Do you have your gf or wife cook often for you? If so, how good is the cooking? Mine sucks at it.
Do you have your gf or wife cook often for you? If so, how good is the cooking? Mine sucks at it
Come on OP, you know most of us are either single or femanons and also single.
GF cooks for me once a week, she is amazing at it. Just planted a garden yesterday, and shopping for engagement rings. Life is looking up, lads.
I'm a girlfriendless fucking loser
to be honest, just for being a "nice guy" you don't deserve a shit, ain't no one deserves a loyal woman for his own, you have to earn it.
>people are unironically subscribed to a page called "guy humor"
Sorry, /co/ brought me here, didn't realize Veeky Forums was one of those boards.
those eggs are burnt, and what the fuck is she doing with that cup? this image is dumb.
She's rimming the glass. Shouldn't use a plastic cup, but what do you expect?
>random fucking cup
>cremated eggs
>in with raw fucking bacon
>a plate with a fancy swirl of pulverized and dried feces
>coil stove
>guy humor
>it's not humorous
I'd let her rim my ass if you know what I mean.
It says good guys not nice guys. Being nice is easier than being an all around good person.
GF is making tacos for me right meow.
Will later have GF's taco.
It's a win win
This. Nice is an affectation. Goodness involves living an ethical, outward-looking lifestyle.
>turkey bacon
Fucking open hand slap that bitch and leave.
Men aren't funny and never have been.
>certified red seal
>he just wants tendies, fries, burgers (no veggies)
Veeky Forums isn't. That user is shitposting.
>unironic fast food threads dominate
Idk about that user.
why do i keep seeing people (probably just 1 person) going around talking about /co/ so much?? make like your board and go back to your fantasy land.
I've seen newfags, but at least lurk a week.
No. I've never understood this "grills cook for you" meme. Cooking is a man's job, and if you can't make yourself some food your aren't a real man imo.
If you can't get your dick wet, you're not much of a man either though.
im talking about here, specifically on ck, in a time span longer than the last week..
define kinky
>If you can't get your dick wet,
Never really had a problem with that, and I've never asked a girl out in my life. I just never understood the "grills cook" meme. Men are always better cooks, I'm a better cook, and I enjoy cooking, so fuck off. I'll cook for my lady friends because I want to, and I'll eat them out; even if I didn't they'd somehow flock to me in a perfectly adequate quantity.
>OP image
She put the bacon in after cooking the eggs, and the now cooked eggs are touching the raw side of the bacon. There's going to be some cross contamination here.
And the eggs are already burnt. God damn spic
Fucking hell, those are eggs?
I thought she just fucked up a pancake, jesus christ
I like cooking and am better than her, she makes me drinks and feeds me doritos then does the majority of the cleanup
I love to cook, have more experience cooking than her. Often times when she visits I make her a nice, hearty meal, and after that I fuck her mercilessly.
So yes, it's a mutually beneficial relationship.
Who's your cooking waifu,Veeky Forums?
Mine is Nikumi. I want to be her cooking assistant and listen to her yell orders at me until service is over. Then she'll sheepishly apologise for being so mean and I'd eat her "meat" out on the kitchen counter before impregnating her with future culinary geniuses.
I want to cook for a gf. Too bad I'm a lesbian who will never find love.
Heh...night with me baby and you won't be a lesbian anymore ;-)
Don't be so down on yourself. I'm sure you're a lovely woman.
Come to Amsterdam and ill be your gf
Hiroshimoot merged the two boards for a day as an April fools joke. Both boards directed to /cock/. There were other mergers too:
There were more those are just what I remember rn.
Generally all instances of merged communities got along and had a pretty cute day of cross boarding bantz while pol and mlp self imploded.
No such thing as a loyal woman.
>while pol and mlp self imploded.
that's only true for the first 2 hours.
The horse fuckers drove away the shills and redditors and the actual /pol/ threads were a lot better than usually.
>or femanons and also single
that feel is calling.
mlp here. can confirm that pol is hot for our degenerate /d/ abused pussy.
>being a dyke
I don't believe anyone deserves anything in this shit world either, but I'm detecting a poignant fish smell and having visions of a roast beef vagina dentata so back to Jezebel with you, axe-wound.
>cooking bacon without a shirt
Well most of the posters are from the US of A and talk about fast food or whatever is a meme in California/Chicago.
It's not even a joke. Just a statement
ck suck because the discussion of thread is not ontopic most of the time.
my wife can cook recipes but she cant creat new ones. she is able to cut vegetables rly nice and fast. i like her food but i think she is no cook. neither am i^^
My GF basically handles all the cooking. Most of it is good. Sometimes the meals are a little light (like soup) and not filling enough but in general I've been happy.
