Britbong here, why does our food fucking suck?
I'm so grateful to live in London where I never have to look down at a plate of meat and gravy slop or a shit meat and pastry product like pic related.
Can anyone here actually defend British food?
Britbong here, why does our food fucking suck?
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Great counter argument, I love meat and vegetable slop now!
brekky's ready boys!!!
>grateful to live in London
You don't hear this very often.
wow beenz on toast, thanks mum, its me favrite!
dear queenie, thank you for this slop i am about to eat, rule britania
Just goes to show how bad our local food is.
I agree we have pretty terrible food, but some of it is in the category of "so bad it's good". I just can't think of any right now.
the only british food I can think of that I slightly enjoy is scotch eggs and english breakfast
im just a colonial but..
whole grain toast with butter
beans used sparingly, not literally a bean sandwich
grated cheddar cheese
hot sauce
>Can't even name the image
Why are Americans so awful at shitposting?
You made the same thread before and it's still in the catalogue, you silly spastic.
>Britbong here
No, you aren't.
Shart in the Mart detected.
I'm a white born Englishman posting from Victoria Street about a 5 minute walk from Big Ben. Just because I can admit our food sucks doesn't make me some sort of falseflagger you insecure fucks.
I love England and voted Brexit but our food fucking STINKS. I go to see my dad in Marbella like 4-5 times a year and get spoiled by the superior food.
God Americans are tiresome
The love has been lost from alot of british foods with profit and price winning heavily over quality and taste. Mainly because the British are cheap fucks who'll say "It's just a ssausage roll how much difference can 80p make" but every taste test I do with my sausage rolls, scotch eggs or beef&ale pies I will win hands down but people still only treat themselves to food they want to eat occaisionally and regulalry pay less for food they don't want to eat. The difference between a well made sausage and some shit Wetherspoons all day breakfast sausage is a world apart and not only that but the way you cook sausages can vary and when you only pay for the lowest trained cook and cheapest ingredients you don't get care and attention to a craft.
tl;dr if your poor, lazy or uneducated (usually most fall into all three) your taste buds suffer if you care wheat you eat and how it tastes you'll find yourself starving at lack of quality choice.
>I'm a white born Englishman posting from Victoria Street about a 5 minute walk from Big Ben
No, you aren't.
>dislikes British food
>lives in London
Mahmoud please fuck off we don't want you here, if you're that desperate for couscous and sheep eyes try Morocco
fucking londoners
So that's....3? Separate threads of Americans obsessed with British food, and they complain about being stereotyped.
>insecure fucks convinced of american/paki falseflagging
Stop lying to yourselves my fellow countrymen, just be grateful we have world food at our fingertips and no longer have to endure meat slop.
British food inventions all seem to be born out of practicality rather than flavour or presentation. The sandwich, for example, possibly the most influential food innovation a Brit ever came up with, was just a way to make the food more portable.
I think it might be because cooking was seen as women's work, something effeminate, a trivial waste of time for men to be thinking about. While Italian chefs were twisting pasta into new and amusing shapes and experimenting with new ingredients, all of Britain's creativity went into manly pursuits like industry, science, trade, and war, leaving the food to women who were just expected to keep the working men fueled up and slightly drunk.
We do have an amazing selection of cheeses and ales, and I reckon we have desserts to match most other countries. Most of our good stuff is simple comfort food, and the best part about it is often the context it's eaten in (fish and chips on the seafront, ploughman's platter down the pub, roast dinner on a Sunday with family). I think you really have to be British to love British food because it's not the food itself that we love, it's the fact that it's British.
to be fair our cheese and beer game is on point, although I've had better cheese in Bordeaux
Lose some weight, fat yank twat.
do british people really eat bowls of onions?
Man, I wish I could say that I can't believe that to be true, but fuck, a lot of americans are dumber than dogshit.
I just feel pity for them at this point.
Ignorance defeated greed on this occasion.
Where do you come from that you don't eat pickled onions?
I feel pity for your insecurity as an Englishman that you can't believe I'd shit on our awful cuisine.
>being a self-hating Londoner
Fuck off, cuck. Also what's wrong with a cheeky bit of pork and egg slice? Are you some kind of faggot?
Sad to say, but it's true. We've got to be a nation of some of the dumbest motherfuckers in the civilized world. But we're rich. And we have nukes. Which is nice. So mind your tongue, cousin.
The only thing I hate is our food, it's not good, it's utilitarian slop/gruel and in the age of globalisation is no longer needed. I hate roasts, I dread being invited to peoples houses for Sunday lunch.
Okay, so you're white, British, and in London. Which makes you self-hating Briton, which is even worse than an American who's just shit-posting.
