Nostalgia food. :)
Nostalgia food. :)
Your boyfriend /co/nrad isn't here anymore. You don't have suck their dick now.
u fucking wot
>muh secret club of edgyness
Fuck you /co/ stop shitting up muh board
it's /tv/ shitposting
It's definitely either Reddit or /tv/, /co/ fucking hates Rick and Morty now.
>Szechuan is Chinese
>Teriyaki is Japanese
This shouldn't trigger me so much but it does
that part was funny in rick and morty but god fucking damn, i hate how people are acting like they remember that sauce and how it was the best thing in the world.
fucking normies!
>that part was funny in rick and morty
you need to leave.
sorry grandpa
>he thinks there's a difference
It's reddit.
Rick and morty is the fucking epitome of reddit.
you're goddam right we do.
Fuck you if you don't laugh at Rick & Morty.
Honestly I don't remember this sauce and think it's neat it might come back
>tfw europoor and grew up on countryside
what promotional culinary experiences did I miss out on?
or is it all just nostalgia/memes?
You can make it yourself
Why does this say 2011?
just made it.
was really fucking good.
What's the difference?
No idea since the movie came out in 1998.
The only commercial i could find for the legit thing that showed a clear shot of the food had the sauce in round containers (and they were plastic and it had that terrible paper box for the mcnuggets so it might not have been that thing where they use real dishes for the photos)
Can any oldfags confirm what kind of container mcdonalds sauces were sold in in 1998?
Found the original of the shoop.
>tfw thought it had to be fake because of "SzeChuan" and then the real thing is fucking BarBeQue.
We live in an idiocracy.
Great work. Thanks detective Kibbles.
>le ironic Rick and Morty post
Fuck off to /b/.
now I can make my own reddit sauce at home!
whos reddit and why do people hold up signs to them saying hello
Reddit's a guy who likes Szechuan sauce and if you mention you like that sauce people will tell you to go back to him.
Rick & Morty has a couple solid jokes, but it's mostly shit.
The only people I know that actually like it hang out on reddit, tumblr, and facebook.
>haha wow! Look at how deep and edgy I am! haha!
>Did I mention I'm an atheist and that God isn't real this sentence yet?
>Wow look at all these WACKY jokes and funny faces!
go the fuck back to plebbit, don't forget your fedora and flame shirt on the way out
rick and morty is such an unfunny garbage show
i can't believe people watch this shit, i bet there isn't even any written dialog they just stammer their lines and time the mouth flaps to match, they probably do it in software since the show looks like a flash cartoon.
>Rick and Morty
Most blatant marketing ploy I've seen in years and redditors are eating it up.
Pic related, it's the average pseudo-intellectual reddit and memey fan.
Celebrities do Q&A sessions and hold up Reddit signs as proof
You really do need to get into the mindset of a Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters.
Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases.
Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty.
this was/is a meme on imgur so i already hate it
Nah. It's too dark for Reddit. There's literally a scene where Rick tries to kill himself.
i love this memie so much
McDonald's is gonna say "by popular demand we're gonna bring this back, this totally hasn't been the plan since we paid the R&M producers to include this in their show btw"
this is the most pandering piece of shit post i've ever seen on Veeky Forums
fucking neck yourself
Rick and Morty is funny.
Get over it.
>all these anons who had a grade school tier joke fly over their heads showing off how stupid they are
He's our husband thank you.
>it's the kind of thing that generally turns off a lot of the population
That single phrase sums up everything that's wrong with Redditors and the /b/ crowd. No, your hobbies and interests are not "counterculture" or "quirky". No, the media you enjoy is not "edgy" or "pushing the boundaries". They are faux-patricians and go about with an undeserved and unearned air of haughtiness. "Indeed," exclaims the /b/edditor, "I am different and special, for the things I enjoy aren't enjoyed by the pitiful masses, and that makes me better!" It's akin to the /r9k/ robots and tumblrinas with self-diagnosed mental illnesses.
