Does anyone else hoard plastic utensils from the restaurants they visit?
Does anyone else hoard plastic utensils from the restaurants they visit?
people like you are the cause of prices going up at places. earlier this evening i ate at a ghetto mcdonalds and once again the pump ketchup dispenser wasnt even hooked up, because apparently people horde it in take-home containers.
No, that's weird.
There's a lady in my office that does this.
She brings her own utensils from home and washes them in the kitchen;
every time she gets a food order to go that comes with plasticware, she puts it in a container under her desk.
She probably has 200 packets of the cheap plastic fork/spoon/knife combos.
Which establishment has the best plastic cutlery?
I don't hoard them but I like to keep a fork, spoon, and some napkins in my car in case I go somewhere and they forget to put it in.
not hoard purposfully, but rather than throw them out, i just throw them in a drawer. most of the time, the spoons, forks, sporks are useless but disposable chopsticks are pretty handy.
Gotta be ready for the apocalypse. You'll be thanking her after the nukes fall.
so you can dine in your car?
lol no.
I work the night shift at a school and I take condiments, sporks and whatever else they have lying around.
I haven't heard someone say "dine" in forever
Lol la te da te da lets dine
I'm going to dine now
I love to dine drrr drrr hurrr
I've been doing this for my entire life. I also never throw food away and eat everything that's on my plate
janitor? nothing wrong with it.
yeah thats sad. its all about fast food and eating while you drive down the highway in traffic
>all of those forks and spoons stacked together
you just steal them don't you
I grab a handful of forks and a whole stack of napkins when I go to chipotle. They have good forks.
I use to hoard sauce packets.
>Does anyone else hoard plastic utensils from the restaurants they visit?
1) I don't need them
2) Only shit-tier restaurants have plastic utensils.
What the fuck kind of restaurant uses plastic utensils? That's so low class.
Yea, I always grab extra utensils from the office cafeteria and put them in my desk
Chipotle has best plastic