What are some arguments AGAINST vegetarianism?
What are some arguments AGAINST vegetarianism?
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>i like to eat meat
That shit is gay and queer
You don't need to eat as MUCH meat, but people would be healthier if they ate meat less frequently and focused on the sustainability of animal agriculture.
There aren't really any, other than that.
Humans are omnivores.
it has no meat in it
Valid arguments? Not many. Unless they drink almond milk. Per gallon almond milk takes more water to produce then a gallon of cow milk. Add in the fact that the majority of almonds are grown in water scarce California and the environmental impact is greater than the impact of cows.
Since vegetarians can eat eggs and dairy, not many.
it's pharmacologic virus marketing
assorted kids, for free, are fighting with you every day to make you live off pills till your death
Incredibly wrong.
Data to back that up?
meat good
Eating the food that was intended for animals. How cruel !
It's wasteful of resources. I'm sure some will excuse it but you have to eat like 10 pounds of vegetables every day vs only one or two ponds of meat. So that 8 extra pounds has to be shipped around the world consuming many gallons of fossil fuels. It's no coincidence that global warming started at the same time (early 70s) as veganism. Also, Hitler was a vegan
You absolutely do not need to eat one to two pounds of meat a day
>vegetarianism seriously limits your diet, meaning you won't get to experience many great dishes
>getting proper nutrition can take a bit of work, especially if you're a vegan
>some foods vegetarians eat are still extremely detrimental towards the environment, i.e. soi
>it's possible to buy meat from animals grown in decent conditions
>most (but not all) vegetarians are self-rightous cunts noone in their right mind would want to be associated with
>basing your entire lifestyle around human morality (an evolutionary trait that makes us cooperate instead of killing eachother all the time) is strange and pointless when all other animals on earth don't give a fuck and almost all life is based on consumption of other beings
Vegetarians are okay.
Vegans are the spawn of satan.
It's a Pajeet thing.
Pakistanis aren't particularly known to be vegetarians, user.
And it took 40 pounds of vegetables/grains to make those 2 pounds of meat, retard.
> Also, Hitler was a vegan
Hitler was a good man.
Hitler wasn't a vegan, wasn't even a full vegetarian. He ate a lot of ham.
It's a common myth.
Still a good man.
Personally, never met him.
I'll take your word for it, Uncle Heydreich.
In terms of health? Can't really think of any major ones. The healthiest populations often had/have a little bit of meat in their diet (still like 85% carbohydrates).
>Harder to obtain certain nutrients found in meats. Most of the diet will need to be hoisting up those missing parts
>Limited dishes depending on how strict your vegetarianism is
>Eating out is difficult
>Will be reading labels a lot now
>Will have to cook more
>Lower cholesterol levels could increase chance of depression
>you'll be eating larger portions in order to keep your caloric intake up and not lose weight
Did you know there are meat alternatives? I bought some vegetarian corn dogs the other day because my local store only sells either those or gigantic $20 boxes which don't fit in my freezer. They taste good so it all works out.
Most of those really aren't a big deal though, at least in my opinion as someone who is by no means vegetarian but virtually never buys meat himself.
Those are the worst kinds of things you can buy if you're vegetarian and don't want to harm the environment.
Just buy free-range beef instead of industrial shit like this.
I'm not saying they're a big deal. Just bringing up the disadvantages.
Like, a large portion of your time is going to be figuring out if you're getting a healthy of nutrients. There's a reason why people often use supplements.
>vegetarian corn dogs
Over processed shit.
You take the most unhealthy and gross food in existence and make it even worse.
I was raised vegetarian. Veggie father, meat eating mother. Started eating chicken and turkey from ages 7-12. Rebelled and became vegetarian until age 21 at which point I began eating sardines and chicken. I now eat lamb as well as fish and poultry.
Optimizing one's health is not simple. There are a lot of conflicting ideals in the health world. Ultimately, I was raised to respect animals as a vegetarian, and I have even more respect for them now that they sustain me.
In my experience vegetarians don't really think about their diet that much either. They just avoid all meat and usually buy whatever they feel like eating instead. Almost nobody actually plans every meal and the amount of nutrients they eat every day,
that's for people with related diseases or some professional athletes. There are many unhealthy vegetarians too, white bread, cheese and coke is a vegetarian "diet" too.
your sources are?
