Post comfy/nice food commercials and magazine ads here
Ancient food kino/photo ad thread
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>you deserve a break today
Literally the greatest slogan.
Someone post the original Mcrib poster please.
Why is Sprite so hip and with it?
GTFO with this "kino" bullshit you disgusting roody-poo
I can call it anything I want mofo
>he doesn't kino
Damn I loved all of these and still know all the lyrics.
That is some clever thinking, right there.
>Not posting the Costanza ad
If you can't get into the meme you might as well get creamed! Scram, kiddo.
>cheese stays cold
I'm not much of a soda drinker but I can't help but like Fido Dido 7Up commercials.
EXTREMELY related video.
I was so tempted to reply with that. My man~
mmm Sexcellence
I miss 90's soda porn commercials
I imagine this failed almost entirely due to the fact that McDonald's can't use decent lettuce and tomatoes to save their lives.
So instead of what you see in the ad where everything works and looks like food, you instead get a soggy piece of grey lettuce and a hard, barely-pink tomato slice lazily drooping off the side of the top bun (which is of course cold).
Meanwhile, the regular sandwich at least looks like a cheeseburger from the outside.
We all know what a McDonald's burger looks like, and we can eat it. And we all know what it looks like after you take it apart, which is why we don't tend to lift the bun.
Did the higher-ups really believe their marketing so much that they thought their restaurants actually used good ingredients?
I could probably have eaten with this family without fearing for my lift.
Also note the wife attempting to cuck her hubby.
>we do it all for you
>fearing for my lift
What? Afraid they'll steal your Veeky Forums powers?
also this image made me remember how comfy the aesthetics of Mcdonalds are with the floor and all
I miss Ronald
I fucking love that Vaporwave playlist.
When did mcdonalds stop feeling /Comfy/?
watching this with the sound off was kind of disturbing.
everyone looks coke blasted t b h
>everyone looks coke blasted
It's the mid-80's. So yeah, they were.
That's it. Kino is going on the filter. You faggots fon't know what you're talking about.
Rude, some people just don't appreciate food footage
The present, since we're all such nostalgic faggots here
But I think the sweeping remodels towards "classy" kinda harshed the vibe
Its been 5 years user, you gotta let go... he lost his clown badge and is not coming back, his wife tragic death really messed him up.
You don't see ads like this anymore. This ad promotes a solid black family unit.
These days you see ads about an interracial couple or about a "strong" black single mother.
stupid gimmick burger
They felt a little more family oriented, they wanted it to feel like a treat to go out for something fast and cheap. Now it's about extra convenience, which is still fast and cheap, but it's for young adults.
then I get a Checkers soda once, and on it is printed stupid "#YOLO #attemptatcatchphrase" shit on a picture that's supposed to be two people texting about fucking checkers
oh and I used to like their color scheme more. fuck red. taco bell had brown too, that was awesome
can you really blame them? ads gotta appeal to real common types.
Those ads Coca-Cola ran in the 90s with the CGI-animated polar bears
That's not brown. It's red
The ones with the sun at the same time were pretty good too
I like Corn Nuts
Plenty of restaurants do this without meme packaging.
>Gee Bill! How come your mom lets you eat 14 wieners?
I feel like In&Out/Culver's/Whataburger do this now.
>I have to say, I kek'd out loud. The wife even said, "what, what?" But how could I explain it?
It's really not a big deal
Daaaaamn, this is a trip through memory lane. I always loved the tiny M lined design.
For you
My favorite burger when I was a kid
cold cheese is better on burgers, meltfags are retarded
No one posted him yet?!
Mac's gotten a little 'eccentric' over the years...
Did they ever link Russ Beeler's disappearance to him?
Whatever it takes to keep the darkies from moving in nearby and lowering the property values of the areas surrounding McDonald's locations i guess.
I sometimes see 20 piece nugs for $5 now, didn't think I'd see them more expensive here
It's because of current farming practices mostly.