Your type are scum. The lowest of the low. You're always talking down your own country: you're nothing but a traitor. You claim to love the UK but you just shit all over it: you have no pride or love for your own heritage. You are truly disgusting, you're worse even than the Muslims who come here: at least they appreciate their own heritage and culture. You? You just spew shit. "Eurgh, everything is so shit in the UK. Eurgh, everything is broken. Eurgh, there's nothing nice about the UK. Eurgh, I'm so patriotic I jump at the chance to tell everyone how terrible the UK is."
Do the world a favour and go jump of Vauxhall Bridge. I'm done with you.
You're still going, huh.
I don't want this to turn political but I voted for Brexit and am disgusted to see how multiculturalism has destroyed London and how it seems like it's just going to spread outwards from the city destroying our heritage and cultural identity until we're a Muslim nation. That aside, it's handy that I never have to eat shitty English food because it's just undeniably awful.
...And we have a narcissistic sociopath at the helm of State. Sleep tight.
OP has the opinions of a mandchild who can't cook.
Assuming he isn't a yank or paki shitposting, he suffers from a mental illness:
Look it up and you will see that all lefties suffer from said mental illness.
>I hate roasts
Go the fuck away
>lefties suffer from said mental illness
>I voted for Brexit and am disgusted to see how multiculturalism has destroyed London and how it seems like it's just going to spread outwards from the city destroying our heritage and cultural identity until we're a Muslim nation
He's not a leftie mate. Now what?
OP is a diaperfag
>he voted for brexit but he's a leftie because he doesn't like britfood
dumb british phoneposters
When everyone else has roast I have a customised version. Pan fried asparagus and green beans instead of soggy carrots and putrid sprouts, seasoned sweet potato slices instead of roast potatoes, the meat everyone else is having as is and an optional gravy pot to the side so I don't have to contaminate my entire meal with it I don't feel like eating it and no fucking yorkshire pudding shite. It's actually tolerable served this way.
Not that user, but technically he didn't actually say the other user was a lefty. He just said that he suffers from this "mental illness," and said lefties suffer from it. He never said it was exclusively lefties.
There was an implication though.
>waaah multiculturalism sucks except the bits I like
>what would you like off the menu tonight, sir?
I'll have my usual, white genocide!
Do brits actually think their cuisine is good? Haven't been in a country where it wasn't used as a joke. Only place that praise it is England.
Don't you ever get bored of the same old shitposts? Get some new material.
So no argument then.
waaa you must like our watery meat and veggie slopsies or you hate our country
- /pol/
It's rather telling that no one is posting 'good' british food to back up their argument, if I made a thread shitting on italian food imagine all the mouth watering pictures people would post to immediately shut me down.
It's almost as if everyone in this thread knows british food is shit but a few horribly insecure, misguided nu-nationalists are pretending it's great because they can't handle criticism directed at anything prefaced as 'british'. Shameful.
I'm English, have been to France, Spain, Germany and the USA, and while I obviously haven't tried every food in every country like some of you highly qualified international experts, my personal experience was generally:
USA > France > Britain > Germany > Spain
I've had nice food in all of those countries, had terrible food in all but France.
Pretty sure most people who shit on British food are either mocking a crass stereotype with no actual personal experience, or made zero effort to get decent food while in Britain, and think we all eat the canned or overcooked shit that they were dumb enough to eat.
>implying OP isn't full-/pol/
>implying anyone should post content in a shitposting thread
>implying implications
You never did, just mindless shitposts. What a pathetic soul you are.
Your country rankings prove what a grade-A pleb you are.
>please prove your point on this subjective matter by posting 50 examples that you think are good for me to enjoy ripping apart
True, Im sure you can get good food in England, bur this tread us about clasic dishes from the country, what are some famous british recipies?
You've been to all those countries then? How would you rank them?
Beef Wellington
So now your b8 didn't work you are bringing up /pol/ to widen your net.
Get some friends.
haven't been to Germany
Knickerbocker Glory
Don't even respond to them. We can all post hundreds of professionally photographed meals and shut them up. Then they will make the dame thread again in a few hours and start again.
This is the third anti-British thread in the catalogue that our awful mods always allow until 404.
Why waste the energy?
Looks like a nice joint of beef, why would you ruin it with all that pastry? I think I'm going t be sick...
I'm waiting for everything to burn. I will be one of the first to die.
It's because he's a paki, and Londonisatan is where he feels most at home.
>traveling from one country to another in yoorop can be as cheap as 50 euro
are you poor?
Hey, this thread is Made In The UK, you can't hide behind the excuse of American bullies. This is straight from the horses mouth, your food sucks. In the grand scheme of things I don't see why you guys are so assblasted about this, you have so many amazing options on your doorstep now that invalidate British cuisine.
