What's your favorite alcoholic drink. I'm turning 21 pretty soon, and my dad said he would buy drinks for the party. What should I get?
What's your favorite alcoholic drink. I'm turning 21 pretty soon, and my dad said he would buy drinks for the party...
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Strawberry Daiquiri
Hard vodka with nothing to mix it with. If you can't wolf it down then you are a pussy and should not be that mans son
Make jungle juice
I'm his wife's son.
Then 40oz, they're good for niggers like yourself
Fermented jenkem drink mixed with vodka.
This fag isn't even the OP I am.
Fuck off. I'm OP.
Modelo. But when I was 21 I like gin mules, white russians and whiskey cokes, because I was a fucking faggot.
Prove OP
I love to suck cocks I'm planning to suck all the dicks at my party. There that proves I'm OP.
It's big black cock, retard
I'm my dad's wife's son. I suck my own cock all the time. Variety is the spice of life.
Bombay Sapphire with just enough vermouth to taste it and ONE olive. Don't be that shitstick who makes that Bond reference (nobody fucking stirs martinis these days anyway).
>16 and never drank before
>do buddy a favor, fix his computer
>I won't take money from him so instead he invites me to eat pizza and get wasted
>buy a 1L bottle of ridiculously cheap vodka for, I shit you not, 2 United States dollarydoos
>go eat some pizza
>go back to his place
>get on his second story balcony overlooking a nice part of the city
>crack open the bottle
>how bad could it b-
>nail polish remover
>this shit smells exactly like my sisters nail polish remover
>he's got two normal glasses
>fills them almost to the brim
>repeat with another glass each to finish off the bottle
>its gone within 15 minutes
I don't remember half of that night. We climbed onto his actual roof to get a better view of the city, and some miraculously didn't fucking end ourselves in the process. I remember starting to sob like a little out of nowhere because "wah my crush doesn't like me", but then apparently when my equally trashed came over to try to cheer me up I punched him in the face. Thank God his little brother was there to play reverse babysitter and scream at him to stop, because between me having zero experience fighting and him being trained in Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing, I would have died locked in that chokehold otherwise. Next thing I know, I said I was tired, had to be accompanied by both of them down to ground level, slipped and nearly cracked my head open,but finally collapsed on his bed and I was lights out before my head even hit the pillow.
Woke up next morning with the worst god awful stomach pain I've ever had to this day, puked all over his toilet. Vomiting was so fierce that my mouth was saturated so it also startes guaging out of my nose; I:m not kidding when ai say I was picking pieces of half-digested peppers and salami out my nose. Cleaned it up, woke him up so he could open the front door for me, and had to take 2 long (1 hour each) bus rides homes. Got home, collapsed on bed again.
Bourbon and root beer. Get a nice spicy brand like Barq's, a good American bourbon like Wild Turkey or Maker's, then prepare it the same way you would a rum and Coke. One shot liquor over ice in a glass, fill with root beer, stir.
>2oz gin or vodka
>12 oz lemon lime seltzer
aka The Veeky Forumsizen's Friend.
Sorry for all the spelling mistakes, trying to post all that on the phone while taking a shit and being halfway as drunk as I was that night was a struggle. Autocorrect is too mice and won't autocorrect cuss words too.
IPA is good
Long Island Iced Teas are really good go with that ;^)
You're gonna want a bottle of good rum, a bottle of good whiskey, and a bottle of good vodka.
I can't give any recommendations for the rum, just that no alcohol that comes in a plastic bottle is good.
The whiskey you want is Wild Turkey. If your dad can't find Wild Turkey, settle for Crown Royal. Don't sell yourself short and drink anything less than Crown.
Vodka is vodka is vodka. Just have your dad find the strongest ball-bustingest straight plain normal clear vodka.
If you have your mother's taste in alcohol, I'm gonna assume that means we share the same taste since I have my mother's taste in alcohol too, in which case I would advise you to steer clear of the rocky mountain pisswater that is any alcohol brewed primarily with hops. If you want a cheap beerlike option, go for Angry Orchard, Strongbow, Twisted Tea, Mike's, Not Your Dad's, or Smirnoff.
1 water please waiter :)
Back when I was in the Navy, we had mandofun bullshit where everyone had to go to a bar together for stupid reasons.
