What should my diet be if I want to look like this?
What should my diet be if I want to look like this?
Chickpeas, lentils, and underage girls, just muhammad taught
Go vegan for life.
Depends. The path to super low fat muscular body is usually through multiple different diets depending on how far along you are. Or sterons
Halal meat and goat fucking.
steroids and hgh
Go ask the homos at boards.Veeky Forums.org/fit
The homos on Veeky Forums only eat for pleasure
Ok. What should I be eating to look like The Guy on the right end?
a fish eye that makes your upper body look bigger, and a filter to enhance vascular and definition mostly
you realize that niggas arm is about 2/3 the mass of his waist?
camera tricks nigga
Of course we know the cameras distorted look how big and stupid his nose looks
Fried foods sugary foods fatty foods beer whiskey steaks
Eat clen
Tren hard
Anevar give up
Well personally for my bulk it's the McChicken
Mostly semen, some horsemeat.
Bear semen
He's just ugly, don't be so harsh.
>What should my diet be if I want to look like this?
Go to Veeky Forums and read the stickies.
Wanna look like a sandnigger?
Eat hummus, lambturd, kebab, fermented yougurt
Medium-high amount of roids, about 4k calories, about 200 grams of protons. Don't forget to lift once in a while also
Do you know what The Rock eats?
He has right meals a day. And every single one is boiled chicken with rice, white fish with rice, or a salad with a tiny amount of vinegrette.
Enjoy planning your days this way.
You can get ripped on McChickens of you want, the key is counting your macros and/or roids
no wonder he wears the vest to the ring
Four dozen eggs a day while bulking.
Five dozen eggs a day to maintain.
It's a shit state of affairs when a meathead board like Veeky Forums has better diet and nutrition information than here.
Veeky Forums needs a a sticky.
Test/tren/mast then just diet down
One with lots of iron
it's never going to happen you turbo fag
go back to your containment board
2 quarts of goat semen a day.
I'm always amused at how much butthurt fags like you can get at the mention of Veeky Forums needing a sticky.
500 McChickens a day!
dont hinder the jinder
^ هذه
You should consume more self-confidence and intelligence if you desire to look like that.