Is it weird that I eat cucumbers like a hand fruit?
Is it weird that I eat cucumbers like a hand fruit?
Not really. I usually cut about half a cucumber and eat like you described.
yeah maybe
I eat a Persian cucumber most days. Nah man, you're good
I do the same thing except I stick them up my butt
I'm a girl btw ;)
Nope, enjoy
Maybe not common, but not weird. Cucumbers are tasty
not weird. cut in half and spill some salt.
Underrated post.
When I eat cucumber I usually cut one in half and eat it like that. I'm the only person I know who does this, everyone else seems to slice them and eat them with salt. Sometimes I'll eat slices but I like really thick slices with very little salt, if any.
3rd post best post
Came here to say this. Was not disappointed.
AHHHH YISSS! The spiciest of memes!
i don't get it...
You have to go back
add some real honey
me neither.
What's so funny?
Basically this. +1
22 replies, 15 posters
Yeah it's called a discussion, numbnuts
My step brother used to do this, also with jumbo logs of Hebrew National Salami.
It's basically a unpickled pickle, so if you think about it like that you're doing it perfectly right
Even your dog judges you for it, mate
You should partake in some unposted posts from now on.
>it's called a discussion
>most replies itt are throwaway posts directed at 2 posts that are also of no substance
do you shitpost on autopilot?
How does it feel to be the laughing stock of this entire thread?
Are you me?
>he doesn't get schwifty
Why even live bro
It makes me feel like taking a discussion on your mom's chest.
I eat raw cucumber and wash it down with a shot glass of distilled vinegar.
I call it "deconstructed pickle."
dubs of truth
get an iron deficiency test
Are cucumbers high in iron?
Do iron-deficient people crave cucumber?
Yeah, what gives C?
Why's that?
Google says 0.3mg per 100g, which isn't much no.
That is not a picture of a cucumber. That is a picture of a zucchini
Only if you used it as a dildo first.
>if you eat veggies you must be deficient in something
Yeah, meat.
I don't think so buddy.