You're at the burger bar waiting for your burger to be cooked

You're at the burger bar waiting for your burger to be cooked.

What instructions do you give the cook?

Please keep the pubes to a minimum

Burger cooked medium. Buns double toasted. Light sauce. Grill veggies for a sec if they're not standard tomato, lettuce, etc

Why am I giving instructions to the cook? Does he not know how to cook a burger? Why would I go to a "burger bar" where they don't know how to cook a burger? This entire scenario is silly.

>Why am I giving instructions to the cook?

So any personal preferences you have can be addressed.

OFC the cook knows how to a cook a burger. But he may not know your preferred level of doneness. Whether or not you want your buns toasted. What order you want the toppings in, and so on.

You're the chef. Use discretion, good taste, technique, and ingredients. Go on, impress me. THAT"S YOUR JOB

> Medium, please
> No mayo, lettuce, onion, or tomato. Leave the pickle in, though.
> If the burger is thicker than an inch, impale it so it doesn't fall apart

That's pretty much it. I don't order cooks around, because I like my food to be spit-free.

Ask for it medium. The rest should be obvious from the burger I ordered or left up to the cook.

The end.

Meat: medium, seasoned with pepper and grilled onion
Buns: sesame, lightly toasted and slathered with thousand island dressing and yellow mustard
Veg: Plenty of iceberg and pile on the tomaters, I'm a big boy
Sides: unsalted fries with dijon for dipping

Don't like it? Fight me, I'm a super saiyan

>So any personal preferences you have can be addressed.

I'll tell the waiter or waitress that when they take my order.



I don't give him any instructions, I jump over the counter and prepare a burger for myself

Heh, nothing personnel, chef

I want one half of the burger medium rare and the other half well done.

>burger bar
so what you drink burgers there i don't get it?

No, the chefs make burgers and you try convince the burgers to come to your place so you can have sex with them.

Cook it medium, lightly toast the bun with butter or oil. Pepper jack cheese, Swiss cheese if you don't have that, or no cheese at all if you don't have either. Lettuce, tomato, red onion, dill pickles, and spicy brown mustard.

I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.

Get the fuck out of my way, rookie.

What's a burger bar?

Well OPs picture seems to be lacking some refrigeration...that part is worrisome. All that meat is room temp for how long? Ehh. If I saw that sitting out like that anywhere I dine, I'd never eat there again.

Burger? Double, yes.
Cheese indeed.
Drag it through the garden.
Reverse stacked
Half onions


meat: rare, loads of pepper
three bacon slices, not too crispy
no lettuce, a few thin tomato slices, fuckloads of onions (like seriously a fuckload, i'd just tell them to keep piling on until i say to stop)
barbecue sauce and mustard
buns not toasted

fight me faggots


And he'll make it the best way he can.

Bar for burgers to eat their daily dose of fat.

Buns should always be toasted, I already told the waitress the ignredients and what doneness level I want

I only go to restaurants where the cooks can be trusted to make my food without my assistance.

I just demand that the meat be halal

So, nowhere?

>fries with dijon
Is yuo pregante?

Yes user, I'm prego


Thanks for your input gordon

Shouldn't burgers always be cooked through as they're made from mince and hence the inside may harbour bacteria unlike steak

Burger that has been ground from a steak within a day of use is perfectly fine to cook to whatever doneness you want, but I find that burgers have a pretty terrible texture if they aren't cooked to atleast medium

>buns not toasted

Grilled medium, burger has to have a noticeable crust from the grill on both sides. Grilled onions and jalapenos. Fresh tomato and lettuce, light mayo and mustard, no ketchup.