Despite being under 30, in good shape, and eating mostly chicken and breads, my cholesterol is apparently at a dangerous level.
What are your favorite meals that are relatively low cholesterol?
and dont say bacon and eggs you dicks
Despite being under 30, in good shape, and eating mostly chicken and breads, my cholesterol is apparently at a dangerous level.
What are your favorite meals that are relatively low cholesterol?
and dont say bacon and eggs you dicks
Other urls found in this thread:
I eat a few vegetarian meals every week. Lentil curry and vegetarian chili are my go-tos
your problem is probably the bread, some people find carb consumption affects their cholesterol levels
eat more veg and whole grain bread instead of white
unsaturated fats from avocados and nuts etc. lower the "bad" LDL cholesterol.
If you don't get a lot of those in your diet, you should try em.
Do you drink alcohol regularly?
bacon and eggs you dicks
pressure cook some soaked lentils and split peas (two tablespoons of each) and sliced carrots.
pour into pot and add frozen green peas, precooked pinto beans, tomato paste, chili powder, ginger powder, cayenne powder, garlic powder, black pepper, curry powder and let simmer for a little while. then add Italian seasoning right before eating and mix that in.
eat with toasted whole wheat bread. you'll love it.
That's it. Lots of drinking makes your body produce lots of cholesterol. This is why some guys end up in the hospital with pancreatitis after a weekend bender. You don't want that.
You have three options:
1) Say fuck it and just take the pills
2) Stop drinking so much
3) Eliminate as much saturated fat from your diet as possible. This probably translates to going mostly vegan, but without saturated fat your body can't manufacture cholesterol. Kinda brutal, but you can drink for another decade or two like this.
(Not a doctor, but someone who got his triglycerides down from 785 to 210 with option 3, and I still drink).
eat only vegetables/whole grains a few days a week. Salads, lentil dishes, all that stuff.
Buy Goya red lentils and make the recipe on the back of the bag. Serve w/ rice.
Get some spinach and romaine. Shave carrots, chop up some cucumbers, add onions. It's a salad. Serve with a dressing you like.
It isn't so hard.
Eat beans you fucking retard.
I was afraid of hearing something like this. Your results sound good though. I'll try to cut back on drinking and the sat fats.
Thanks for giving experienced advice.
To get off the cholesterol meds my doctor had me on I basically had to drop 60lbs and go full vegan for three months. Then I cut the drinking down (a little) and let myself have one or two meals heavy on the sat fat a week. That's been working well for me for about six years now. Though I still eat like a vegan on a day to day basis. It's either stop drinking like I do or take the cholesterol pills if I want to get away from that. Look at Indian and Middle Eastern foods that don't lean on meat or cheese for flavor. There are lots of them. That's what you ought to be eating if you're gonna keep drinking.
Dietary cholesterol intake is not related to blood cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol levels are high despite being "in good shape", then you should consider going on statins or other cholesterol-lowering drugs. Check into side effects, though, I recall hearing about some new risk being discovered a year or two ago. Talk with your physician, or do some in-depth research on the web if you're good at it (not just reading the first scam scare sites from naturopaths, but rather actual medical journal articles from NIH and so on), or do both.
Not to be some hippy, but try a plant based diet for awhile.
Nigga you eating nothing but fried chicken
gee i wonder what the problem is
Stop eating animal products and refined grains
Dietary cholesterol has little effect on bodily cholesterol bud.
This is false
>forgetting to add ajwain, mint, cinnamon, dill and cloves
having more than 4 drinks at a time or 14 drinks a week is uncivilized, leads to depression, and puts a strain on the socialized medical system we have in the US
The problem is that most foods high in cholesterol are also high in saturated fat, which is the building block your body uses to make cholesterol.
>having more than 4 drinks at a time or 14 drinks a week is uncivilized
My doctor would agree, but that does little to negate the fact that many people manage to live happy, fulfilling lives consuming more like 8 drinks a day. If you're one of them and your cholesterol is high as a result the best advice is this:
Stop spreading disinfo.
Statins are worthless too
Unproven does not equal false. There's a difference.
Or you know eat what the fuck you wanna eat and drink pomegranate juice or eat the seeds or go ape shit with garlic and ginger... I eat lots of bacon eggs and steak and my shit is low because of pomegranates
Drinking more hot tea can help lower cholesterol as well
No, it's low because bacon, eggs and steak don't increase cholesterol.