Been reading CK more to try to develop my own cooking skills. If I could start just doing basic stir fry or something like that it would go a long way.
Its a bloody mary, underoo
She's making him a michelada. Its like a bloody Mary but with beer and clamato instead of vodka and tomato juice.
Surprisingly one of the few benefits of having a Mexican girlfriend is she makes these for me after nights of drinking. Of course this is after she gets mad at me over stupid shit and knocks me out with a frying pan or stabs me with a screw driver. But you win some you lose some, and sadly I like crazy
been with my girl 10+ years she never made me anything. not even a cup of tea. but it's all good
How many times do you think guy "humor" has posted this picture of Will Ferrell with some unrelated quote on it? 50? 100?
Man, I met this incredibly gorgeous girl here in Australia. She seems to like me a little bit because of my cooking I think. The thing is I have no chance because fat...
I seriously wouldn't mind cooking for a girl every day, I did it for my extended family for years.
S-same, w-where are you from? p-pls respond
kek'd :-DDDD
/outsoc/ was a lot worse than /mlpol/
>of course the pcfat is a lonely virgin
fucking roasted
I miss the cocks board. I think we should hang out with co more often, they're on the same step in the spectrum as us.
She's putting lime on solo cup
There's something burnt next to something raw in a pan
"Cooking" shirtless
That bitch would be in my house only if she's a pool cleaner
My beautiful girlfriend and I make our meals together.
I think that's meant to be bro humor. The type of dude that would say something like "sorry babe, it's just a guy thing."
I will only ask politely this one time. Normies, please leave my board.
>being poor
I don't get the joke.
You have to go back
She's okay but she has to follow directions so her cooking is pretty uninspired.
Honestly I prefer to cook anyway. I'm better at it and enjoy it. She does all the other matronly shit though like cleaning and the laundry. I haven't hung up a shirt in two years.
She's very traditional. She's Mexican so the food is usually pretty great. Today was charisso?, eggs, and homemade tortillas.
Mom makes me tendies.
>cooking bacon topless
Lol, sounds like some kind of ashkenazic jew food
>sorry can only eat charisso. It's kol niedry tonight
I wish I have a husband to cook for a do kinky stuff to. In return for cooking everyday I want a neck massage/back-rub.
...but seriously (not that the above isn't also a serious wish ;_;) cooking at eating for one really sucks. If I was planning meals for four people I would be able to have a lot more variety and freshness.
...and I wish I have a husband and children I could make bentos for, there is just no point in making something cute when I'm eating alone. : /
Gf is half Mex
Her family's dinners kill it, bbq 10 months out of the year, tamales for Christmas, etc
>roleplaying as a woman on Veeky Forums
t. roastie
It's some kind of sausage.
Same here. Soups, steaks, bbq, etc.
The only "cooking gf" I'd want is someone who does the dishes as she's working on it. I fucking work and manage to have a soapy dobe and clean my utensils and shit properly as something is cooking.
of course it's easier to just make a bunch of shit than it is to clean it, but I don't own that dishwashing machine so it's a constant battle of "do I really want to dirty two pants and a pot for a meal i'll eat in 15 minutes"
>Been reading CK more to try to develop my own cooking skills
I've got some bad news for you.
This isn't /rk9/ or /k/, this will be one of those boards where most posters would be women.
Other boards that tend to have a lot of owmen are /adv/, /an/, /c/, /h/, /ic/, and /y/.
/rk9/ and /pol/ is pretty much the ONLY boards that is almost entirely male AND hostile to females, even then, there are some women on /pol/. Alas the are the ones that earns Veeky Forums infamy.
correction: that tend to have a lot of women
Timez for me to go to sleep...
.....alone ;_;
she sucks but she tries and its cute
I am a boyfriendless loser, but I do know how to cook.
Mine would find a way to burn water. She outright refuses, even when i'm sick. Our deal is that I cook, she cleans and everyone is happier for it.
Women can't cook and they certainly don't post on Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums have a lot of women too
Do you make her cum before bed?
Daaaaaaaaamn! That edge
Correction that womens have alot of tendies.
Time to wake up
Ill be your bf. Are you below obese on the bmi scale and less than 35 years old?
hell yeah, how's the food?
My bitch cant cook at all but microwave eggs im like gtfo my kitchen bitch and pull your panties down
>didn't realize Veeky Forums was one of those boards
More like /c9k/, amirite?
Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.
I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.
We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.
But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.
Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."
All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.
Do with this information what you will.
Because men typically have more important things to do than cook. Men cook on Sundays only