Do you eat tofu? If so, how do you prepare it?
Do you eat tofu? If so, how do you prepare it?
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No, I'd prefer not having bitchtits. Only fermented soy is safe for males to consume.
smoked marinated tofu in ramen is GOAT.
I tried grilling some last weekend and it was shit, threw it away. dissapointed af, I was expecting it to be delicious.
please don't lie on the internet
Only smoked, i use it as a substitute for meat in some dishes like stew, fried stuff, if i cook for the gf.
I've wanted to try it but I found chicken to be cheaper so I just used that instead.
he's right though, isoflavones are nothing to mess with
no. please stop.
>wanting to have gynecomastia
There's a reasob for Asian men being, feminine, small and frail.
He's not it's the truth.
Wouldn't they have gynecomastia too? Why don't they?
It's okay. I squish it between paper towels and books to get water out, slice it, salt and pepper and eat it. also i've only had firm tofu
90% of the time I just bake them until they are chewy and dip them in a sauce like fries.
Freezing gives it a weird texture that I kinda dig too.
I did for a bit when my parents weren't home so I didn't have to deal with bitching
First thing you do is press the water out of it. This allows for ingredients and spices to get into the tofu easier.
Basically, the set up is:
>cover tofu in clean towel/paper towels
>place a pan on top of the wrapped tofu
>put something heavy on the pan. I personally use my old textbooks because that's what they're useful for now
>wait about 30 minutes and uncover
You can also freeze it but that causes it to develop another texture
I personally flavor it like you would do any chicken as the flavor doesn't really come from the food itself but rather the ingredients you add to it. Or I use it in asian dishes.
That's feta cheese fool
The only time I will ever consume tofu is shabu shabu hot pot and that's only when it's cooked with beef, scallops, shrimp, and watercress. Sometimes I'll add garlic chili sauce for some flavor with a side of sliced bell peppers.
Sounds great, here is what I will be trying
Prolly make a big batch that will last me the whole week
I prefer food not originated from insects....
Xenoestrogens are not the same thing as estrogen
Chicken is more likely to give you tits than soy
seconding the kitchn baked tofu recipe
i like to toss in chopped broccoli, sweet potatoes, and thick sliced onions when i bake tofu. a lot of times i'll toss the veggies with soy sauce, curry powder, and nutritional yeast before roasting them with the tofy. it's really good.
Soudns fucking disgusting and like you are a skinny fat with bitch tits
lol okay dude, im just gonna go continue being a woman and actually responding to genuine questions on the board i like
I just it raw.
To be honest, good for you.
I only mostly shitpost now because actual conversation sucks so bad these days....and now im part of the problem
have you ever considered...not doing that? OP asked an honest question and was probably looking for decent, non-shitpost responses. you obviously like this board for a reason. maybe don't be a trolling piece of shit?
To be honest though, normally I don't do it on serious posts like this one......but I have an irrational hatred of Tofu and people who advocate it's culinary uses
THEN DON'T RESPOND. Fucks like you make me so angry. If you don't like tofu, just fucking ignore the thread. It's not that difficult.
Literally billions of people on this planet actively like tofu. OP wanted to know how to cook it. Let the people who like it and know how to prepare it answer.
I used to be like you, maybe you will be stronger than me....but if you spend enough time around here, you will give up and start posting McChicken threads and collecting rare Jack Webm's (pic related)
>implying i'm new here
rare jack's are good tho
OP, what kind of dishes are you looking to make? Are you looking for the tofu to be the main ingredient? Are you vegetarian?
I happen to be the 2nd most prolific creators of Jack webms and released two on April fools that had never been seen before
cool! i literally don't care, i clicked on this thread to talk about tofu.
That shit is not real food
I'm making a jack tofu webm just for you
OP, I'm trying to actually answer your question. I also like to press the moisture out of extra firm tofu and then toss it into a hot wok/big frying pan with sesame oil and whatever veggies I have on hand — bell peppers and hot peppers, onions, thin sliced carrots, snow peas or sugar snap peas, etc.
It's great tossed with whatever soy sauce-based sauce I feel like making with stuff I have on hand. A little soy, brown sugar or honey, red pepper flakes, a touch of miso, etc.
