oh ,y god!!
holy epic!!
holy heck!! this is the fucking epicest thing i have ever seen!! i will be sure to sign this hehe
p.s. i love rick and morty it's so random lol ;)
oh ,y god!!
holy epic!!
holy heck!! this is the fucking epicest thing i have ever seen!! i will be sure to sign this hehe
p.s. i love rick and morty it's so random lol ;)
Other urls found in this thread:
****holds up spork****
Le p3ngu1n 0f d00m!!!
Rick and Morty is funny.
Get over it.
You're retarded.
You people must be great at parties. I for one, can actually lower my standard for AMAZING ALWAYS FLAWLESS content and be light-hearted for a minute.
I voted.
>8 signed
>100,000 goal
it's not not
deal with it
haha he really likes that mcnugget sauce
Hey, I like Rick and Morty but OP is a retard for starting a petition and then promoting it on Veeky Forums
What the fuck is this shit and why is everybody talking about it
Match my Bernie donation, gentlesirs! *Tips le fedora*
Heh heh I voted for the death star ;^))))
Reddit: The Animated Series
In all honesty, I only signed because of the dumbass "lol so random" posts.
The meme that everyone outside of Veeky Forums is a 12 year old girl grates my nerves
You could swap writers for Rick and Memey and the Big Bang Theory and no one would notice.
>I let the actions of anonymous strangers on the internet dictate my views and actions
The replies here are more cancerous than the original post. Impressive.
I refuse to watch Rick and Morty just because of these two retarded manchildren I work with won't stop talking about it
They walk around the warehouse on break to catch pokemon so I don't want anything to do with whatever level they're on
Rick and Morty is too good for it's own good.
beware guys we have a mildly dangerous case of "everything is leddit" troll going on here
let's approach it carefully now...
Honestly, it the worst.
Was this post bad? Ya.
Is the "anti-reddit" meme where people make fun of stuff that sounds more like ifunny than reddit bad too? I'd say it's worse.
>Reddit spacing
>Anti-Reddit posts are worse than Reddit posts! R-right, guys?
I'm not OP though. Just an user who's had enough cynicism.
Veeky Forums is not the right site for you, newfriend.
It was just BBQ sauce mixed with sweet and sour sauce you manchild.
A lot of fan bases suck. The first season is worth watching imo. Bob's burgers fans are pretty insufferable but I still love the show.
Holy Shit.
It might be happening.
trump hasnt abused any power yet you dumb stupid nigger
wrong site kiddo. We only have jaded contrarian assholes here who feel the need to be part of a homogeneous collective that dismisses anything it perceives as outside of itself when it reaches a high enough degree of popularity in order to generate and elitist an insider feeling for lonely depressed men in their early twenties who are marginalized by society.
I wouldn't be surprised if disney/mcdonald's paid for that plug. put a couple mcribs in harmonds hands, drop a mcd's/mulan reference, watch the money roll in.
modern day advertisement
What if I just don't feel like signing a worthless fucking petition for something I don't give two fucks about?
then you are free to do so obviously.
Sign the petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog.
the sauce wasn't even that good. it was salty as fuck.
It's still shitposting even if it's ironic.
>Reddit spacing
Is this bait? Double spacing between ideas is not new in the slightest.
Actually. This confused me too.
Apparently pressing enter makes you mentally handicapped
Not as salty as you sound though
To be honest, I don't know which possibility is more insufferable, that this was planned out as some obnoxious promotion with McDonalds (including, of course, rereleasing the sauce when season 3 comes out proper), or that the writers did this on their own initiative just to show off their maymay powerlevel.
Why are you people so afraid of reddit? What the fuck is so threatening about a bunch of internet attention whores? Just ignore them.
Here's a question: If anything and everything I and anyone else says is apparently "reddit", whatever that means, is there anything that ISN'T "reddit"?
ITT: 180 proof autism
Nerd culture is garbage, and we're all garbage for liking it. Reddit embraces it. Reddit takes its garbage taste and flaunts it. It's shameful.
