Anybody have regional soft drinks they're fond of? Here in Michigan they make Vernor's which is pretty much ginger ale but different. Good shit.
Anybody have regional soft drinks they're fond of...
>drinking your calories
>it's not alcohol
Not sure how widely they're distributed, but this stuff is from my city and all their stuff is pretty good
this is literally the goat australian soft drink
They just shipped them to my Kroger in Texas a couple of months ago.
Now I don't have to drive to Colorado for the best ginger-ale.
Feels good man
Bundaberg man. What's wrong with you
Cactus Cooler in California
Mango Jarritos, and before you say Jarritos are everywhere. Find a place that sells the mango flavor
Geezus yes. #1 ginger ale.
This right here. Love the black cherry soda
Best beverage to drink in the middle of summer.
super cold
This desu
Vernors is so good because it's actually a ginger soda. The bubbly carbonated-ness of it is what makes it so good.
Vernor's is maybe the worst soda I've ever drank in my life, it's horrid stuff
Cheerwine: North Carolina. Best cherry soda I've ever had.
This right here senpai, always called it "pond water" growing up. Still one of my favorites to sip on ice-cold on a slow day.
Kill yourself
I don't know where you live user but they stock that brand in most of my local grocery stores. I'm in NJ.
my nigga, i moved to louisville and now I miss this any time I'm anywhere else
Similar to root beer but more herbal
Birch beer is delicious.
I can get a Crush variety where I live.
I love ginger ale, but I accidentally bought a 12 pack of Vernors and it was fucking disgusting. It tasted and smelled like rotten cotton candy.
>eww its too ginger
>I need a Diet Canada Dry
You fuck RIGHT the fuck off with your delicate tastebuds that get triggered by ginger ale that actually tastes like ginger.
That's my shit man, only wish I could get it for the cheap up north. I can only find it in glass bottles upmarked
Vernors doesn't taste like ginger, it tastes like shit. Get some taste and a good ginger ale
Cry more, bitch.
It's not "too ginger", it just tastes fucking awful. It's probably partly from the shit water you Michiganfags have.
Canada Dry is much better but not my favorite.
Nasty but probably immensely better than Vernors Aged Piss™
They had both of these at my college halal bodega in the South side of Chicago.
Moxie is good just too sugary. Cheerwin was ok
Clearly you've never been to the Moxie festival in Lisbon, ME.
This is correct. I'm sure that can be inferred by my statement
Cry more, Bitch, Jr.
It's a damn shame that Vernor's was acquired by Dr Pepper Snapple, and they changed the formula so that it was more palatable to people outside of michigan. I think it's too sugary now.
t. juggalo
Seriously kill yourself for being from that shit state.
I know they got these country-wide nowadays but fuck man I can't get more regional than the hometown brand. I used to live like two blocks down from their building too, back when the bigass soda can still rotated.
Superior ginger right here
Drink cold not freezing
This shit is spread all over Poland, for me the best for non-alcohol parties, or when I'm driving. God tier
yes fellow clown brother Michiganer I also indulge in our state's fine offerings such as feygo and little ceaser pizza
it's how it always has been here in Ontario (or so I am told by those who have been drinking it longer than I have)
St. Louis has its perks. A bottle of Fitz with some Imo's on a beautiful spring day is worth living for desu.
Best ginger ale I've ever had.
hell yeah boy
my bad
Mainefag here
Moxie a shit
Can of that in a cold mug. Best ginger ale in America.
Source in them changing the formula? I bought some recently and it was just as good as ever.
objectively the best soft drink.