You see these things here? I fucking love them. I wish I could sit down and much a bottle while watching anime. But I'm not so sure about getting 100000% of my daily dose of every vitamin.
Would anything bad happen?
You see these things here? I fucking love them. I wish I could sit down and much a bottle while watching anime. But I'm not so sure about getting 100000% of my daily dose of every vitamin.
Would anything bad happen?
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You'll get a wicked tummy ache, dude.
Don't do it.
Eat some celery or something, I dunno.
You can die you dumb faggot. It's uncommon but it can happen if you OD on certain vitamins and minerals. Most of it is benign or you'd have to eat a fuck ton of it or eat it every single day but you don't know what your vitamin levels are.
Also just buy some gummies, mongloid.
Honestly I only take multivitamins because I'm a poorfag who eats shit food, most of it rich in carbs or protien and lacking in nutrients.
>Participants were asked to take six large pills a day, and researchers think many developed pill fatigue. Nearly half the participants in each part of the study stopped taking their medication before the end of the study. The average time people stuck with it was about two and a half years.
>After an average of 55 months, there was no significant difference between the two groups in a composite measure that counted the number of deaths, second heart attacks, strokes, episodes of serious chest pain and procedures to open blocked arteries.
Flawed study in so many ways.
No shit taking vitamins won't help you if you're fat and eat shit food constantly.
A large portion of the population are Vitamin D3 deficient and most people can't get the proper amount from food/sun. Vitamins have a place and they deserve to be sold a bridge if they're retarded enough to buy it.
some of them just give you shits
some of them will kill your liver
if you are serious, read about hypervitaminosis
and compare the scariest ones with amounts on the can
but honestly it's probably fool proof unless more than one can is involved
Any of the vitamins that aren't water soluble will destroy your liver, kidneys and pancreas. The rest you'll piss out. Don't do it.
Water soluble vitamins? Your body just pisses them out. B, C and various acids
Fat soluble? Yeah you're stuck with that shit like luggage and vitamin toxicity will destroy your liver, kidneys and spleen. A, D, K E But you'd have to consume a LETHAL amount to feel any immediate side effects.
So, as your intern pharmacist I recommend you only take the recommended daily amount and stop being a fruity mcfruit
t. pharmacology student
Why not just eat fruit snacks OP?
This question isn't even hard, yes it will hurt you...
These on the other hand will give you a slower, sweeter death
kidney failure, rashes, and nervous sensations represent just a sliver of the problems you could face. DAKE is deadly over time, B & C you will generally piss out in reasonable amounts but megadoses can still have serious consequences. Many multivitamins contain molecules that are non-essential and don't even have a RDV. I have the nutrition chapter of my consumer health text on my lap
This. What the fuck? They need to put about 30 quotation marks on both sides of """""adult"""""" to be truthfully advertising.
I can totally see what he means
Regular fruit gummies are almost all sugar, revolting
These things are given light amounts of artificial sweetener.
It's like Coke and Diet Coke. Prefering vitamin gummies over gummy candy may be a sign of palate maturity desu
Will it be okay if I only take a vitamin like, maybe once a week?
Yes user, you're going to fucking die if you take a daily multivitamin more then once a week
I'm just trying to be healthy without eating any fruits or vegetables you motherfucker
Nah, I actually ate an entire box and basically ingested 100000% of my daily value of vitamin c. I basically started dry heaving because my body couldn't handle it.
And that was with a water soluble vitamin.
Pure placebo, that doesn't happen
Oldfag Veeky Forumsizens can tell you what happens when you do shit like this even once.
>pic very related
Just buy regular gummies you absolute retard.
>joints creak like fuck
>take elderly multivitamins
>joints feel completely better
I still don't know wtf I was deficient in. It have been vitamin B