>chicken and breads
They're probably high in POLYUNSATURATED FATS. If you would switch to stuff like beef instead of chicken (but less meat), skim milk (saturated fat... ice cream as well), fruits... you'd be healthier.
Look at Warren Buffet, in his 80's and excellent health eating ice cream and coca cola daily.
High sugar, medium protein, low saturated fat, no polyunsaturated fat is my diet of choice
Read up on "Ray Peat" who explains who polyunsaturated fat (and certain additives like GMO, MSG etc....) is the cause of all major disease today like diabetes, cancer, vision loss, estrogen, low metabolism, dying early, etc.... everything.
this is the most legit post ever written in the past month
Guys, can you give me a quick rundown on my cholesterol results ? Tested one month ago.
It's in french but you should probably get it.
>certain additives like GMO
>additives like gmo
>msg is bad
This is a bad post
avoid that because you absorb every bit of it.
Like Warren Buffet, eat more sugar. Wouldn't that be easier as well as healthier?
Warren Buffet is an NWO operative and you don't belong on this website shill.
There are other examples of people like Ray Peat himself who is not fat and is skinny and 80+
Then there's Gigi Hadid who eats the opposite and she is suffering hypothyroid in her early 20's.
Reptilians can live forever eating garbage and baby humans all day. Begone, canker.
Ok but don't be retarded, i waste my time trying to help and ppl insult me.
>ppl insult me
>being this new to Veeky Forums
Confirmed for reptilian NWO operative. Consider taking a machete to your scaly neck.
h-hello ?
so no vegetables?
eat more vegetables
better yet, eat a shit-ton of vegetables erry day
If you cook a lot of your food in oil, which i assume you do because of the bacon and eggs thing. I would find an alternative my suggestion is butter because dietary cholesterol dosent contribute to levels found in the blood but idk if youll do that. At the very least cut back on the bread and eat oats or potatoes
>Eating cholesterol raises serum cholesterol
just drink a lot of wine and don't eat anything
It's hilarious that people still post that shit, even after that portion of the report was rejected as unscientific and never made it into the final guidelines. The current US dietary guidelines recommend keeping cholesterol intake as low as possible while meeting nutrient needs, which is even stricter than the previous ones which stated an upper limit of 300 mg. These new guidelines essentially say that if you can go vegan then you should.
>These new guidelines essentially say that if you can go vegan then you should.
This. If cholesterol is an issue (and you drink like OP) going as vegan as you can stand would do you good.
Can't go wrong with fish. A fish oil supplement and a few good fish meals in a week. The better end of the frozen stuff isn't the most expensive freezer fair, But if you want the best fish you should ask around farmer's markets. Lots of gardeners are hicks (No judgements, Love these people) and they'll surely know someone who spends the weekends fishing and has some good, fresh fish on the cheap. I once traded an entire cooler of live river bass for a tune up of this old man's computer.
I installed avast and sat around chatting with the guy for like an hour.
Ayyy lmao
You can look at this from two ways, and both are going to be helpful.
The "less" approach involves restricting things that may not be so good for you at this point. Alcohol, processed fatty/sugary foods, simple carbs.
The "more" approach is really for vegetables and fruits. And when I try to eat more things like salads, cooked vegetables, and fresh fruit, I find it harder to eat the "bad" stuff.
If you enjoy cooking, try doing some googling for recipes where vegetables or lentils are the star. Good fiber, expands your talents and your palette, and likely good for your health.
Because you are "eating mostly chicken and bread". Where are the vegetables? When was the last time you touched a pink grapefruit? Or any grapefruit for that matter?
Grapefruit is disgusting
>Eliminate as much saturated fat from your diet as possible. This probably translates to going mostly vegan, but without saturated fat your body can't manufacture cholesterol. Kinda brutal, but you can drink for another decade or two like this.
total serum cholesterol, while not irrelevant, is not as important as the ratios of hdl to ldl and vldl
many doctors are still living in the 1950s when margarine was healthy and black people had their own drinking fountains so get more detailed with your health appraisal
eat some vegetables too
what's worse? saturated fat cholesterol or sodium?
Join the society of friends.
>your problem is the thing that doesnt have any actual cholesterol in it
>Dietary cholesterol intake is not related to blood cholesterol levels
Please kill yourself. You are giving entirely bullshit faulty medical dangerous advice to a person with a legitimate ailment
Go read a fucking a fucking book for once dumbass
Kill yourselves
Are you certain that you're not the one who needs to read a book?
