You wouldn't eat me, would you user?
You wouldn't eat me, would you user?
i wish they stayed cute when they grew older, maybe then Id stop eating pork
Not a little piglet, but big pigs, yeah. They're good pets but frankly they're like cows, they're domesticated to a point where they only exist to be slaughtered for their meat.
No... of course not.
>knife sharpening intensifies
Fry it whole. Like a little pork nugget. Yum
I don't eat raw meat.
>takes out the pan
You need to gut it first user.
I would have sex with you.
Roasted suckling pig is literally the best food on the planet.
Not now, but ask me again in 9 months time..
really? I heard their smarter than dogs.
what if I get myself a wild pig undomesticated? will it grow to be not so huge to be slaughtered for its meat?
I sure would piggy kun
Because you're so kawaii
Hate to break it to you user, but teacup pigs aren't real. All pigs grow to be large.
I don't mind that, I just don't want it to get too big if it was a pet. Id want it to get to an adult Labrador's size
Wild pigs are hairy, violent, and destructive.
yeah but look how cute they look
Grow a pair
Yet we allow Middle Easterners to live in our society.
they're self maintaining too
Depends on how you were prepared.
wife's son
>I heard their smarter than dogs.
so are chimpanzees, but temperament matters and pigs don't have one conducive with being a pet
being that pigs are smarter, when they become adults they are fully aware they can fuck up your shit if they feel like it so they will defy what you tell them to do and start pushing you around physically
Only if you lose the ability to form coherent speech.
I love this wikipedia article so much
>"Full-grown miniature pigs"
>Miniature pigs weigh between 22.5 kilograms (50 lb) and over 68 kilograms (150 lb) when fully grown
Have you ever seen a pig sex video? They're really fucked up.
Wild pigs will kill you and then eat your corpse. If you want a massive animal, get a Brahma chicken; even if you don't eat them they make good pets.
After Trump just signed away our internet privacy, there's no way I'm clicking that.
literally nothing changed, shill
ISPs already can sell your information. He blocked something that would say they couldn't do that anymore
even if they were stopped, it doesn't stop all the sites you visit from doing it
you will continue to have the same privacy you always had
Well, how? I'm not them, but I just want to settle on whether or not it's the same.
Don't know why people would fall all over themselves to shill the idea that we're okay when we're not.
You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig."
Because /pol/ happily takes whatever this """president""" does full on the face while they sit on their knees. The damage control they attempt to do is hilarious now that they understand someone can go ahead and buy your /d/ history and blackmail the fuck out of you.
Not to /pol/esmoke in here, but, I actually like the majority of Trump's ideas and plans, but the ISP and browsing/privacy thing just seems like such a shitty move, and frankly, one I don't understand.
Not really, if you let a family of pigs go free into a forest they will quickly revert to boar like behaviour and appearance, growing tusks and fur.
We won. Deal with it, shills. You never had any internet privacy anyway. President Trump is finally bringing it to light with this bill.
Say what you will about him, anyone who has the establishment & globalists *this* pissed and in full damage control mode? I like them.
And Hillary has a proven track record of absolutely vile ethics, corruption, incompetence, and a blasé attitude towards anything that doesn't enrich her, so, I'm quite happy things didn't go that perennial losers way, despite every power structure trying to cram her down our throat
I was on the front lines for him, I voted for him, and still agree with most stuff on his agenda.
This one aspect seems shitty. I can disagree with whoever the fuck I want, I wish I were paid to shitpost on the internet.
Also who the fuck is gonna dispatch shills to a cooking board?
All I wanted to know was whether or not you're lying about our privacy being just as safe as before.
Not from you, because I don't trust you, but someone who knows what they're talking about, and isn't a monkey faggot.
>board about pigs
>board somehow becomes about 45th
Some delicious irony you're serving there~
>he thinks they don't spy on us
Wikileaks released documents on how the US was spying on us since Bush and the Patriot act. Grow up you naive little cunt.
Visit r/The_Donald
Is that a plebbit site? Why would you do such a thing?
I dont eat haram food.
Of course not. That would be a waste. I want to wait until you're big to eat you.
sleep tight porker
That's a COOL fuckin trap.
Go to bed, Russia.
damn that's impressive looking
Little got crushed in the trap drop far left. It's flailing
sleep tight porker
I explained how the order worksshills said wrong and started diverting the conversation away without backing up their claim or saying anything about it
so it's clear who you should listen to
alright bricktop calmdown son
Sleep tight, Porker.
ISP's had to have your permission before. Now they don't need it. Also, ISP's are vastly different than Apps that you use periodically that collect information about your activity while using that App. ISP's know everything you do. Big difference. So, yes our privacy rights over our internet activity have now been completely compromised by our orange tinted emperor and your alternative truth spin does nothing to change the facts. Save it for your circlejerk /pol/tard butt buddies.
sleep tight porker
>the little white one that gets knocked the fuck down in the middle of the food
>who the fuck is gonna dispatch shills to a cooking board
who are you trying to keep information from exactly? police already have full access to everything you do, everything you search that goes through google is being documented
tell me how your privacy is being compromised. Please be specific what you are worried about
Sleep tight porker
sleep tight, porker
The critical difference is that while the police CAN access records of your online activity, they need a warrant (which must be approved by a judge), and it must be part of an investigation. Furthermore there are laws protecting such evidence once it is collected.