Kill yourself, weeb.
Oh man what a coincidence that America's favorite sauce is making a comeback just in time for Walt Disney Studios'™ new live action Mulan © coming Fall 2018! Hopefully McDonalds™ gets the message that us CONSUMERS would love to get our hands on that sauce ;)
>make a post about meme sauce
>everyone starts bitching about a shitty cartoon
nicely done op, even I struggle to reach such advanced levels of shitposting
>high fructose corn syrup
At least the EU did something decent by banning this stuff. With the end of 2018 it's good to sell, so they did fuck up after all
The sauce has been a meme in the last few days because of the cartoon
message to lead executive chef of McDonalds.
Does reddit really view itself as some sort of secret club of edgelords? It's one of the most popular sites in the world (ranked #4 in the US) and most of the views redditors hold (especially political) are incredibly mainstream.
I know that people who use reddit are usually insufferable hipsters and I avoided it for a long time, but did you know it's pretty good for porn? There's a page for anything you can think of. I myself have been fapping my dick raw to the "Incest Porn" page.
Disgusting website full of disgusting people.
Szechuan food is usually spicy and contains tons of chili and sichuan peppers.
Teriyaki glaze is essentially a mix of soy sauce, mirin and sugar.
Why would you think people would pay Dan and Justin for endorsements? Justin didn't get free stuff from Nintendo when he asked on the show.
Now that I've typed this, I remember they did a Hardees commercial. Don't think they'd let a competitor advertise too.
Guys this is a nostalgia food thread what the fuck are you all on about fuck off with that shit this instant!
rick and morty ring a bell to you?
no its probably just a coincidence
did you see the newest rick and morty? it heavily advertise the old mcdonalds dipping sauce.
Wow, it's almost like Rick is MEANT to be insufferable!
>But it's SUPPOSED to be shit.
that's not what he even said
The reason OP posted this image is due to the fact that the recent Rick and Morty episode used it in a joke, making many people talking about, causing OP to be reminded that it existed, making him remembering how much he liked the sauce, causing him to be nostalgic.
There is no need to get your autism in a twist, people. This is not a Rick and Morty hate thread. Your opinion of the show, good or bad, has no bearing on the topic of the thread.
Fuck you I just wanted a comfy food thread.
image didn't attach
>chocolate drink
There isn't even any milk in that, is there?
Probably not any actual chocolate either
this may answer any questions about the szechuan sauce.
Chocolate milk is Yoohoos bitch
Maybe they'll re-release it with the live action Mulan remake
My guess is that they were going to anyway.
I think it's likely that McDonalds payed Rick and Morty to put the Szechuan sauce into the show, just to drum up interest in it and, by extension, McDonalds.
Now you've got everyone clamoring for the sauce and writing petitions and shit, because their favorite show endorsed the sauce!
And McDonalds will be so cool, so kind, that they'll bring the sauce back for the fans.
Except they were going to anyway, it was their plan from the start.
>reddit spacing
you guys need to leave, now
>reddit spacing
fuck you
this is a dumb thing to call "reddit"
I don't like reddit either but not everything is "reddit"
>reddit spacing
You'd know.
>reddit is shit
>posts the frog
man these things were so delicious
>t. triggered samefag
Nope. sorry
found another one
wow, the spacing was a joke
Only time I spent on Reddit was during the digg wars and I swear to god, how people enjoy that posting system is beyond me.
>hehe the main character that the show is centered around is meant to be obnoxious xd
soo... its supposed to be shit?
I press return twice because it makes a cleaner looking post instead of being a wall of text you fucking faggot
>reddit spacing
really, nigga?
>every character has to be 100% likable and relatable
you sound like one of /co/'s many actually autistic posters
>the main character shouldn't be obnoxious or annoying to observe, especially when the whole show revolves around them
you're allowed to make the character an ass, just not to the extent where they annoy the viewer
assy mcgee