What is the definitive way to make beef stroganoff?
What is the definitive way to make beef stroganoff?
Other urls found in this thread:
>cook brown beef in bottom of pot
>put it aside
>cook pasta in same pot
>mix all together with cheapest can of cream of mushroomsoup you can find.
Beef stroganoff is top tier poor food. You should not spend more than $5 on this meal. You should not use more than one dish.
>What is the definitive way to make beef stroganoff?
when i cook, ill allways look for few recipes of the same meal and pick the things i like from all of them
same with stroganoff or bolognese sauce. not going for the most genuine/real recipe
[spoiler]i eat stroganoff with rice[/spoiler]
Also, what are you supposed to use for the cream ingredient? Sour cream? Cream cheese? I've seen both of them in different recipes.
I would imagine just heavy cream.
here's how an actual Russian guy makes it
He serves it with potatoes rather than pasta.
>You should not use more than one dish.
Not counting the one you need to drain the grease off the beef, right?
4chans redditification is insane
More like beef strokin off
Fuck off; Boris is amazing.
cookinginrussia does it better desu
I beef stroganoff every day
Fuck off, I've never been to reddit and I've been on Veeky Forums for years. Boris is great.
That's what I do: poll about four variations and do the average, with whatever I want to add.
Can I get a quick rundown on this dish?
Boris is Estonian.
Idi nahui, Boris is best slav
Beef saute stroganoff is made from the tenderloin. You sear is in a pan then add finely sliced shallots, garlic and mushrooms. Then add tomatopure and paprika. Deglace the pan with demiglace and reduce. Serve in the sauce topped with freshly chopped parsley and tomatoconcasse. The meat which are cut into neat 2x1 cm should still be pink inside when you are done cooking.
Best served with a side of mashed potatoes
Came here to post this