Best wine
Best sausage
Best cheese
Best salami
Best sauces
Best breads
Uhh...Best french fries?
Explain to me why people praise French "food"
Best wine
Best sausage
Best cheese
Best salami
Best sauces
Best breads
Uhh...Best french fries?
Explain to me why people praise French "food"
Because France can beat up Italy.
>Best bread
Choose one.
t. Germany
Best wine
Best sausage
Best cheese
Best salami
Best sauces
Best breads
Uhh...Best italian sausage?
Explain to me why people praise Italian "food"
French "culture" is all just a lame copy of Italian culture. Of course that's why they can only come up with shitty remakes of Italian dishes.
The French are notorious for being thieves and cowards.
Fuck if I know, Italy and Spain both BTFO France.
italian wine is good if you want to strip paint or kill garden snails. it is not good for anything else.
French food is just overly complicated and a lot of work for the same flavors you can find in Italian food.
>The French are notorious for being thieves and cowards.
10% of Italy's GDP is owned by the mafia.
France capitulated to the Axis powers in WWII. Italy fucking owned those bitch ass frogs.
Germany is best at boiled foods. That's it.
Hurr durr. I see what you did there.
Maybe cuz Italian food is about bringing out the natural flavors of the foundational ingredients, while French food is about sauces.
Ya fuckin dingus.
You're ok
This is demonstrably not true and you're a fuckin moron.
Your point?
Also, I'll fucking rape your mother, you piece of human garbage.
A lot of you would change your views if you tried Portuguese foods. They are the most underrated mediterranean cuisine, but give the other countries a good run for their money. Cured meats, especially, are better in Portugal than in any other mediterranean country.
Motherfucker, you stupid??!
This shit is about France v. Italy. Now shut up and go sit in a corner.
More like Poortugal, lol
Sorry I don't eat cured rat and grasshopper w/ spaghetti.
Tell me more
I've heard that. I saw a show about Portugese food on PBS and I have to say they can compete on equal terms with Spain, Italy or France. Less expensive too.
My ideal Europe trip is Portugal, Spain and Italy in that order. Fuck France. Who knows, next summer if I can make it over there, I might never leave Portugal. The land of corporate freedom is getting to be a bit too much for rational men.
>Best sauces
french sauces shit all over italian
some of the other stuff you're right about tho
>Best cheese
>Best sauces
>Best breads
Also you're desserts are shit.