Protein is harder to get.
The burden of proof is on you, brainlet. Youre the one making the claim hes just disagreeing.
>"(you)i believe lions sprout wings and fly to the north pole every morning". "(Him):ok prove it" "(you) WELL YOU CANT PROVE THAT THEY DONT"
I personally can't go vegetarian without supplements or constantly looking my diet without my body feeling like an old man.
Fuck, I'm omnivorous and I still have to take eldery multivitamins to not die.
If only the objective, barebone facts matter, it's somewhat more inconvenient in today's world. That's pretty much it.
Your endocrine system is probably shot. Get more sunlight during peak UVB aka astronomical noon.
I wouldn't have a problem with vegans or vegetarians if they didn't obsess about it so much.
>omfg, did that ladle just touch beef stock? Throw it away!
I honestly think any possible health benefits that one might get from fad diets are obviated by the amount of stress involved in making sure one doesn't eat a molecule of a proscribed food item.
They make it better usually though? I don't know about corndogs, but the vegetarian hotdogs are much higher in protein and much lower in fat, usually have some fibre thrown in too.
Well I'm in my early twenties so I hope that's pretty far away for me. I don't like the idea of supplements, you can easily get your vitamins through a bit of variety in your diet. Like sweet potatoes for A, fruits for C, dairy for K etc.
I'd only consider supplementing vitamin D and B12 since they can be hard to obtain in decent doses (still absolutely doable).
>le vitamin D meme
I already get enough
You're fine, I'm pretty sure it's just bad genes.
Veganism makes passive-agressive assholes.
How do you know when a vegetable is no longer safe to eat?
I bought a tomato about six months ago and it still hasn't rotted, just got a little wrinkly/pruney.
Is it always safe to eat a vegetable as long as it hasn't rotted, or do they expire in other ways?
Disbalance of testosterone, and you're eating a shit ton of food with xenoestrogen making you even bigger faggot that you are now. Now fuck off.
Lack of knowledge leads to errors which leads to deficiencies which ultimately leads to health problems.
There's nothing wrong about vegetarianism if you know your business. 90 % of people don't.
If there isn't any visible mould and it doesn't smell bad it should be fine to eat.
>6 months
What kind of mutant tomato is that? You might be able to make a fortune, go get that analysed. But seriously throw it away, after at most a couple of weeks I wouldn't trust most things anymore. Except onions, garlic and lemons that shit lasts so long.
It's a yellow tomato, not sure what variety.
I'd plant the seeds but I don't want to cut into it, lest I shorten its lifespan.
At this point I'm just seeing how long it lasts.
Maybe, if you haven't already do a blood analysis, it might be a psychological thing. Also exercise if you aren't already.
>Wasteful on resources
>Meanwhile you aren't factoring in all the food you have to FEED the ANIMALS throughout their life that you could have directly fed humans
I'd never be a vegan, but lets not bullshit about cost and efficiency. We eat animals because they taste good.
>implying I have money to get a fucking blood analysis
Meat is calorie-dense, high in protein, and has vitamins concentrated in it.
Vegetarians are likely to be weak due to lack of protein, stupid from lack of vitamin B12, and probably mentally unstable to boot.
When we colonise space, pigs and cows will not be far behind.
Apart from Falaffel there really isnt any good foods.
Meat tastes good, its simple.
Basic biology?
Fine. Check out the ucla study from June 2, 2016 titled "almond milk vs cow milk life cycle assessment"
Almond milk takes 17 times more water per liter than cow milk.
I don't think I've ever eaten 10 pounds of vegetables over 3 meals.
I'm pretty sure that overall, per-calorie, vegetables cost less to produce.
Humans are perfectly capable of a healthy vegetarian diet, which contains a lot of dairy and eggs in any case. Only reason not to be "vegetarian" is it's dumb to turn your diet into an ideology. People should eat less meat, but there's no reason to make that into a rigid system.
>it took 40 pounds of stringy bullshit that humans can't eat, grown where human crops can't grow anyway to make those 2 pounds of meat
Context, son.
are there any studies that say vegans/vegetarians have B12 deficiencies?
