What is the most pretentious online food community. My list:
>bread baking forums
>pizza making forums
Honorable mention:
>BBQ forums
What is the most pretentious online food community. My list:
>bread baking forums
>pizza making forums
Honorable mention:
>BBQ forums
Veeky Forums
No, its not. In fact its the very opposite of pretentious.
>Any form of alcohol forums
>cheese forums
>organic gardening forums
anything to do with coffee.
>muh crumb
eat shit crumbfags, my bread was delicious
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Reddit has better cooking boards than this place. They really need to come and save this shithole before it's too late.
fucking crumbfags
craft beer
Barbecue forums are literal cancer.
any food forums honestly
Faggot, how many times are you going to start a thread with your shitty crumb? Do you think some stumblebum is finally going to say," hic, thass a breddy goood bread if'n I zaayy so mahself, hic." It ain't going to happen. Now, fuck right off.
did april fools day yesterday not prove to you enough that a huge amount of the reposts and shitposts on this site are automated bots?
BBQ forums are fine. They are usually pretty helpful.
Crumbfags are cancer, though.
fuck off
Gotcha. It makes more sense to me with regard to fast food shilling rather than a random shot of a shitty loaf of bread. But I have to admit, I'm not up on the latest marketing schemes. For all I know it's some sort of CIA communique to agents in the field, I guess.
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