What's the best type of fish for fish & chips?
What's the best type of fish for fish & chips?
IMHO it's haddock. Though I'm sure other people have their own preferences.
it doesn't really matter as long as it's fresh, white fish is white fish, there's very little differences
pollock fish best fish
Marco Pierre White says it's turbot.
Is turbot expensive in the UK? In the us its about $75 a fish.
also, walleye is the best fish for fish n' chips. Cornmeal breading though.
>all white fish is so bland that you need to deep fry the fuck out of it to make it edible
Turbot is expensive everywhere.
Cod sole haddock
No, it's
>how bad is your food when adding vinegar improves it?
Walleye is really overrated if you ask me. It's bland, boney, and mushy. Cod and haddock are superior in every way.
gardein mock fish
tuna, obvies. any dissenters are plebes.
>vinegar makes things bad
It's a flavor enhancer, you use it like you would salt.
I prefer cod, but hake and haddock will also do. Fried snapper or sheepshead is also good.
>breading and frying a nice tuna steak
You know what I use vinegar for? Cleaning windows.
Malt Vinegar is fucking great though
Fuck, you guys are making me wish I still had a Max & Erma's around here to get fish and chips at.
Do you clean windows often? side effect from being a dumb window licker, eh?
nah, i'm talking straight canned tuna. you take all the little bits, bread em, fry em, and eat em like popping corn.
That's a new one. I have never heard of doing that with tuna.
goes well with a room temperature klondike bar.
>walleye bland and mushy
Arguably the absolute best tasting freshwater fish and that's your description? You obviously don't know how to cook it. Every fish is bland and mushy if it's overcooked, faggot.
So you don't know how to fillet either. So, just how have you survived to be 18+ years old?
groce bro
I think he's describing tuna cakes in a different form. Mom used to make canned salmon cakes at least once every two weeks when I was a wee lad.
>grandma's salmon patties drowned in lemon juice
Ramsay said the same thing. I went to the butcher once and asked for pollock and the dude looked at me like I was a fucking idiot.
I mean making crab cakes but with canned tuna could be okay, but his "fish and chips but instead it's breaded tuna from a can" sounds like fuccin trash
>I went to the butcher once and asked for pollock
How stoned were you?
Flyovers don't have fishmongers.
yeah man one time I went to the art supply supply store and asked where the produce section was. got the same reaction
no ding dongs it was one of those grocery store butchers that have fish and every thing.
Thats when you head over to the frozen fish section. The fish in supermarket displays are almost always frozen before the store thaws them for the display case.
did he just not have pollock then or what
I don't think he knew what pollock was.
He also seemed confused when I asked if their steaks were prime.
I don't like pollock for the flavor, I like it because when battered and deep fried it tastes just like all the other whitefish but much cheaper, and from my experience fish and chip restaurants that offer pollock, cod, haddock etc the pollock fillets are always significantly bigger than the others for cheaper
are you a flyover
Haddock or cod
nah, I was just fucking around seeing if I could illicit a response. I find it pretty cute that you were willing to defend my disgusting proposition tho.
>google tuna balls.
your proposition had already been done.
Vinegar is great and important in certain foods you fucking mong
>you can't survive if you don't know how to remove tiny bones from fish
You sound like an absolute retard.
I am into Corvina right now, I used to sell fish and I didn't have a single person I sold Corvina to come back and not ask for more.I would give a half pound away and challenge people to cook it however they would halibut and not like it the same for half the price. Only one person turned down the offer too, guy refused to buy anything but Halibut ever, was rich as fuck, too bad Halibut is the grossest fish.
Yellow perch.
all fish sold wholesale in the us besides tuna is frozen at one point to eliminate parasites. you want fresh fish you gotta get it from a fisherman
This isn't true; there are many "fresh never frozen" markets. Only fish intended to be eaten raw are frozen.
Shit tier fish like Cod, Tilapia, and Swai are pretty fuckign good if thickly cut enough to be honest
Fuck off George.
