Has anyone tried to make KFC chicken using that recipe that was supposedly leaked?
Has anyone tried to make KFC chicken using that recipe that was supposedly leaked?
Yeahz it's actually a really good fried chicken recipe.
You can halve the salt it says to use though and add a half teaspoon of msg.
that sounds awesome. Thanks user, I know what I'm making for dinner tonight
yes although I added half a tsp I think of ginger, and half a tsp of thyme
this is different from the version i've seen
I don't get it, is it for the flour ? Or the marinade ?
How ordinary. I guess they only kept it secret as a marketing thing. You'd think it would have something more exotic or weird.
it's the MSG that gets you going for more
not really a secret, like you say, marketing
How much chicken is that recipe for?
All of it
No doubt. Simple fact is MSG is delicious. That's why I put a few drops of fish sauce in practically every sauce or soup I make.
fun fact from the comments section from:
>(trips says it's true)
"There is a rule of thumb to follow to make sure you do not put in too much MSG. For a pound of meat, only use ½ teaspoon of MSG. For 4-6 servings of soup and vegetables, ½ teaspoon MSG is best. You should know that adding more than the suggested amount of MSG will not make the food taste better."
The comments are so shit.
what is it?
What a horribly written poor article, and completely unsourced throughout it.
You should know that culinary types, of respect, really can't stand/literally hate the created name "umami" to define what was already defined as "savory." It would be one thing if there were no existing term in order to borrow from another culture, but there was...and this term was touted as science, like some mysterious understanding happened about the taste buds or senses at all.
MSG isn't moderately done by any chefs who would dare to use it in the first place. The public doesn't want it, so it's infrequently used in popular restaurants. Things which are savory are used instead, from fish sauce to fermented toods to tomatoes and mushrooms. Flavor comes from your technique or recipe, and your mind. Exactly what is amazing about KFC is beyond me. It was once popular because it's dirt cheap and it was food that was pressure fried, making a labor of love actually fast food. Good fried chicken is pan fried where steam can escape through the top by not being fully submerged, and there is also browning from the chicken touching the bottom of the pan.
what a horribly written poor post, and completely unsourced throughout it.
I've been hankering to do real friend chicken for a while. I just never bothered. Same with onion rings. Thanks for the tips.
Microwaveable donor kebabs, 3 for £1.29 from farmfoods.
This isn't the blend. The actual leaked one has vanilla.
Anyway I made the leaked blend and deep fried the parts in my turkey fryer. The texture was way different but the taste was pretty much the same.
Wouldn't the current KFC recipe be different from the actual original one Sanders used?
literally fuck you dude