I'm allergic to the nickel in it so rarely but when I do I like to press the water out of it, cube it, and marinade it in garlic and soy sauce (more nickel here whoops).
Then I pan fry it, flipping the cubes around to try to get a semi crust on each side. I'll just empty the pan onto a plate and go to town it's very tasty.
here faggot
You can also take your soy sauce garlic marinade and add a little corn starch in another pan to turn it into a thick sauce for your tofu chunks.
cool cool, thanks for contributing good and meaningful stuff to this thread!!1!
>water is still in the tofu
I still get triggered with jack webms so bad
tofu breakfast tacos (pic related)
mapo tofu
pan fried with soy sauce
You could use it as a general meat substitute as well (tofu piccata, tofu lasagna, etc)
I assume you don't drink milk either, for those actual hormones/estrogens
You are very welcome. I feel this is a good instructional video :)
I'm glad we are now friends and you appreciate my contributions :) You are welcome :)
i want tumblr to leave
that blog was a mistake
You gotta pop it in the o' wave for a bit until its warm and soft
>Do you eat tofu? If so, how do you prepare it?
Shoyu and chive, just add to taste on top of tofu cut into cubes and if you like it add some ginger too.
>Wouldn't they have gynecomastia too? Why don't they?
Have you ever seen a japanese woman? They hardly got tits, it is just their genetics.
You on the other hand dont have such advantage.
Not shitposting constantly was the norm just a few years ago. The people who do that are either transplants from much worse boards or Veeky Forums regulars who stopped giving a shit. I'd take quality Tumblr transplants over dum/b/fucks.
>or Veeky Forums regulars who stopped giving a shit
Hai :)
There is nothing that can save this board because mods are useless
I've been on this board for years. I also am on (GASP) Tumblr and Reddit. Veeky Forums was never good, but I'd agree about shit going downhill in recent years. I'd love to be a mod or at least a janitor on this board but they're not accepting applications
>Very Hard
>if not sliced, slice it
>squeeze gently, pat dry
>salt and pepper
>sear slices until brown on both sides
>drizzle with whatever sauce you like
>Chicken is more likely to give you tits than soy
not vegetarian but I'd like to slowly move away from meat eating meat at home. Tofu is cheap and looks like a very healthy alternative without having to suck on beans all week long.
I'll do whatever recipe lets me enjoy tofu. I'd like to start making stir fry since it looks so quick for a nice dinner. I'm willing to try baking it, slow cooking it...whatever makes a good result.
Okay, start with getting a block of firm or extra firm tofu. Drain off the water it comes in, and do the thing where you put it between some paper towels or cloth and put weight on top to press the excess moisture out.
Then do something like
That way you don't have to pre-bake it if you don't want to. However, if you want a firmer texture, go with the kitchn recipe from above. But don't worry about the cornstarch step if you're going to be cooking it in bulk and storing it in the fridge for a few days. The cornstarch is great if you're eating it right away, but if you're not then it's a pointless step.
I wouldn't recommend slow cooking tofu. There's not really any point, it'd probably just fall apart in an unappetizing way.
Once you get the hang of stir fries or baked tofu, you can look into more complicated recipes or different types of tofu (like silken or soft tofu)
very good
One thing I noticed is people who heat their oil, add their aromatics to infuse the oil with and then add a shitton of liquid and reduce. This looks like a great way to have different kinds of dish that you just end up throwing your tofu in.
Cut into cubes, soy sauce and ginger.
Quick and easy as no cooking and its unreal
Yep, exactly.
I marinate my tofu in any combination of soy sauce, hoisin, chili garlic sauce, red harissa, sesame oil, and oyster sauce for about 30 minutes in bite size cubes then bake it for about 40 minutes.
Lots of flavor, gets a tiny bit crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside.
All after draining of course. I cut mine up before wrapping it up in paper towels and putting a skillet on it.
Whoa, you just know this guy has a big, manly dick thicker than a porterhouse.
Fucking vegan propaganda
Tofu is literally eggs. If you can't cook III you are too dumb for/ck/