Would you eat it?
Rate my lunch
looks kinda boring but yeah if I was hungry
forgot my rating 4/10
What's on the sandwich?
Red onions, mayonaise, Dijon, ham. Basic shit.
That actually sounds pretty good.
The onion was a little old but the lettuce was crisp.
Reasonable, although the ham looks like that typical american formed loaf garbage. I like the pickle sides, and it's a nice fresh piece of quality lettuce. If it was thin sliced baked or smoked ham I'd give it an 8/10. As it is, I have to bump you to 5.5/10.
The ham was pretty bland but I've had worse.
Concept: 8/10. A ham sandwich with some kind of pickles and salad is a great lunch.
Execution: 4/10. The quality of a ham sandwich has everything to do with the level of ham and bread involved, and this looks like supermarket tier shit.
Basically this. So with a step up in those two games you've got a halfway decent little meal there.
Here's dinner. Thanks for the feedback.
chicken looks way overcooked and dry as hell
Yeah, have to agree. I don't quite know what was attempted on that chicken.
How about it OP? What were you doing there?
I don't know. It's chicken, how rare can it be?
I hate this concept that well done meat is always dry. A bunch of Chinamen doing nothing but fucking and jewing eachother had well done meat figured out while using tools largely from caves, so why can't you do it?
Maybe you need different methods? I bake chicken with a little olive oil in the oven at about 350 F for around 25 minutes (depending on how thick the chicken is), have NEVER had it come out dry.
There is no such thing as rare chicken. There is under cooked, cooked, and over cooked. Yours is over cooked.
I don't know, how do you do it? I usually cook it in a pan but this time I tried using the oven. The results were less than spectacular.
Thanks, I'll give that a shot next time.
Yeah, I know my beef but chicken continues to be a hit and miss affair.
Sear seasoned chicken breast on one side in olive oil over med high heat on the stove. Flip when deep golden brown and immediately deposit the oven proof fry -pan you are using in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or a little less or more depending on the thickness of the meat.