>Hasn't taken the dirt pill
Why aren't you eating dirt RIGHT NOW?
>Hasn't taken the dirt pill
Why aren't you eating dirt RIGHT NOW?
pfff nigga I prefer my diatoms fresh
that's a shit description
I don't go into lab and filter solutions through the dirt I could dig out of my yard.
It's actually more like silicia dust than dirt. We use it to kill mites but it'll kill anything with an exoskeleton really.
wouldn't you dry out or something from that?
I kek'd harder than I should've at this shit.
my grandma uses that shit against her garden pests I believe
wouldn't eat/10
>Not eating Tobacco Leaves
What are you a manchild?
Are you a bedbug?
There are much better things to do with DE, like stabilizing your nitroglycerine.
Are you a small arthropod? Do you have an exoskeleton that can be punctured?
Oooh, look at the organic gardner, everybody!
Now, go get your shine box, faggot.
I used that shit for killing bedbugs in my old apartment. Never heard of anyone putting it in their food.
is it activated though?
diatomaceous (they spelled it wrong) earth is just the shells of gorillions of tiny sea animals (diatoms)
t. took a marine bio class in high school
This is true
.t vaguely remember diatoms from general biology and just looked at the Wikipedia page
Why the fuck would you eat that? It would probably just do the same thing charcoal does and absorb chemicals so that you shit them out instead of absorbing them into your blood. the issue with that is that is only helpful if you have a tendency to consume poison, otherwise you'll be shitting out the chemicals that you need. You might be able to get some minerals out of it, though, i'm not sure what all those tiny shells are made of or if any of them will dissolve in stomach acid.
We use this in our pool filter.
I don't eat dirt because I'm not a two year old with a snot bubble
I use that shit to kill cockroaches why the fuck would someone eat that.
to kill the cockroaches of the soul
I don't think DE does anything for you, it's just dust to kill insects with
It's an anti-caking agent. Don't see how it could be healthy.
I use it for bedbugs. Doesn't seem to do much and just gets everywhere.
>$0.000005 mud cakes
>$19.95 0.5oz "natural mineral earth"
>$19.95 0.5oz
The fuck are you smoking?
This stuff is white so it's superior
Don`t bully spider-anons!
chalk>diatoms, same shit but crunchy
Enjoy your silicosis, nigger.
>Like a chocolate milkshake, only crunchy!
Yep, the fucking jews are now telling us we have to eat dirt to accommodate for all the millions of filthy shitskins in the world.
Commonly used to kill bedbugs
How does it kill insects?
I drink it in a golden latte
>see tumeric tea/golden tea/tumeric latte
It's basically microscopic pieces of glass
So it cuts them up
Why doesn't it cut up animals?
You a cop?
DE gets into the spaces between insects and arthropod shells/exoskeletons/carapaces/whatever, and into the soft, gooey inbetweeny parts. IIRC it dries them up and they die.
A lot of exterminators use similar agents, like silicate dusts, against communal insects like wasps and hornets. It's super effective because they'll track it into the hive, spread it on their buddies, and then they all die of super dehydration.
I don't know if it cuts up or abrades insect flesh (it might) but the reason why it doesn't do the same to larger animals is because the dust is way too fine to do so. It's not nearly gritty enough- but, if you're, say, the size of a bee or a cockroach, it's small enough to work into the spaces between your exoskeleton but large enough to cause problems.
It saps those communist insects of their precious bodily fluids.
Yeah nigga, it's only 9.99 a pound.
Only a little more than rib eye steaks, so eat yo dirt nigga!
What's to stop you from buying the DE at pool stores?