I don't mind hoki. Barramundi is beautiful
>tfw pretty sure I have tuna lying around in the house
gonna make me some of dis yum yum
What? Maybe if it's sashimi (sold to be used for sushi), but no, I sold fucktons of copper river as it came off the boat, I used to cut over a hundred pounds of those fuckers a day. If you're really saying that you think all fish sold wholesale have been frozen you're full of stupid shit.
Fried Perch
I've caught, cooked and sold just about every fish that swims. If there's a commercial fishery for it, I've probably caught it.
So here's the truth: those britbongs eating "fish and chips" are eating spiny dogfish- it's a bottom feeding shark that's considers a trash fish in American waters. Truth be told it's actually a tasty little fucker. Pic related
cod? I don't know
theres this fish and chips place I used to go to and it was owned by some english guys. I guess the english over fished all the cod out of their seas and for that reason they don't serve it in their restaurant even though we live in america and cod is readily available
you could pick from a variety of fish on the menu, I always chose haddock because it was the first one on the menu and what the fuck do I know?
What do tetra taste like? As in blind cavefish. I need to know for reasons. Like, say, if I decided to breed tetras to snack on, I want to make sure that they don't taste like ass.
>tfw fish & chips places mostly use shark and people are too stupid to notice
Without fucking question. Original and best.
It's halibut above and away. I can barely choke down cod and tilapia compared to halibut. Why hasn't halibut been mentioned more? Everyone poor or something?
Flake. Flake is the only option.
>implying dogfish actually tastes much different to other white fish
Flathead tails
cod has like zero flavor
halibut obviously
shut up
Halibut of course....
It can be something else than cod?
>He's never had pic related
You're meant to cut the head off first user.
If you're a child.
>tfw my Grandad used to suck the brains out of the head.
>It's childish to expect your food to go through basic preparation steps.
I was about to say exactly this?
Wtf is up with everyone? Halibut is the most delicious
What purpose does cutting the head off serve apart from attempting to conceal the fact that you were what you are eating was once alive?
The fact you need to cut the head off to feel ok with eating a fish is what makes you a child.
It removes a useless part of the fish which has no use as part of the dish.
Do you also expect your chicken to come out with feet still attached?
Stop posting facebook memes and get off my board
Wild Tilapia
You've never been fine dining have you?
Almost always the head is served on small fish.
>It removes a useless part of the fish which has no use as part of the dish.
The head contains some of the tastiest meat on a fish. The cheek and collar are fucking fantastic.
>Do you also expect your chicken to come out with feet still attached?
I don't expect it, no. That's because I know that most places serve shitty factory farmed chicken. But at a really nice restaurant then yes, I do expect to see the feet. It shows that they cooked a good quality bird. And frankly, what little meat there is on chicken feet is damn tasty.
Fine dining is for retards who want to blow cash and eat poorly tasting pretentious food
>being poor
I just pointed out how you can suck the brains and marrow out of the head.
Plus the meat in the cheek is great.
So fuck off child.
>being this fat and american
Catfish is legit great with a Cajun tartar sauce.
you must be 18 in order to browse this site kiddo
>being this AGGRESSIVELY poor
Being a shitty pleb knows no nationality.
Also cook some shrimp with it.
And I like to put some spices into the batter.
Swap the beer for ginger ale, and add a table spoon each of garlic and onion powder, dil weed, Chesapeake bay seasoning and a dash of slat to taste.
>Swap the beer for ginger ale
Won't that be really sweet?
No, not as long as you put the spices in i mentioned
I made it with tilapia once and it came out okay.
THIS. People assume they never see cheeks or collars because they're edible or good. They don't stop to think about how it might be because we literally could NOT get or keep them in. A halibut cheek is still one of my favorite pieces of fish, though I find halibut a little unappetizing after working with it for so long
Shark is good tbqh f a m
Place Fish is best fish
British insults are so fucking inert
The best fish and chips I ever had was salmon. It's not traditional, so it's harder to find than haddock or cod.