this is the best pasta sauce that money can buy.
This is the best pasta sauce that money can buy
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I genuinely agree. By far the most bang for your buck.
Want a nicer sauce? Make your own.
>Make your own
Any good recipes? I've been using Marie's recipe but I use a little less oil
what the fuck do you mean, recipes? have you had marinara before? if you have, how are you unaware of what you're eating? if you've eaten it, how are you unaware of how it's cooked?
literally fucking eating something should literally give you the recipe.
sweet trash. hunts isn't very sweet, one of the reasons i like it so much.
Is this supposed to be b8? Because I actually agree with OP.
it's reverse bait. it's a serious and valid statement that people expect people to only say as bait, which people feel uncomfortable taking, and so actually try to agree with it in order to short-circuit the baiting - which was not bait, but sincere!!!
for me, it's Contadina. Always need to be confident in sodium content
I doubt that sauce has the sodium levels I can be confident with
Slight upgrade in quality but you pay extra. Hunts is extremely decent. Usually I get the four cheese or pepper flavoured one.
i miss this video
>STILL nobody has found it
i have it backed up
Im glad this was posted
user, provided that you're telling the truth, you must upload it as soon as humanly possible.
it's just sweeter. i prefer hunts. there's no significant difference between 'classico' and prego or storebrand. silver palate stuff, ehh. it costs 5-6 times as much as hunts, and it's maybe 50% better.
I usually buy a can of crushed tomatoes, a can of tomato paste and add some onions, garlic and olive oil
user you must
>costs 5-6 times more
Oh how unfortunate. Here it's roughly double, maybe? I think I only listed it because I like their rosèe or vodka sauces a lot, but if you're just going for tomato and X you're right.
I need the meatball one
I like the garlic and herb more. All the other Hunts sauces besides those two are absolutely disgusting. It's great for $1 though.
You prefer it because you are too poor to buy quality
user what is this?
i don't believe you are getting silver palate for 2 dollars. you'll have to show me a receipt.
you're not paying for quality, you're paying for fancier labels and sugar. 95% of all other pasta sauces sold are worse than hunts. silver palate is marginally better. marginally. and it costs 6 dollars for a jar, where hunts costs 1 dollar.
like i said. it's the best pasta sauce that money can buy.
For me it's Ragu. The best store bought pasta sauce.
suprisingly, it has less sodium than the jarred sauces for some reason.
hunts is WAY better than ragu. ragu is like tomato soda.
hunts is very basic, fresh tasting sauce. it has natural tomato acidity but not a lot of added salt and sugar.
Just by driving a car you should literally know how to make one.
using technological apparatus isn't similar to eating a dish of food.
user pls upload them
Step aside, you tasteless niggers, the best pasta sauce EVER is coming through!
that sounds disgusting. it's not as good as hunts.
Tasteless nigger detected.
hunts has the most taste. the rest are shit.
There was one Hunts can I tried that tasted awful and I can't remember which one it was but the rest I've tried were pretty alright tasting for a canned sauce and I get them for $.99 each so when I have a very short time to make something edible, cook up some sausage/beef, pour the sauce in, make pasta and mix and within 20 minutes I'm eating. Not bad for almost no money.
i've tried em all. hunts is the closest to a natural processed tomato sauce, with just some spices, onion, garlic, not much added salt or sugar.
although desu i know what you mean about a bad can. the cans down south are better than the cans up north. they probably have five or six plants that produce it. i've had cans that were too watery. but not since i moved to texas.
ultimatum: make your own gravy, or use hunts.
That sounds fantastic, where did you get it?
>check out this board for the first time
>everyone is talking about store bought sauce
i wasn't expecting much, but jesus christ.
ALDI, but I haven't seen it in a couple years.
the fuck is your problem, faggot? implying you even know how to make sauce.
For me it is Emeril's line of jarred sauces. It fits in a perfect nitch of price/quality. Anything cheaper is inedible garbage like Ragu or Prego. For like a dollar more you can get Emeril's and the taste is MUCH better. There aren't many sauces in this price/quality sweet spot, another is Newman's Own but I prefer Emeril's. After those there is a significant price gap for the next level of more premium jarred sauces. These sauces are higher quality but cost 2-3X as much as Emeril's and I'm not willing to pay $9 for a jar of tomato sauce. Emeril's is fucking solid, the garlic one is the best. Plenty of large chunks of garlic and very flavorful and balanced taste for a jar of premade sauce, I get tons of complements when I make a lasagna with it.
it's decent, but it tries too hard. i prefer hunts. i don't think emerils is all that.
