Verdict on sparkling water?
Verdict on sparkling water?
Bad for enemas
A quarts and charcoal filtered water from your home faucet is fine. Spring water bought from the bottle is a scam. Any other water a double scam.
It would probably feel really good tho...
Topo chico with lime is refreshing as fuck.
It's a fad. I don't think it will hit on.
When you're out with other people you should order sparkly water instead of plain water, if you really have to have water, that is. If you're such a dull person you even drink water in company, at least try to make it look a little festive.
How do you know?
>t. amerifat
Its popular in Thailand, they mixed it with soft-drinks in pubs.
Sparkling water is a meme.
Not american, not fat.
But you must be, considering the only alternative to water you can come up with are sugary drinks.
I don't think you can feel anything there.
Amerifats drink water with sugar.
Best water.
Lemon Perrier is great for an upset stomach.
I'm an American and I drink it more often than I do regular sodas. I tried it for the first time a couple years back and realized that 80% of the reason I drink soda at all is because of the bubbles. Now I get it just about every time I walk up to the soda machine.
Fatties should start drinking it to wean themselves off soda.
You cannot be serious.
Fantastically refreshing after being out in the sun working and such.
It's meh
Refreshing if it has a light fruit flavor or comsumed with something sweet
I like to pour a big glass of it with lots of ice, add grapes, then drink it and eat the grapes at the end.
This shit right here? The nectar of the gods.
My fellow enlightened man
sparking water, dark chocolate, IPAs, etc are wonderful tools for identifying man-children. if you don't like them, you are one.
Alcohol is for degenerates though.
memeing pretty hard there my bromigo! well done!
You sound like an alcoholic. :-/
Its honestly kind of great.
I always thought it was pretentious and stupid, but stuff like San Pellegrino is pretty great imo.
The only problem is that it'll always be associated with pretentious elitist fucks because its expensive / overpriced.
But if you can afford it its great. Juice is actually usually too sugary to be healthy: anything else has tons of aspertame, caffine, and other fucked up additives.
is there a cheap method of making it yourself? It has replaced soda for me if I put lemon in it?
Is it really like that in US? Here in Eastern Europe it costs the same as regular water and I think more people drink it than regular one, at least it's 50/50
whatever your opinion on sparkling water can we just all agree that this is retarded?
henry's is trash but sparkling water mix drinks are awesome if done right.
I make them myself with Gin and a splash of grenadine.
I'm a vodka and lime flavored sparkling water man myself.
t. Tranny chaser
Honestly, I'm on the bubble.
Dumbass, that's when you order a diet tonic and bitters, or, failing that, diet tonic and lime.
do you like the feeling of cramps for the next 24-48 hrs?
I like flavored sparkling water. The Clear American brand I get from Wal-Mart is good.
I like the Aldi lemon and grapefruit flavor, food lion has their brand 12 packs for $2.75 today and tomorrow, Lime is not bad. Berry sucks.
>It's a fad.
It's been around forever in central and eastern Europe.
Tastes like rocks.
It's the mineral content
sparkling mineral water
or sparkling (nothing: read tap) water?
because sour sparkling mineral water is like a fresh kiss to my fucked up stomach and soul every time
>costs the same as regular water
I was in Germany for a week not long ago, and this revelation blew my mind. You dumbasses literally pay for a glass of still water at restaurants. That's the only reason anyone would get sparkling water over regular water there -- there isn't much of a price difference, so you might as well. It's honestly unbelievable. In America that's unthinkable, you can get free water at any establishment, even if you're not dining there.
What was the point of the holocaust if you're going to continue to be jewed for all eternity anyway?
>tfw you also have to pay to use restrooms
what a joke
Do Germans really shit on each other's chests as a form of greeting?
will try thanks for the advice user
that first sip can be godly
but 9/10 times before I'm finished with a glass I just want to throw the rest in the sink
I like topo chico but wouldn't buy it. I drink it if it is free.
Schiza, mein nigga.
Yeah the mineral flavor gets overbearing eventually
>literally pay for a glass of still water at restaurants.
You just have to ask for tap water
I prefer seltzer
just drink regular water
Too sparkly
Gruess Scheisse!
>Gerolsteiner > Perrier >>>> San Pellegrino
San Pellegrino lovers should be gassed.
At my uni, sparkling water is for free.
Tastes bitter and shitty.
its always been here in ireland
It's a good mixer to go with vodka if you don't want extra calories
>misses the clearly stated "if you have to order water, that is"
>thinks he's the smart one.
Yes, I hate to break it to you, but you're a boring person with your stupid glass of plain water.
Nobody wants to hear about your latest diet or stamp collection either.
>It's a fad
Yeah is coffee a fad too? How about tea? Fucking dumbass retard.
It's so salty
in Rome its free and I drank it all the time. An acquire taste as at first it tasted awful.
Other than that my uncle said it makes you fat, like drinking beer, but its way better than normal water.
that is some nice projection, buddy.
It's nicer than regular tap water, but I'll only get it if it's free/ cheap. What's the deal with all of you baby-men who can't drink it without having your stomachs torn apart? The only time this has ever happened to me was when I made the absolutely autistic decision to drink some immediately after finishing a thirty-five mile bike ride.
The best.
excellent advice for fatties. Sometimes just drinking water and coffee gets old, its nice to have this to change it up without having to feel bad about consuming the sugar
It tastes like a fucking carbonated rock and not even a good rock.
I don't like a lot of carbonated shit to begin with, it makes me feel like I'm on the verge of a sneeze.
Over here in Germany you actually are the odd one out if you drink plain/tap water instead of sparkling. People will think you're weird.
It's interesting seeing everyone saying sparkling water tastes bad, most people here find tap water disgusting.
>You dumbasses literally pay for a glass of still water at restaurants.
Well, you're not wrong. You dumbasses really do pay for water. But that's only because you dumbasses are buying bottled water instead of asking for tap water.
I drink it to cut back on my soda intake.
>Over here in Germany you actually are the odd one out if you drink plain/tap water instead of sparkling. People will think you're weird.
>It's interesting seeing everyone saying sparkling water tastes bad, most people here find tap water disgusting.
Both of these statements are literally and figuratively wrong.
I'm german and those statements are objectively right fuck off untermensch
t. americuck larping as jerry
Keine Ahnung, mit was für Kindern du zu tun hast, denn wenn jemand ein Glas Leitungswasser bestellt, dann interessiert das keine Sau. Ist es ungewöhnlicher als Mineralwasser? Ja. Finden es die Leute "weird"? Nein. Arschloch.
t. another americuck larping as jerry
It's what real men drink, like black coffee. If you can't handle the feel of sizzling on your tongue you might as well hav kiddie drinks like pop or girly drinks like a cocktail.
Ramlösa best water
ja fick dich auch
I like sparkling apple juice