The worst part of all this is that Rick was speaking out like an angsty 14 year old telling them not to be sheeple, and guess what the shows fan base does? They immediately miss his point and do exactly what he was criticizing. Rick and morty has a worse fan base than Steven universe
Don't be discouraged. You've hit the nail on the head with Veeky Forums
It is a maymay used by people to pretend they fit in on a chan.
The most common and obnoxious use is by /pol/, as if they weren't all jerking off on /r/thedonald in between shitposting and shilling on every chan they don't belong in.
You can always just go back.
eurofag here
was the sauce really that good?
what other promotive fast food thingies are there that I have missed out on, or is it all just nostalgia?
It's actually really good it's like old school adult swim shows used to be. Its fanbase is cancerous though don't ever talk about the show and you'll be good.
Are you so stupid that you can't understand that us average joes who do nothing had to do nothing and just let the sheeple get us free sauce why are you so angsty the idiots just got us the best dipping sauce
The craziest thing I remember that made me upset when it left was the dipping sauce BK used to use during the justice league fad it was like a really spicy bbq sauce and it was some good shit
/cock/ is over. You have to move on, OP.
You know you love some good cock though
you have to be 18 to post here
Yes so you should stop posting you infantile
this is an english speaking image board friend
Yes I agree we'd do much better as an English speaking board if you did us all the favor of dumping yourself here where you belong
most fanbases suck.
>the writers did this on their own initiative just to show off their maymay powerlevel.
I guarantee you this is the case. It's California we're talking about here.
I'm 90% convinced this stream was a good reason for Justin to rekindle his Memeomancer abilities.
The first google result for "He who controls the ______" is now "pants" instead of "spice"
omg i luv rick and morty XD good job op XD
Oh man, oh man, oh man, story time!
So I'm in China. Near Szechuan. Business trip. Big one.
We're being hosted by a guy at a private club... His boss' private club (said boss was supposed to be there but got called away last minute). This place is SWANK. The dining room is basically an entire building. And the food is spectacular. Just... Damn.
So I'm doing my best to follow along with the conversation while tactfully trying to jam everything in reach into my pie hole. Dishes are coming out and every one looks as good or better than the last.
And then, just when it's almost over, just when I'm nearly ready to explode and we're slowly wrapping up the meeting... CHICKEN NUGGETS.
No idea why, no idea where they got them from, but here's a big-assed bowl of chicken nuggets and ketchup. Just plain squeeze bottle ketchup. In a place with its own crest on the dishes.
Chicken nuggets.
So I'm left with nothing but questions. Are these for me, the only white dude who's been eating everything up to this point (and loving it)? Are they actually a serious course? Are these actually from McDonald's? Is there even a McDonald's near here? Did they have to go out or did they get it delivered? Because if it's not authentic then the cook did an amazing job of it (considering I probably haven't eaten chicken nuggets in nearly 15 years).
So I ate a couple, because when am I going to get to eat mystery chicken nuggets in a private club again? And, more importantly it makes for a great story later on.
McNuggets are great but personally for me it's the McChicken the greatest fast food sandwitch on the market
>was the sauce really that good?
not really. thats why nobody has talked about it for years. it was literally forgotten until now.
now all the stupid meme fucks and millennials are pretending it was the best thing ever.
>another millennial blamer
I blame millennials for this
Reddit is killing this joke faster than arrow in the knee and the Harlem shake.
reddit kills everything.
remember the "rage comics" that started on Veeky Forums but somehow wound up on reddit?
they used to be simple 4 panel (sometimes more) comics but then when reddit got a hold of it, they edited it to shit and the comics lost all its meaning.
Just get Jack Scalfani to make the sauce.
It could be the meme that memes itself into a happy holding pattern.
I remember you posting the other day and me calling you out on your shit taste in waifus
Just wait until 9gag catches onto this in like 3 months
Yeah you keep posting your used up sluts you whore
Kys reddit.
You shut your dirty mouth, Asuka is best