If only. I eat more vegetables than meat, but fuck all giving it up entirely. That's just a stupid attempt at tribal confirmation. We have enough tribal associations shoved down our throats everyday, why would I willingly add another layer?
Ironically, instead of congratulating me on eating more vegetables, I still get shit from vegetarians and vegans because I haven't eliminated all meat. Fucking faggot tribal clones.
you can cut out dairy and eggs too, desu
Piiiiiiiiiiiiiigsssss innnnnnnnnn spaaaaaaaaace!
the only way to obtain the proper amount is to eat fortified foods
Not if you want to obtain vitamin b12 naturally
Guess what nignog
omnies can also be b12 deficient and anyone in their right mind will supplement with b12
How come vegans have more test than omnies then?
Also, you are the one drinking and eating shit with mammalian estrogen in it. "Xenoestrogens" arent estrogen to humans, they just attach to the same receptors and possibly block mammalian estrogen from attaching to the receptors, which is why vegan men probably have more test.
>omnies can also be b12 deficient
when did I say this is not true?
>anyone in their right mind will supplement with b12
Because they understand that their diet is lacking what they need naturally because a no animal products diet is unnatural and will cause severe problems.
pescatarian master race
>muh natural
Guess what homo
typing on a computer ain't natural so you shouldn't be here
>because a no animal products diet will cause severe problems.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Here's the position of the American dietetic association
>It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.
Enjoy your mercury poisoning.
Again, those foods are most likely fortified with b12 or they're using supplements. You could not naturally obtain b12 from just plant sources.
Fun fact: shit is the primary source of B12 for beasts.
So? You could not obtain a computer from any natural sources yet you use one. I don't give a fuck about what's natural, I do what's right and good.
And? I don't see how that changes anything.
Okay, well you do you. Just don't use the whole "veganism is natural" spiel that people tend to use.
Also the next time you try to come up with an argument, look up some basic logical fallacies. If you imply x is natural therefore x is good you are literally justifying anything that is deemed natural. Rape and murder are natural too.
>Okay, well you do you. Just don't use the whole "veganism is natural" spiel that people tend to use.
Had I used it? No. Get the fuck out with your assumptions.
This image is triggering me.
It fucking should be, meattard. Literally every bullshit argument you guys come up with defending the animal holocaust relies on logical fallacies.
When did I say it was good? I simply stated that you can't live off of a diet that has no animal products without adding supplements and thus the idea that is it natural is wrong.
>Rape and murder are natural too
Yes and various species live due to these things. I don't see your point tbqh. Are you trying to say that nature itself is bad?
Not saying you had. Just saying to not use that in future arguments.
I'm vegan tho.
>Just saying to not use that in future arguments.
Well way to go you retard, refuting shit nobody has claimed. Do you want a medal?
>Yes and various species live due to these things. I don't see your point tbqh. Are you trying to say that nature itself is bad?
So are you saying that raping people and murdering animals are good things because they are natural? How can you be this dense?
I don't get where you keep thinking I'm saying that those things are good. Where have I stated this so I can correct it?
Also, its A supplement, not supplements (plural).
B12 is literally the only thing needed on a diet with no animal products, because in modern societies we treat our water and we don't eat unwashed vegetables. B12 is a vitamin produced by bacteria and bacteria only, which reside in soil and in the large intestine.
You were the one to come up with the whole appeal to nature bullshit, obviously trying to justify killing animals when there's no reason for it but you failed.
>Just don't use the whole "veganism is natural" spiel that people tend to use.
but you're the one doing it right now
this one gets it
How did I fail? Not trying to be sassy but I would truly love to know.
You failed to give an argument against vegetarianism.
Sorry, I don't know how to word this properly but how exactly?
Veganism is a step up in every single way
Habitually, not biologically
What was your argument again then? I refuted your claims pretty through and through.
t. god awful cook
I believe it was simply "you cannot live on a no animal products diet with no b12 supplement or fortified foods"
As opposed to naturally obtaining your food by driving to a supermarket to buy your food which has gone through numerous preserving processes?
>I believe it was simply "you cannot live on a no animal products diet with no b12 supplement or fortified foods"
How is that an argument against vegetarianism? Just the the fucking pill or eat the fortified foods.