Looking for the fancy restaurant webm where they serve everything on the table, like drop liquid everywhere and break frozen shit on top of it.
much appreciated, also cooking Gifs thread
Looking for the fancy restaurant webm where they serve everything on the table, like drop liquid everywhere and break frozen shit on top of it.
much appreciated, also cooking Gifs thread
Other urls found in this thread:
really macerates my strawberries
Jesus christ, just use a Mandolin.
What is the fucking point?
Not sure they have those in prison
Entertainment, same as any other high-end dining experience.
You think a mandoline would provide the same sort of "badass ganster" vibe that the film needed? It's not about the cooking, spergmisester. It's a movie. It's about the scene, the setting....the details...
I didn't know it was a movie, dicks-for-brains.
>hasn't seen Goodfellas
>being newer than Goodfellas shitposting on Veeky Forums
>He doesn't know it was a very good system
I was 10 when it came out, you want me to travel back in time and buy a $1 movie ticket to satisfy your wrinkly grey ass?
Milleniel faggot.
Aww, look at the little baby.
I didn't know this was a gramps thread.
He'd be 37 if he was 10 in 1990. How fucking old are you?
Milleniel but not a faggot.
You realise you can watch movies from the comfort of your own home? Even movies that have been out for a long time. It's a miracle of the modern age, user!
Now go get your fuckin' shine box.
and hope you never go to prison
>It's a miracle of the modern age, user!
It's a good system.
I'm 25 and goodfellas is probably one of my favorite movies. I think you're just one of those gays I keep hearing about
can't get fancier
>paying good money to eat off of a table like a poor person
Gotta be Texas...
Oh god I want to say Missouri because I had the best fucking brisket and ribs there
my back yard some times.
any person that fancies themselves a half decent cook that cannot smoke their own meat is a LIAR. A GOD DAMNED LIAR. THEY'RE SHIT AND THEIR FOOD IS SHIT!
sorry. not sorry.
If you can't love me for my bratwurst, you don't deserve my chicken breast
Well I wanted to move to either Texas or Alaska anyways. I guess it's decided then.
You won't be disappointed here in Texas, pardner.
Best brisket in the world.
La Barbecue - Austin,TX
jesus christ what a mess
if your chicken breast is better than your bratwurst you got issues mang
Looks like they're preparing a transmutation circle.