Whats his end goal?
Whats his end goal?
Free pizza sponsorship.
ad revenue
was this true or was he being paraniod?
It's true, I followed him for at least 80 minutes
Probably a bit of both
he is from new york or new jersey but now in the south?
is this real
with relatives or what?
no idea, i assume his mom
weapons-grade autism
He's being gaslighted and to a smaller degree gangstalked.
Free food.
And bitches.
gaslighted by whom?
weirdos from misc and 8ch, maybe
People more autistic than him.
it's his drunk mother's fault
poor guy suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Don't blame him for natal dysfunction
World domination.
Being a spammy retard.
That sweet sweet paranoid schizophrenia. Charls from MDE's recent videos have a similar entertainment value
Reviewbrah really did have internet weirdos following him. One was posting creepshots on kiwifarms or one of those sites.
I think he was from Rockland County, NY before he went on the road and now it looks like he's down in Florida, yeah. He used to do videos at the Palisade Center Mall food court before he went on the run from the "stalkers"
his autism is also through the fucking roof
have an example link?
I thought reviewbrah was losing it and his channel was gonna fade away into obsurity when he started saying hes being gangstalked.
>guy who's popular among channers
>unbelievable in the slightest that you faggots would harass him irl
okay le cynic faec