatoes, maybe white beans?) in lots of oil. If they put it in a little bowl with bread or something to have with it (after cooking it down a bit or adding something else, probably) it could be nice. Or it might even be meant as a soup, and they blend it at the end.
That's a stupid amount of truffle though, Jesus.
I think that's the point she was making. The amount of fresh and healthy ingredients she bought wasn't enough for more than a couple of meals.
looks like bloated nigger belly stew
> and I'm single, so..
No shit
Brown rice is the biggest fucking meme
>the fucking limes
This is one of the only pictures that actually makes me laugh every time I see it.
No the problem is she bought a bunch of useless or rarely used garnishes and bonuses instead of buying actual food items on purpose. Also frozen vegetables compared to fresh is almost negligible so can we stop villainizing frozen vegetables? I mean you wouldn't serve them in a Michelin star restaurant, but people who say you can buy healthy food cheap are lying. Fresh has become a meme word.
There's still a few holdouts that believe freezing 'destroys vital nutrients' along with microwaving. Because apparently if you fuck up in the kitchen you can destroy matter itself. :|
I blame that asshole who wrote all those books for decades and finally wound up in prison. Because following his advice could make you sick or dead.
> Because apparently if you fuck up in the kitchen you can destroy matter itself. :|
god you're dumb
yeah why do soccer moms love hipster lemons? or as I call them, cuck lemons? I saved up for one once and was totally underwhelmed. total memefood.
>be 2010
>tired of being fat
>stopped shoveling fast food
>buy groceries, learn to cook
>exercise 6 times a week
>notice 2 changes
>waistline gets thinner
>wallet gets fatter
It positively does not. Lazy shits like me who couldn't be assed to plan and prepare their own meals spend more. Watching the ads for good deals and coupons takes almost zero effort.
>stuffing inside turkey
Cringe every time
mmm looks like a nice turtle soup.
whenever i'm a little light on cash or want to save for something, i stop being a lazy cunt. a simple stew with rice/polenta costs the same as a large mcmeal, and can be stretched for 5 or so sittings
But personally frozen vegetables come out too mushy for my likes, I prefer veggies with some snap, but frozen peas taste the same as fresh. When you freeze vegetables the water molecules in the vacuoles of the plant cells expand and can damage fibers that make vegetables crunchy and not mushy. But if you don't mind the mushiness, go right ahead. If vegetables taste good, I'm inclined to eat more of them.
Counterpoint: You can buy 10 frozen Tony's pizzas for $30
>only has $29 for the week
>wastes almost all of it on ingredients for tacos for one night
Are rich people really this dumb?