Scientists finally invent a way to consume tasty things without calories

>Scientists finally invent a way to consume tasty things without calories
>Turns out they're more fattening than regular, sugary things

What did humanity do to deserve this? Seriously. Can we just not enjoy things without suffering some other way?

If you don't have self control you get what you deserve

Damn what a shame. I thought these were the real deal. I buy 2 every night at my job and think I'm doing something good. Guess I will just stick with the nasty plain sparkling water kinds then.

hows it worse then coke for you? i mean i feel queasy after drinking one.

How can people stand to drink overpoweringly sweet drinks like this all the time?

I'll have one every so often (like maybe 1-3 times a year).. and even when they taste good they still make me sick.

Water is just so much more refreshing and actually quenches your thirst and makes you feel good.
If you want flavor then why not just get something like La Croix that doesn't have any extra garbage in it to ruin it or make it unhealthy?

every sparkling water I've ever had has tasted like bitterness and insincerity, and has given me indigestion.

How are they more fattening if they have 0 calories?

>La Croix
>not superior Polar

Big mistake friendo

get this 3rd worlder shit out of my thread

Doesn't flavored La Croix have artificial sweeteners, too?

whats more deadly, multibillion dollars of research and development or Soccer mom facebook tier science reading.

flavored lac roix tastes like ass and la croix in general goes flat the minute you look away from it

Artificial sweeteners dont cause weight gain directly, but they do fuck up your sense of taste, your appetite, and your gut bacteria

>but they do fuck up your sense of taste, your appetite, and your gut bacteria
Care to explain how? Can't really imagine it since I drink a zero soda every now and then

Never heard of it, what makes it superior?
I looked it up and the website is pretty low on information.

A herpty derp to you too, user

Nope. Say's so right on the cans. Doesn't even have artificial flavors.

My local stores don't stock the "ass" flavor, but I really like the Lemon, Mango, and Apricot ones.
I also don't have any issue with them going flat quickly either. Mine have always stayed carbonated for a few hours, which is plenty of time for me to finish them.

Why in god's name do you need artficial sweeteners? That seems so silly. Just stop craving sugar, you fatfuck. I've never, even once, seen a thin person drinking a diet soda.

>Scientists finally invent a way to consume tasty things without calories
Those things already exist, it's called tea, coffee, and water.

In what realm is water "tasty"?

Yes it's refreshing, but who actually says "wow this water is delicious, I really enjoy the flavor of this tasty water"?


Bitter and scalding. Hardly what I'd call refreshing.

Can be good, but usually just flavorless leaf water. Too hot to be refreshing and tastes bad cooled down without lemon.


Excellent, refreshing and zero calories, but sometimes you want something with flavor, you know?

Yes actually.

>>Turns out they're more fattening than regular, sugary things

Isn't that more because people who drink diet sodas come out believing it's okay to gorge themselves a bit more than usual because they made the "healthy choice"? Drink your diet sodas and watch what you're eating, then you can get the soda and no calories.

Why bother? Might as well just drink water. Not that that's a bad thing, but OP said "tasty", implying flavor.

> flavor, you know

No. You want a sugar fix. Look, you are either going to recognize

Cucumber water is great you pleb. Toss in some slices of lemon or orange or lime with it and it's fantastic.

Where does freshly squeezed orange juice rank in terms of degeneracy?

God posts like these are fucking annoying.

Sour is a flavor, that's fine.

I'd like some sort of substance, actually
also did candlejack get you or w

what exactly IS unhealthy about aspartame/sweetners?

I keep hearing everywhere they're just as bad or worse than sugar, and they very well might be, but I've never actually seen anyone attempt to explain why or how, other than that some stuff about it causing you to crave sugar more since it sort of tricks you into thinking you've had a sugar hit, which, aside from being subjective to one's willpower, isn't even dangerous and certainly doesn't make the sweetners themselves dangerous

>turns out theyre more fattening
Yeah thats not what happens at all

Drink a fruit smoothie or something dingus

Sometimes it tricks your body into producing more insulin than you need.

You didn't say you wanted something refreshing, you said tasty.

how can people stand to write overpoweringly shitty posts like this all the time?

You can only drink water, tea and coffee to stay healthy anything else is bad. It sucks but thats just the way it is

Then why even live? Healthy as fuck people drop dead all the time. I'll have what I want in moderation, fuck depriving myself

The human body evolves to crave sweet things because sweet things tended to have alot of calories, further mlre you never knew when youed get your next meal thus it was a survival advantage to stuff yourself ehile you had the chance. Back when humans where just hunter gatherers this could save your life. Your body thinks it will die if it dosn't gorge right now.

I just drink sparkling wine instead.