>invent the modern world and spread it to every corner of the globe
>abolish slavery
>save europe from tyranny 3 times
>"b-but look, some of your food really sucks haha!"
What the fuck are you going on about?
Beef-wellington is anglo french if anything, you brits have to steal other countries second rate dishes to appear relevant? That's astoundingly pathetic, wow. I never knew britbongs were so insecure kek
Damn you're still going? You're still using American spellings, sentence structure and Americanisms?
This thread is a monument to your own inferiority complex and does nothing but amuse us all.
Why do you care that our food sucks? I'm very proud of the history of our Empire, cooking was just never our strong suit. I don't see why this gets people so bent out of joint.
>Britbong here, why does our food fucking suck?
Amerifag of British ancestry here. I've been curious about the exact same thing. The answer that I always assumed to be true (and that most people provide when asked) is that British cuisine suffered due to rationing necessitated by both World Wars.
But I got to reading in Mrs. Beeton's (A cookbook from the Victorian era) and it mentions the poor reputation of English cookery--and this source pre-dates even WWI by multiple decades.
I think it's a very legitimate question, and one that I find quite interesting.
>I think it might be because cooking was seen as women's work, something effeminate
you got it user. the sexual division of labour in humans is the reason why brits are singularly maligned for their culinary standards. nailed it dog give this guy an obe
>Beef-wellington is anglo french
It's almost as if France & the UK have some sort of shared history & culture.
how dare you acknowledge that cooking isnt our strong suit, why do you hate yourself? i bet you love muslims!
Jokes aside, I think the most unbritish thing you can do when someone says our cooking stinks is get legitimately defensive and upset instead of rolling with the bantz, these soft, sensitive nu-nationalists are an embarrassment to our nation.
This doesn't make sense. If it were a gender issue then it would apply to all types of cuisines, not just British.
>Britbong here, why does our food fucking suck?
In brief?
War era rationing and industrialization.
Industrialization saw the disapation of a lot of the wild land where fish and game might be hunted, or even cultivated land where cattle might be grazed
The global beef market also drastically changed what sort of cattle you raise there.
The rationing from 2 great wars created a culture where shit like or chip butties becomes fucking nostalgia food because it's what an entire generation grew up on.
Marbella is a fucking resort town in Spain of course the food is better there.
>>invent the modern world and spread it to every corner of the globe
>>abolish slavery
>>save europe from tyranny 3 times
>>"b-but look, some of your food really sucks haha!"
Genuinely thought you were talking about the United States for a second and was going to point out England abolished slavery long before we did.
Turns out dumb fuckers sound exactly the same no matter what country they're from.
>I think the most unbritish thing you can do when someone says our cooking stinks is get legitimately defensive and upset
Of course you would, because you don't know what Britishness is. Why do you hate your own country so much?
before the blitz we ate pies
now we eat pies
stop with your pop history bullshit
>I too hate multiculturalism Goyim, but isn't the food nice.
I shouldn't you be posting photoshopped, half-dressed sheboons in a race-mixing thread somewhere?
I'm having a jolly giggle here at all the tears desu m8, why not banter back instead of getting sore in the crack?
>Jokes aside, I think the most unbritish thing you can do when someone says our cooking stinks is get legitimately defensive and upset instead of rolling with the bantz, these soft, sensitive nu-nationalists are an embarrassment to our nation.
I don't give a shit about the bantz, I want to have a serious discussion on the subject. I'm honestly curious about it.
And as I pointed out, the conventional explanations like 's muh rationing clearly aren't the root of the issue.
You know what I mean. Men in other countries could take pride in their skill in the kitchen, whereas British men would be mocked as being effeminate. Invention, innovation and artistic talent all tend to be found in men.
So, while the geniuses of France were inventing wonderful new ways to cook an egg, British talent was devoted to more "manly" or "important" pursuits.
I would like a serious discussion to, but my fellow countrymen get embarrassingly triggered by the truth of how sub-par our food is.
>british food is the wors-
Marrying meat and pastry is a VERY old british tradition, the steak pie, shepherds pie, and pork pie are all quintessential British dishes.
Because you don't get to drape yourself in a patriotic Union Jack and then shit all over your country. You're the worst type of scum, and you need to know it.
Meat and pastry sucks, there goes 70% of British """"food""""
Leave it out mate, English is his second language.
>OP posts definitive black and white proof he's british and lives in London
>some obviously different person comes in and says something also negative therefore he must be OP
You did it, you caught the evil American bully!
You suck.
Shepherd's pie does not involve any pastry.