>get some mouthwash
>add sugar
Oh hey I just invented root beer.
Why do Americans drink this shit?
>get some mouthwash
>add sugar
Oh hey I just invented root beer.
Why do Americans drink this shit?
some people like the taste of sugared mouthwash? easy question. next
Kill youself, you foreign fucking shit.
That's not even the best root beer in America.
Get out you OBSESSED Europoor.
This is not the first time I've seen this complaint.
Why do Yuros make their dental products taste like root beer?
Maybe all that Listerine the Indians drink is actually European.
Why do yuros eat cat piss licorice?
Root beer is good!
OP is a roody-poo!
This has to be bait. No sane individual hates root beer.
Real rootbeer? Sure.
Most rootbeer is fake shit flavored with wintergreen, though.
Dilute Dettol with water, acquire cheap listerine
Almost everyone outside of the US/Canada does.
There's a reason why you have to order that shit online from special "American stores" in most countries. Only American expatriates drink it.
thanks for confirming my suspicion that foreigners are mentally ill
Only a fool would believe themselves to be right when shown overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
nothing mentally ill about importing subpar American junk food and selling it back to expatriates for a profit
You need to go to a doctor and get your pea-brain scanned because that is in no way a just comparison. I don't care if you hate it or not but at least compare it to something it actually tastes like.
Mouthwash and root beer taste completely different to me. Not even remotely similar.
Britfag here. literally, everyone I have introduced to root beer loves it. it's just not sold
pic related best root beer
OP confirmed for Asian
>drinking liquid candy
why do they want you to invert the bottle
>invert bottle before opening
Is that because they are in Australia?
I never do. no fucking clue m8
there'snot any bits in it or anything
KEKed hard at that
Now if he said get so Vick's NyQuil and sparkling water then he would have been closer...
Root beer isn't a thing in bongland?
faggots who have never had the pleasure of indulging in a nice Root Beer Float
I thought root beer was literally british?
wouldnt a more accurate comparison be to licorice?
it was a western america thing, i think (i might be wrong) it was a native american drink
It couldn't be more American. The main ingredient (sassafras) was used heavily by Native Americans in beverages. And then some Quaker pharmacist from Philly concocted it into root beer.
Don't you jump me in with those nasty-drink-loving jerks. Root beer is Satan's piss
How could you ruin such perfectly good ice cream
>rootbeer float is a quite common thing
>i have never encountered rootbeer flavored icecream
this seems strange to me
>drinking A&W
That's your problem. Any other rootbeer is miles better.
I have had root beer flavored ice cream. It's not like a root beer float.
A friend bet me $5 to chug a bottle of Barq's. Easiest fiver I ever made.
my hatred of amerisharts knows no bounds
hey man say what you want but i hear the old Pope used to drink two a day
Barqs is objectively worse than A&W. Mug is down there too.
Jones and IBC are God tier
The best commonly available Root Beer that isn't a specialty Root Beer is Barqs.
I also heard that everytime an angel dies, God kills like a million people
>not Virgils
>It's not like a root beer float.
i wouldnt expect it to be, im just surprised i have never seen it before
It's out there. Or was anyway. I don't know if it was a limited time thing or not.
the joy of a rootbeer float is in the combo of creamy ice cream paired with the sharp pop of carbonation
rootbeer flavored ice cream just defeats the point
Root Beer Schnapps and ice cream is the way to go.
My friend has that stuff.
It's alright, but I wouldn't make floats with it. Shit stands on its own just fine.
You act like people are drinking Lean.
Also, mouthwash isn't carbonated.
This is my shit
Nah, we have dandelion and burdock over here
Same sort of thing
I love it
>another thread full of angry europoors
How's it fell being irrelevant?
>rootbeer flavored icecream
Huh, I've never thought of that, but it seems like such an obvious idea.
Fucking hell, someone get on this.
So, if aid is cut to Africa, God will have to kill hundreds of angels, and then we will conquer Heaven itself!
>deleting 8777777
autistic mods kys
Is still there you dumb nigger.
woops it didnt refresh on time, i am a dumb nigger
Virgil's tastes like liquorice. It's garbage
whats the diff between kvass and root beer?
That Bavarian nutmeg variant though
how do you know that licorice tastes like cat piss?
So to all you American mouth wash connoiseurs; what IS the best root beer?
I've heard fro everyone that Barq's is undrinkable trash.
But what is the best one?
Salted licorice tastes like the smell of cat piss
It is so strange knowing that OP is from North America.
This kind of reverse trolling to trigger other Americans is more common on Veeky Forums than on any other board. Just why?
Haven't had a Big Red in years, but I remember it tasting good
>Not drinking hard root beer.
Because it really used to be Europoors desperate to maintain some semblance of superiority.
Then American shitposters realized it gets replies so now they do it too.
No american, but if I could drink mouthwash you can be damn right I fucking would.
>But what is the best one?
IBC also makes the fucking best cream soda
Agreed. People who hate on Barq's are either A&W shills or faggots with no taste.
root beer sold in stores isn't even fucking root beer any more, the root that it's supposed to be made from was banned and it's not beer because they artificially carbonate it instead of using yeast now.
quads of truth
Can't argue with those Fazolis.
Actually, some root beers do still have sassafras root in them, but they have to remove some chemical from it because it gives you cancer, so most of the big manufacturers don't use it.
>millions of people die
>therefore God will kill angels
That's not how it works. Can you even into logic?
A truly logical person wouldn't even be speaking about "God" in the first place, atheism is the way of the future.
>but they have to remove some chemical from it because it gives you cancer
Yeah, they have to remove safrole oil. The single essential oil that gives sassafras root its unique flavor. And the study that said it gives you cancer was done on mice in the 60s without proper controls and no follow up, after which it was immediately banned. When a lab tested it again in the 90s they found the increased cancer risk in humans is about equivalent to drinking tap water or breathing indoor air instead of fresh air.