Is there a more satisfying feeling than the first bite of that first chicken wing?
Is there a more satisfying feeling than the first bite of that first chicken wing?
Yeah, the last
Washing down that first bite with a cold beer
The sensation of penetrating a woman for the first time.
The sensation getting penetrated by a woman for the first time.
>tfw you want to try pegging but women around you ain't into that shit
I can think of a few, but they are not food related.
Being able to walk up a flight of stairs.
The first bite of that first chicken tender.
Just find a really girly man.
This, niggas just don't know.
Just barge it and fuck a guy already
I'm not gay.
You dont have to be gay, to fuck a guy.
Listen buddy, I just want to have a hot lady put on a strap-on and use it to fuck me in the ass, and then make me eat her out afterwards, it's literally as straight as you can get.
>the first bite of that first chicken wing
Thats not how you say breast
For me, it's the first bite of a delicious McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.
When you dip that first crunchy hot tendie in honey mustard mayo and suck on it's greasy salty goodness from the thin side before dipping again and putting the rest in your mouth
Yes you are. Find a passable trap if you're that insecure
Honestly just pay for it mate if she won't do it just pay a whore. Hookers are the most honest way to cheat and you can get whatever you want for just money.
>breaded wings
Nothing compares to that first sip
no user actually it's not wrong it's just different from the way you prefer your wings. have a good day : ]
Breaded wings are for poor people.
It's Veeky Forums. No one gives a shit except all you new fuckers.
the color is that of a laxative solution I had to drink before surgery
When my mummy used to roast a chicken and i was too hunger to wait for her to plate everything up, she would give me the fresh roasty wing to nibble while i watched her work.
Now don't go misunderstanding me here, I love wings as much as the next person and I'm not trying to shit on them BUT chicken tenders are better in literally every way possible.
No bone, no chewy shit on the ends, way less mess...Chicken wings just can't compete. I still love wings and eat them at every available opportunity, but if I had to choose between tenders and wings, tenders would win every time.
kissing a cute girl on the lips
so true brother. i drink at least three cans a day
the part where I de-glove an entire wing segment into my mouth
>Always order the house sampler with boneless honey bbq strips at Buffalo Wild Wings
>Wash it all down with a cold beer
It's fucking magical.
Gettin your tendie sucked
>actually going to B-dubs
fucking place is disgusting I wouldn't feed that to my dog
OP, I do agree it's a magical taste. The crunch, the warm of the grease and the velvety of the chicken. It's amazing. But there is a taste better.
>when you catch a yellowfin tuna, pull it on deck, cut its gill plate and run a hose through its mouth to bleed it, then slice along the dorsal fin and take that first bite of sushi from a fish that was swimming moments ago...
Finishing work on Friday, removing shoes and socks, cracking a cold beer, sit down for the first time in 10 hours on comfortable couch. Drink beer. Repeat
Every week for the rest of your shit life you cunt.
Theres a girl on OKCupid in the midwest totally into pegging and cute as all hell. Goodluck user
Protip: It's me.
Florida here, wanna meet in Louisiana?
I'll be happy to peg you anytime.
fpbp as always
The first savory, buttery bite of a chic-fil a sandwich *bonus points if you put some poly sauce on*. Followed by those lightly salted crisp waffle fries.
korean chicken wings are better than unbreaded wings.
More for me
Taking the cartilage out of each end of a flat and sliding the bones out so you have what is nature's only true tender made out of soft strands of chicken muscles bundled up together by delicious skin, knowing that few experience wings as you will.
St. Louis?
>breaded chicken wings
Wew desu lad