can you legitimately fillet a fish?
Can you legitimately fillet a fish?
I can't imagine how you'd illegitimately fillet a fish.
i can fillet a fish
i dont know if my technique is legitimate
by making a mess out of it
no, but I can tuna piano
No in Australia we don't fillet fish
Use a bastard sword.
+1 internets
Been some years but I probably still can.
No but I can go to McDonald's and get a Filet o' Fish, the second best fast food sandwich. .
Nice repeated digits, brother.
put me calling you a faggot in the screencap you faggot
>fast food connoisseur
kek is a cruel entity
those digits dont lie
Put me in the screencap.
How much did McDonalds pay Hiro for this get?
>second best
He's acknowledging the Double McFish as the top dog.
My first couple walleye were pretty fucked, but now I'm decent at it. I'll even cut out the cheek meat if it's a big enough catch.
That being said, you can't fillet every fish the same way.
Filleting a fish isn't hard, you just have to be careful to avoid accidentally sticking or cutting yourself with some species of salt water fish. Fish scalers disease is a bitch.
the real question is can you fellate a fish heyooo
Get sharp, thin knife, rest is easy.
i catch and dress probably 200 fish a summer. The commercial kitchen method works fine for uniformly sized farm raised tilapia but there's no substitute for knowing the anatomy of each fish. I also hate wasting fish - err on the side of getting more meat than having uniform fillets that look pretty on a plate.
Haven't done it since I was a kid but it's literally something that a kid learns in a minute.
>fillet a fish
Is that OC user? What fish is that?
Yeah why bother cutting a fillet you can always just serve it whole
>pic related
because I live in a single room apartment with only a little tiny pot for cooking
is that a barra? and yes but i have trouble with john dory
Looks like 2 bluegills on the right of the second pic down, and then two rock bass.
INCLUDE ME IN THE SCRAP (screenshot + cap in one word)
'clude 'e 'n 'he 'eencap
kys with kindness
What does Veeky Forums call their dubs? I need to add this get to my archive.
>using a western fillet knife for Japanese filleting technique
I bet you pronounce the "t" too, don't you? Freak.
for me it's the filet o' fish, the second best fast food sandwich
Veeky Forums couldn't even clean sardines' innards.
Grew up going to cabins and fishing so yes. Still not as clean of a fillet as I'd like but I can manage.
if you reverse image you can bring your disgust to the source, I'd do it
Praise KEK!
We call those repeating digits sexts.
thanks, user
What's the deal with this meme of not gutting a fish before filleting it?
kys weeb pedo scum
No, but I can Filet o' Fish
just postin to be in the 'cap.
Jesus kek is merciful
Praise Kek
Kek has blessed you.
When I caught fish the only thing I would do is fillet them, and simply avoid catching the kinds of fish which aren't good for fillet.
It's been over a decade and honestly I don't remember how it went very well. The thought of gutting and filleting live fish with very very sharp knives like I used to sounds gross and foreign to me now. Funny how that works.
>They haven't eaten the vastly superior Deep Sea Double
I can't fillet a fish but a fish can fellate me
>how do people keep getting all these diseases on their dicks
>oh right
>No but I can go to McDonald's and get a Filet o' Fish, the second best fast food sandwich. .
Isn't that made from that bottom feeding fish that eats trash?
Let me in the screencap
I hate this newfag bullshit.
>screencap me pls while I fuck my own ass and eat my own shit bloo blaah mama doo doo caaa caa!!!!
>Filleting a tilapia
Dredge that fucker whole in cornmeal and throw him in cast iron skillet full of lard.
'mirin those digits senpai.
WTF the Filet o' Fish is now my second favorite fast food sandwich.
I distinctly remember filleting a fish but can't place why or where.
>digits are still a thing
you guys are adorable