ISPs are not police. They can access and provide this information to 3rd parties without a warrant or a judge's approval.
I'm just seeing this as theoretical outrage, people are upset about an implication of "what if someone finds out I've been doing something I shouldn't be doing"
I'm just not sure what nefarious things could be done when someone learns of me searching for videogame trailers and asian porn
besides it's all on the grid anyway, like you look at socks on amazon, then go on facebook and you now have targeted advertisements for socks.
the big thing is I feel like people are complaining for the sake of complaining, knowing full well this isn't going to change anything at all
sleep tight porker
sleep tight porker
>I'm just not sure what nefarious things could be done when someone learns of me searching for videogame trailers and asian porn
That depends a lot on the person. If you have a job which requires you to keep up a certain appearance then your career could be killed if information were made public that you were looking at porn. Even if it was totally legal "vanilla" stuff, that could be a career-ender for a newscaster, a teacher, someone affiliated with a religious group or a charity, etc.
>>besides it's all on the grid anyway, like you look at socks on amazon, then go on facebook and you now have targeted advertisements for socks.
But that information isn't linked to you specifically. It's linked to a token somewhere on your computer. The advertising company knows that *someone* looked at socks and then knows to serve sock ads to some specific token ID. But that information isn't connected to *you* by name.
Google is an App. It knows what you do when you use the App. There are other search engines that specifically do not record your activity that you can use. An ISP knows all your activity and now they are permitted to profit from that knowledge without my consent. It's a direct invasion of my privacy to distribute information about me without my consent. It makes no difference what that information is, it's my information which I should have the right to prevent being distributed.
It always astounds me how the right attributes all kinds of tinfoil hat on head conspiracies regarding government, but rolls over for a belly rub to megalithic corporations.
>poor little white pig
>besides it's all on the grid anyway, like you look at socks on amazon, then go on facebook and you now have targeted advertisements for socks.
literally ublock, noscript, any cookie blocker, or if you're a retarded phoneposter, almost any FOSS browser, most come with built-in anti-tracking.
>It makes no difference what that information is, it's my information which I should have the right to prevent being distributed.
which you are broadcasting over someone elses network and servers. If you want to keep your information private, don't send it across technology owned by other people
and since you want to bring muh left v right into this. It's amazing how the left is outraged they can't anonymously look at tranny porn but are doing everything they can to ensure "refugees" bent on dismantling western society are welcome into our countries with open arms
you should start worrying about tangible threats to your physical safety instead
sounds like a non-issue to me. Really its just reinforcing the fact only people doing something they shouldn't be doing should be worried about this.
But that's the problem. There's absolutely nothing wrong with an adult looking at legal porn, yet it can be a career-breaker.
There are all sorts of other potential issues too. Let's say you go in for a job interview. The company contracts with a data-mining service to provide information on your online habits. The hiring manager sees that you've been looking at a lot of stuff for a particular sports team....which he just so happens to hate. You don't get the job.
fuck even horses and pigs score more women than me
that just seems pretty extreme. Also I don't quite get how it's linked to me exactly. They don't know who is looking things up specifically. not like I'm logging in with my name.
>Brahma chicken
sounds cute and would own, but I dont trust other people to respect boundaries and decide to steal my pet and eat it. I had 2 bikes stolen before from my own back yard, fuck humans
Perhaps you consider moving somewhere without those sort of people nearby.
Blacks are everywhere in the USA dude.
No choice really.
>what if I get myself a wild pig undomesticated? will it grow to be not so huge to be slaughtered for its meat?
If you get a wild giraffe will it be able to stay the size of a small child and won't kill you with its giant neck?
That's what you sound like
sleep tight porker
I live in a neighborhood filled with whites and hispanics
whoops we just passed a thoughtcrime law, better not be looking at non-MSM sites :^)
Beaners are just as bad.
sleep tight ᵖᵒʳᵏᵉʳ
ᵖᵒʳᵏᵉʳ Indeed.
more like poor people of all races
let's just stop here
sleep tight porker
sleep tight porker
Except that not true, and telling others to stop will not prevent them from correcting you.
it's like you're denying the amount of low income "white trash" people living in the projects unemployed.
Family income and upbringing play a bigger role than race is all I'm trying to say.
apart from the slaughtering, what's the difference between a woman and a female pig then? why aren't there more man-pig marriages?
>female pig
A lot of forest was saved that day.
Well, not YOU, but.. your friends or cousins or something, yeah.
sleep tight porker
Sleep tight, Porker!