One of the women there drank nothing but Long Islands, and didn't understand why people raised their eyebrows at her until I explained they have about six drinks worth of booze in them.
This 90 pound girl would drink like seven of them and never realized it, it barely damn bothered her. She could drink anyone on the ship under the fucking table because she never realized she was a high functioning alcoholic.
Anyway, OP, ignore this post. Get the Long Island because you like the taste and become the hero you could be.
>good whiskey
>crown royal
lol are you even old enough to drink
If you're going to a bar to celebrate, this guy's long island iced tea suggestion is a great choice. I also recommend trying an old fashioned, a rusty nail, and a gin and tonic, and probably a zombie as well. All of the above are on this chart.
If you're staying home, stick with and either drink straight or do very simple cocktails.
Pic related.
>6 drinks in a long island meme
You're getting a 1/5 pour of each of the 5 alcohols in it. You aren't getting 5 shots in a long island unless you are best friends with the bartender. You aren't going to give some rando a loaded long island because morons that only drink long islands tend to drink a million of them and go vomit somewhere in your bar.
God damnit.
I like gin a lot.
Actually a question for Veeky Forums. I happen to really enjoy the taste of gin but have a hard time with high amounts of alcohol so at home I usually drink gin and club soda. Is this something I can get away with ordering in public without looking like a fag or should I stick with IPAs? 22 btw, not a lot of experience with social drinking.
>im 21 what should i drink.
sorry to go off topic, but do americans never drink underage?
I've been drinking since I was 14. the legal age is 18 where I live
Gin and club soda will make you look like a jackass.
Gin and tonic, on the other hand, is classy as fuck.
Its okay bro. We've all been there
Don't do it user. Consciously choose not to engage in degeneracy. The lord will reward you handsomely.
I literally only ever seen girls order gin and tonics, and while I enjoy them, they were always too sweet for me to prefer it over club soda. What exactly about it makes someone seem like a jackass?
We do, but we take what we can get. Which means its rat piss beer or bottom shelf vodka.
Kids drink but they also universally have no idea what is good or bad and drink whatever shit they can take from their parents.
>alcohol plays a key part in Judeo-Christian customs
>calling alcohol degeneracy
That's the drink that upper middle-class men with a taste for the classic make for themselves when they get home from work and they wanna relax. Winston Churchill drank gin and tonic, and back in the day the quinine in tonic was the preferred method of staving off illness while on safari, and the tonic was mixed with gin because why the fuck not?
You'll look like a jackass ordering gin and club soda because it bastardizes the historical awesomeness of the gin and tonic.
well, back then they would use a different tonic. our tonic today has sugar and very little quinine while in british india and such it was the opposite. So, really, the people who came up with the drink would probably prefer club soda if they had to choose. i just looked this up, actually pretty interesting stuff
I assume you're using "tonic" as a word for "cola"; I hear that's a thing somewhere in the eastern US. The tonic water I get at the store is nothing but bubbly water with quinine in it, and any tonic water that I buy anywhere should be just that and nothing more. I don't know if it does or does not have less quinine in it than it did in Churchill's day, but it makes a damn good drink either way.
malibu rum desu
It barely counts as alchoholic, but it's pleasant.
Has to be home-made though, not that store-bought shit.
It's ridiculously easy to make anyways.
teens are good at the easiest and cheapest piss to consume
What a tweest
damn man. you totally missed the entire point of this thread. cool post tho
but if you just want to get drunk then get some shitty rum and mix it with coke or juice
You must be at least 18 to use this site.
Is this pasta? If not, it should be.
heh, absinthe.
Just picked up some Wild Turkey as I'm starting to try out whiskeys. I'll have to try this out. Thanks user.
honestly, if you didnt drink much before. either ask for what you know, or if you dont even know hat you like, tell your dad that.
he will get something palatable for you
orange juice mixed with various liquors
>harvey wallbangers
>oj + malibu
I can drink the stuff straight, I've done it, I just prefer not to. I don't have anything to prove I guess.
But...Jesus drank all the time.
Get a taste for what beers you like first. It's the staple of social drinking and you need to start as soon as you can. Craft beers are very popular with 20-somethings, start there.
Just have you dad but a keg.
You can't really go wrong mixing liquor and soda.