Dood. Some fried sage leaves, and a bit of parmasan. On rigatoni or penne. Sounds dope. I'll look into that this summer after the squash starts coming up.
It's got way too much oregano
Is that the video where the bitch puts like 75 gallons of oil in her sauce?
Hunts is better and cheaper than Ragu or Prego, I'll give you that. Still not as good as Emeril's.
Fucking hell its not easy to get my goat but literally every single frame of that video triggered me reeeeeeee
It's even the 2nd time I've seen it
This cunt looks like she'd have been a top tier lay 10-15 years younger. I'd probably still smash it.
the fuck is up with the cameraguy here, he keeps adjusting the damn focus
>those knife cutting skills
my lord
youre the true hero of Veeky Forums friend
Holy shit you're being an insufferable faggot. Good for you if you somehow have a mass spectrometer in your mouth or something but fuck off with your bullshit.
The heck? She strains the veggies out? She makes some veggie canola oil stock?
>when she starts cutting the onion
shove it up your ass
you don't belong on this board if you can't tell how to cook something by eating it.
THank you so fucking much
I unironically take a can of this as a base for my sauce.
Onion, mushrooms, garlic, sweat.
White wine simmer
oregano/olive oil/pepper/salt
simmer for hour and done..... costs like a dollar.
smart man
>None of the sauces posted are vodka sauce
amazing work user
I wish I could leave. This place is killing me.
Upvote ∆
kill you are self
yeah well. so it goes.
Keep circulating the tapes user, you're doing god's work
You add olive oil at the end?
I really, really, really like this image
I add it at the start in onions and that but just a little. I usually add a glug from the bottle or whatever, probably a couple tablespoons on top of sauce. I really love olive oil and I usually coat noodles in it too....
I see. What's your go to brand? I really like the Trader Joe's. I also unironically like Rachel Ray's but my store doesn't carry it anymore
>Just seeing this for the first time
Holy hell.
I do not have a lot of money so I buy Pompeian olive oil when its one gallon get one free.
I have some other brand now, its a big plastic jug but it tastes the same. Always extra virgin of course, and I dont really like Pompeian as a brand because they have those really shitty MEDITERRANEAN blends and stuff, where its 15% EVOO and 80% canola and stuff like that.
not them but i go normal on garlic and focus on oregano. enough sugar to where its just barely sweet.
If you want to spice yours up, saute an anchovy fillet, and finely diced onion and celery and a couple cloves of garlic. You can add grated carrot too. Add a jar of sauce and rinse out the jar. Simmer 30 minutes or an hour if you have time. I'd add basil too.
>using a fucking cup of vegetable oil
>"It wouldn't taste the same with olive oil"
>that knife work
>that camerawork
>strains out the oil then PUTS IT BACK IN THE TOMATOES
Where's that video of someone boiling ground beef and they make spaghetti sauce and they put fucking cheese whiz in it???
>Good for you if you somehow have a mass spectrometer in your mouth
A GC/MS is fairly standard kitchen equipment. Do Americans really not do this?
I've never seen a more sad sprig of basil. Nor heard such a poorly narrated instruction.
thank you user, I not only got re-acquainted with italian meatballs, I also learned how to do brasole!!!
Here you go, user.
Hunt's is good, but I prefer Francesco Rinaldi pizza sauce. Why do so many jarred tomato sauces have all this added sugar, though? Do my fellow countrymen really like their sauce to be that sweet?
going to sleep now
Dog bless you user
Dog bless
My nigga. The garden combo is my shit. Been eating it since I was a wee faggot cutting up my own hotdogs for spaghetti for the first time.
Do you happen to have the picture of an user's attempt at replicating the sauce?
of course
holy shit 10/10
archive user be blessed
The starch on the noodles is what helps the sauce cling to the noodles. If you put oil on it or use oil in your boiling water, it makes the sauce have a harder time sticking to the noodles.
Jesus fuck.
Dear GOD. :C
Did she take this down because she couldn't handle the bantz?
>Strain oil into the sauce
>Then proceed to try and skim oil off of it
Whats his endgame?
So, new here, what's the story behind this video? Shoul you put oil at all in your salsa? Wha was the adtermath? Her reaction? Who is Lisa?
Oh user, you are the hero we deserve.