Is it even legal to make such a tasty meal in such a short period of time?
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OP I hope a giraffe sneezes on you and you get some weird disease that makes your cock fall off
I wish I had a million dollars so that I wouldn't have to eat any more of these.
I'm craving KD with cut up hot dogs
tf is wrong with you
It's actually really good
Doesn't exist in the US.
Kraft Mac N' Cheese is decent though.
Do fatties really eat this?
It's good for a quick cheap meal, and
It's objectively superior to instant noodles
Everyone eats it in Canada
Are you a piece of shit who uses "objectively" because you thought that's how you are supposed to talk on 4 chan or are you a piece of shit who uses "objectively" just to be a meme loving faggot
giraffe shower, nice
My kids hate all food except this and pizza. And sometimes hamburger tacos and fast food. I can't stand it anymore, so this week I'm going to cook whatever "I" like, but keep a vat of this around for when they turn up their petite noses at my fabulous dinners. Thanks for reading my mac 'n' cheese blog.
I'm guessing those kids are really your "wife's sons" ?
Grow a spine you little bitch cuck or kys....kys would be better
Simply just feed them the mac n cheese until they become the mac n cheese or obese
I know you're too stupid to remember when you were a kid but the reason why kids like this shit and not vegetables is because they literally need/want different foods as they age. Kids don't need petite little meals of green veggies and little flavorful onions they need fat and fucking protein to grow. Obviously you should be feeding them a balanced diet but I can't believe how nobody on Veeky Forums remembers anything about their childhood or remembers even a single thing about being a kid and thinking how kids think.
One is my autistic youngling and began refusing to eat all but 4 or 5 foods two months ago, not counting fruit and the spinach i sneak into smoothies. This is typical autism behaviour, google it.
The other one is a teenager and has a ruined palate from the crap he ate before I became his evil stepmother. Refuses all food but garbage so I unwillingly cook garbage so he won't starve. He admitted to liking traditional mexican food the other day-- a recent development-- so I am rolling with that. Lots of healthy mexican foods if you cook like rick bayless or an abuela.
The teenager didn't know what a pineapple was when I started caring for him at (his) age nine.
>Kraft Dinner
If you're gonna eat shitty box mac and cheese at least get the good shit.
I squeeze some of the cheese directly 2 my mouth
Not for long, bucko.
Neither of those are good.
Fucking dare you, buddy
Velveeta is among the worst "premium" macs, and not a direct comparison with KD.
>good source of protein
>current year
>having children
Kill them and then yourself
>omelette du fromage
>tfw didn't get that much protein as a kid
>small and effeminate now
saving that one for later
It IS... when you consider the guideline being 40g a day due to the corn lobby's efforts.
The queso blanco velveeta is the best kind that money can buy, my black Jewish friend. Hope your aids treatment goes well
You first. I'll watch. Fuck you for saying that about my (or any) children, even in jest.
man this stuff is great desu
i like throwing a pot on for my wifes son for supper the odd time he loves the stuff
I would, I'd just eat more, and with really fancy ketchups
>posts on Veeky Forums
>can't handle the bants
Jokes on you I'm a transsexual
That's not how the lyrics go
>tfw ate nothing but rice, beans, steak, and spaghetti bolognese as a kid
>5'9" and skinny now
>shit beard
could be worse, at least i'm not gay.