McDonald's explicitly wants people in low socio-economic brackets to be around their locations, poor people eat up fast food way more than rich people.
Fantastic. /pol/ coming to Veeky Forums and shitting it up.
that pink and green will always be cool.
>Bobby's World
So I'm guessing mid 90's
Some of that shit is equally cheap/cheaper this day in age.
>unironically being a post Jessi Slaughter word filter fig newton
wew desu lad
Not him, but did moot word-filter something other than "wapanese"? I'd be interested to know.
There were a shitload of wordfilters on /b/ for a while, but the only two I remember off the top of my head are that 7 became "over 9000" and nigger became "peanut butter". Later the word filters were updated to filter into nicer sounding words just in time for the good morning america expose.
nigger tits
roody poo
ron paul
>there's no tipping
mickey dees bringin the spicy racial memes
>fast food spaghetti
Good lord
McDonalds from this era (around the 1990s) was best.
I don't know what the fuck happened in the 2000s.
In the 90s, no one really worried too much about how unhealthy fast food was, nor did many outside of wealthy yuppie towns really give a shit about various food memes like Organic and shit like that. Of course once documentaries got popular outside of school, there were a ton of "Dangers of Fastfood" documentaries, and suddenly the perception of McDonalds dropped. Also dropped was McDonald's experimentation as it seemed like there was less experimentation when it came to food, drinks and sauces, no more shamrock shakes (They eventually did bring it back though) or anything.
Still, for all we know, it was never good and we became more aware of that in the 2000s
Nah, I share the same opinion.
I always remember mcdonalds holding together better and feeling more substantial in the hand (less fat and smaller sizes maybe?).
Now you can't get half way through a quarter pounder or a big mac and the whole thing is dry and dropping apart.
Also can't get the same 'nostalgic smell' from before. Petrol smell stays the same, school smell stays the same, fresh rain smell is the same... mcdonalds has changed.
It changed because they stopped making burgers in advance and holding them.
Like, the change is fundamentally down to their food prep being less awful.
actually I worked there in 2005 and they were all 'fresh' cooked.
Recently they've gone to holding burgers in heat drawers as I have a friend working there.
Only within the last year or so.
I'm a Britbong though.
I could really go for some brown sugar water right now.
That ad was great
I never saw the kind of food that requires advertising to sell as comfy. Comfy to me is homemade pot roast made using my grandma's recipe. Or my mother's Christmas butter cookies. I never saw anything comfy about McD's. Actually, the experience of eating there is pretty much the opposite of comfy.
well, yeah, because you're close minded and cliche. there's more than one type of family, and more than one type of comfortable.
You used a lot of words to tell us that you're a child of divorce, loser. Maybe if you were a better kid your parents wouldn't have split up.
>What are we going to do tonight, Brain?
That family looks really nice.
>remember "that pepsi ad"
>it was actually nike ad
Pepsi had good ads with the same footballers at the same time though.
Kill yourself you fucking piece of shit.
>Yes, you have enough points. No, you're not getting a fighter jet. We never had one anyway.
Eventually, the courts sided with Pepsi, and some guy with enough time & money to file frivolous lawsuits never received that $30 million piece of Marine hardware.
>tfw innovative containers, semi-decent ingredients and aesthetic locations have been pushed aside in favor of pure consumption and corporate greed
i miss going to mcd as a kid and begging my mom for a happy meal
You didn't have to beg, you only needed to suck her 14 inch dick.
>tfw more than just "like" 7up
>7up will only ever like and not love you
>Pepsi continued to air the commercial, but updated the cost of the Harrier Jet to 700 million Pepsi points.
>The White House stated that the Harrier Jet would not be sold to civilians without "demilitarization," which, in the case of the Harrier, would have included stripping it of its ability to land and take off vertically.
What was even the point of this? Just to make a shit ton of money off of idiots who think that MAYBE they will win? What's even the point of the jet if it can't fly? You might as well just gave them the money it was worth or something. This promo was a mistake from the get go.
Is that thing naked?