Yes. Your snake oil broscience stupidity has been invalid since the 20s
I think you have it backwards. The "dietary cholesterol intake is not related to blood cholesterol levels" thing is a pretty recent discovery.
It's the opposite, you are falling for the soccer mom "muh high dietary cholesterol" meme.
No. Egg boards have shilling that for decades. Retarded lemmings like you just recently started picking up on it again because of paleo and keto diets
Soccer moms are retards that like to confirm their own biases no matter how stupid wrong in the face they are. You are one of those retards into drunk broke reservation shaman tier homeopathy
Actual anti-science anti-vax tier thinking
You clearly have an emotional investment in this for some reason, I think I'll trust scientists over you, because they are the ones coming out with this, not paleo and keto lemmings.
>not a single argument
Opinion discarded.
If you trusted scientists you'd be agreeing with me you utter retard
>emotional investment
I'd rather not see Idiocracy coming to fruition because you like listening to Joe Rogan
There is no argument to be made. This is an exercise of retard-shaming.
>muh egg board
Even the Simpsons made the joke 20 years ago about retards portraying the American Egg Board as something sinister.
Life is only going to get worse from here on out. Might as well keep eating what you like and hope you're lucky enough to die swiftly at a young age from a heart attack instead of living long enough to suffer a hideously slow death from cancer or a neurological disease.
You're right. I should totally listen to shoddy studies with clear conflicts of interests!
>If you trusted scientists you'd be agreeing with me you utter retard
But they are saying the opposite of what you're saying.
Yeah, because cholesterol intake isn't the main cause of cholesterol. It's what your body does with what you eat. That's why being afraid of eggs is retarded, the oldest person alive has eaten eggs every day for 100 years
Except they aren't
>muh unverified anecdote about some old fart
not an argument
Eggs have been considered safe for like 20 years now. Idiots like you are still holding onto a scare that happened in the eighties
That's your opinion
greens , eat a salad with lots of different ingredients . and then put bacon and eggs on top with blue cheese dressing . nom nom
Do you have any proofs?
>muh scientific fact punctuated by an interesting verified anecdote about some old fart
Prove dietary cholesterol raises bodily cholesterol right now cuck. Don't worry, I don't expect a reply ;^)
>Eggs have been considered safe for like 20 years now
According to who? Buzzfeed? LOL
>the eighties
So is Isaac Newton a dumbass because he's like from over 280 years ago?
those are all good things
PUFA's and high fructose corn syrup are the foods that kill people the most
>According to who? Buzzfeed? LOL
Every noteworthy scientific paper written on it since.
And Newton was smart, but he did get things wrong, and you're an idiot to not accept new knowledge thats come forth since. Or are you still a believer in alchemy?
You are L I T E R A L L Y spouting Buzzfeed bullshit yourself. Fuck off.
Yes. It's called consensus. You are literally the one arguing against established fact
The progression of cholesterol intake, cholesterol levels, athersclerotic damage, down to basically basic formulas
I'll await your AuthorityNutrition article
>every noteworthy scientific paper written on it since
That's very cute and all, but Deadspin is not a scientific paper.
That literally isn't me lmao
the national egg board funds studies about eggs that only measure the effect eggs have on fasting cholesterol levels. This is deceptive.
The reality is, when you eat an egg, your cholesterol levels spike while it is being digested. These elevated levels can last for more than an hour. Since americans eat all the time, and eat a high fat diet, our chloresterol levels are always elevated throughout the day, damaging our arteries.
don't eat eggs or high fat dairy or fatty meat.
>Yes. It's called consensus.
Nature, and all other big science journals would like a word
Yeah big science journals get lost you fucking retard lmao
We conclude that eggs consumption, in addition to its HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC effect, INCREASES plasma and LDL oxidizability, a phenomenon which was shown to enhance the progression of atherosclerosis. The atherogenic properties may contribute to the accelerated atherosclerosis prevalent in populations with HIGH CHOLESTEROL INTAKE
Awfully quiet all the sudden lol
This only states that LDL cholesterol is bad.
>This only states that LDL cholesterol is bad
Gee I wonder what exactly is the dominant force in dietary cholesterol intake then?
Literally not an argument. Unless you're going to tell me why the heliocentric model is also bullshit
You are a broken record of every single shitty book selling paleo retard
not an argument
nice reddit spacing
>eating mostly chicken and breads
>my cholesterol is apparently at a dangerous level
nigga there is nothing healthy about the mcchicken
>not an argument
Your opinion
>triggered by spacing because he's getting BTFO
Oh sweetie